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标准粒子群算法通过线性减小惯性权重系数来调整寻优性能,但缺乏智能化机制易导致算法后期产生早熟或陷入局部最优而产生僵局。针对这一问题,提出一种基于云模型改进惯性权重的混沌交替粒子群优化算法。根据粒子迭代变化关系,采用云模型理论对惯性权重ω进行智能化调整,以平衡其全局和局部搜索能力,防止算法产生局部僵局;另外,判定粒子稳定性,对于可能陷入局部僵局的稳定粒子进行混沌扰动,促使其跳出僵局进而向最优位置更新。实验与分析表明,基于云模型改进惯性权重的混沌交替粒子群优化算法能够跳出局部僵局且具有较高的寻优精度,算法接近完全收敛时的平均迭代次数,较现有相关研究分别降低了13.73%~20.11%。  相似文献   
为了量化分析作战同步问题,提出多作战单元协同作战复杂网络模型,在此基础上,应用复杂网络同步理论,重点从作战单元动力学行为和网络拓扑结构两个方面对作战同步的内在机理进行分析。针对不同的作战情形,设计了静态同步和动态同步两种网络,并分别应用离散粒子群算法对网络结构进行优化。对网络抗毁性的仿真实验表明两型网络对随机攻击和恶意攻击均具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
建立了多无人机协同侦察任务规划模型,在考虑侦察时间间隔约束和目标载荷需求基础上,给出了位于不同基地的无人机优化部署和调度策略,并提出了基于多Agent的优化搜索仿真算法,利用Matlab实现了无人机优化配置和任务规划模型,得出了无人机优化配置和任务规划方案,最后分析了模型算法存在的某些不足,提出了模型改进的方向。  相似文献   
Considering a supply chain with a supplier subject to yield uncertainty selling to a retailer facing stochastic demand, we find that commonly studied classical coordination contracts fail to coordinate both the supplier's production and the retailer's procurement decisions and achieve efficient performance. First, we study the vendor managed inventory (VMI) partnership. We find that a consignment VMI partnership coupled with a production cost subsidy achieves perfect coordination and a win‐win outcome; it is simple to implement and arbitrarily allocates total channel profit. The production cost subsidy optimally chosen through Nash bargaining analysis depends on the bargaining power of the supplier and the retailer. Further, motivated by the practice that sometimes the retailer and the supplier can arrange a “late order,” we also analyze the behavior of an advance‐purchase discount (APD) contract. We find that an APD with a revenue sharing contract can efficiently coordinate the supply chain as well as achieve flexible profit allocation. Finally, we explore which coordination contract works better for the supplier vs. the retailer. It is interesting to observe that Nash bargaining solutions for the two coordination contracts are equivalent. We further provide recommendations on the applications of these contracts. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 305–319, 2016  相似文献   
In networks, there are often more than one sources of capacity. The capacities can be permanently or temporarily owned by the decision maker. Depending on the nature of sources, we identify the permanent capacity, spot market capacity, and contract capacity. We use a scenario tree to model the uncertainty, and build a multi‐stage stochastic integer program that can incorporate multiple sources and multiple types of capacities in a general network. We propose two solution methodologies for the problem. Firstly, we design an asymptotically convergent approximation algorithm. Secondly, we design a cutting plane algorithm based on Benders decomposition to find tight bounds for the problem. The numerical experiments show superb performance of the proposed algorithms compared with commercial software. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 600–614, 2017  相似文献   
There are n customers that need to be served. Customer i will only wait in queue for an exponentially distributed time with rate λi before departing the system. The service time of customer i has distribution Fi, and on completion of service of customer i a positive reward ri is earned. There is a single server and the problem is to choose, after each service completion, which currently in queue customer to serve next so as to maximize the expected total return. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 659–663, 2015  相似文献   
在考虑军需备件需求和战损件修复不确定性的条件下,研究了战场上军需备件供应优化问题,建立了优化问题的数学模型,证明了模型的凸函数特性,给出了模型的最优解析解计算方法.  相似文献   
以舰艇防空作战目标选择决策和规划需求为背景,针对萤火虫算法求解精度不高且收敛速度较慢的问题,提出可动态调整步长的改进萤火虫优化算法。在改进萤火虫优化算法的基础上,建立基于改进萤火虫优化算法的BP神经网络目标群威胁判断结构模型。通过改进萤火虫算法优化BP神经网络的初始权值和阈值,能够更好地预测测试集。实验结果表明,该方法可快速、准确地实现目标群威胁判断。  相似文献   
为了探索提高协同空战攻击决策算法性能的途径,将多子群粒子群优化理论用于求解协同空战攻击决策,利用生命周期粒子群模型( LCPSO),提出了一种生命周期离散粒子群( LCDPSO)协同空战攻击决策算法。基于典型空战想定背景,仿真验证了算法的有效性。通过统计实验的方法,分析比较了LCDPSO协同空战攻击决策算法与多种智能决策算法的准确性、可靠性和快速性,研究结果证明LCDPSO协同空战攻击决策算法优良的综合性能。  相似文献   
轨迹优化是飞行器总体优化设计中的重要组成部分,它贯穿于飞行器的整个设计过程。高超声速助推-滑翔导弹的弹道优化问题涉及攻角、法向过载、最大动压等多种约束条件,是一种复杂的最优控制问题。序列二次规划法(SQP)是解决该类问题行之有效的数值优化方法。本文利用SQP算法对助推-滑翔导弹助推段进行弹道优化,为这一高超声速飞行器的整体结构设计提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   
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