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基于气浮十字梁实验系统的纵向模型,设计了基于跟踪-微分器的非线性PID控制律,加入补偿器克服跟踪-微分器产生的相位延迟,通过与普通PID控制律进行数学仿真和实物实验的比较,验证了所设计的控制算法鲁棒性好而且对噪声有良好的滤波作用,为深入探讨气动-质量矩复合控制奠定了基础。  相似文献   
通过对小型单相同步发电机普通无刷励磁系统原理说明、存在问题分析,提出了一种电流互感器式复励式励磁系统方案。通过实验仿真结果表明,电流互感器式复励式励磁系统能够提高同步发电机响应速度,改善电机瞬态电压调整率动态性能指标,解决了小型单相同步发电机普通无刷励磁系统存在的问题。  相似文献   
大气层内燃气动力与气动力复合控制方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对采用燃气动力(直接力)与气动力复合控制技术的控制方式、姿控发动机控制周期、点火逻辑及姿控发动机启控策略等进行了初步探讨。重点对采用燃气动力/气动力复合控制方式中舵系统的工作模式进行了探讨及仿真研究,对姿控发动机控制周期及控制回路工作周期对制导精度的影响进行了初步仿真研究。通过仿真研究表明:在末制导阶段,采用燃气动力/气动力复合控制方式可提高导弹的快速性,进而提高导弹的制导控制精度。  相似文献   
针对陆空联合作战中火力协同方案制订、验证手段方法的不足,采用计算机仿真的方法,从安全防误伤的角度对陆空火力协同方案进行了仿真推演评估。分析了功能需求和体系结构,建立了武器装备运动轨迹模型和陆空火力协同安全性判别模型,研究了仿真时钟推进机制和提高仿真速度的方法,设计了陆空火力协同仿真推演验证系统。作战演习应用表明:该系统仿真推演验证快速、准确、便捷、有效。  相似文献   
本文阐述了表面工程的内容、形成及其作用,并探讨了表面工程学科体系和今后的发展方向.  相似文献   
理查德·科语段分析法尝试用一种功能类似句子语法的段落语法,来分析构成段落语篇的句子群。对段落进行定义性描述。科(Richard M Coe)综合了前人的研究成果,把段落句子群之间的关系划分为从属、并列和上下义三个概括性层次,提出了可以描述各种语段结构的克氏平面段落分析方法。克氏语段分析法对于阅读和英语写作教学具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
基于协作负载的指挥关系描述与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分布的网络环境下,战场的快速反应需要在分布作战单元间建立一种指挥关系自同步的机制,以实现对战场作战力量的快速构建与重组.在这一指导思想下,基于文献中关于协作与负载的定义,给出了基于协作与负载的指挥关系描述,提出了基于协作与负载的指挥关系设计内容与目标.  相似文献   
We consider a supply chain in which a retailer faces a stochastic demand, incurs backorder and inventory holding costs and uses a periodic review system to place orders from a manufacturer. The manufacturer must fill the entire order. The manufacturer incurs costs of overtime and undertime if the order deviates from the planned production capacity. We determine the optimal capacity for the manufacturer in case there is no coordination with the retailer as well as in case there is full coordination with the retailer. When there is no coordination the optimal capacity for the manufacturer is found by solving a newsvendor problem. When there is coordination, we present a dynamic programming formulation and establish that the optimal ordering policy for the retailer is characterized by two parameters. The optimal coordinated capacity for the manufacturer can then be obtained by solving a nonlinear programming problem. We present an efficient exact algorithm and a heuristic algorithm for computing the manufacturer's capacity. We discuss the impact of coordination on the supply chain cost as well as on the manufacturer's capacity. We also identify the situations in which coordination is most beneficial. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
We consider a multi‐stage inventory system composed of a single warehouse that receives a single product from a single supplier and replenishes the inventory of n retailers through direct shipments. Fixed costs are incurred for each truck dispatched and all trucks have the same capacity limit. Costs are stationary, or more generally monotone as in Lippman (Management Sci 16, 1969, 118–138). Demands for the n retailers over a planning horizon of T periods are given. The objective is to find the shipment quantities over the planning horizon to satisfy all demands at minimum system‐wide inventory and transportation costs without backlogging. Using the structural properties of optimal solutions, we develop (1) an O(T2) algorithm for the single‐stage dynamic lot sizing problem; (2) an O(T3) algorithm for the case of a single‐warehouse single‐retailer system; and (3) a nested shortest‐path algorithm for the single‐warehouse multi‐retailer problem that runs in polynomial time for a given number of retailers. To overcome the computational burden when the number of retailers is large, we propose aggregated and disaggregated Lagrangian decomposition methods that make use of the structural properties and the efficient single‐stage algorithm. Computational experiments show the effectiveness of these algorithms and the gains associated with coordinated versus decentralized systems. Finally, we show that the decentralized solution is asymptotically optimal. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
在非传统安全威胁不断增多的情况下,公安边防部队维护边疆社会治安和政治大局稳定的职能作用更加凸现。针对公安边防部队点多、线长、面广的特点和毗邻省区结合部管理防范相对薄弱的实际,研究探索新形势下加强毗邻跨域警务协同、联手固边的工作机制,形成无缝链接——“全国边防一盘棋”的整体战略,全面提升公安边防部队战斗力,具有极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
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