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纵观新民主主义革命时期的根据地创建,总结了不同时期和不同地方革命根据地经济建设的共同特点,探析了党在根据地时期经济建设的经验和对我国现阶段经济建设的启示。  相似文献   
This article examines Poland's national potential and its international position within the European Union (EU) with respect to security issues. It presents research results based on a comparison of Poland's national potential as it relates to other EU countries, which is useful when evaluating Poland's power within the EU. The article also evaluates Poland's crisis potential, i.e. it identifies those factors that may potentially be treated as threats to national and regional security. Finally, it enables the identification of challenges to Poland's security in the second decade of the twenty-first century. The research is conducted according to a multidimensional comparative analysis, which is perceived by the author as the best available to measure a country's power despite its weaknesses.  相似文献   
从社会形态的更替和经济形态变化的角度 ,来说明我国法治精神的孕育及演进的过程 ,阐明了我国法治精神的演进分为古代的法治精神和现代法治精神两个阶段 ,并论证了市场经济是现代法治精神的深厚的经济基础。  相似文献   
《白马篇》全诗以“忠勇”二字为线索,用赋的手法,热情赞颂边塞英雄少年高超的武艺,昂扬的斗志和为国捐躯、视死如归的英雄气概,表达了诗人为国建功立业的雄心大志和忧国忘身的豪情壮志。既是我国古代诗坛风格独特的篇章,也是今天辉映千古的爱国绝唱。  相似文献   
针对集贸市场规模大、可燃物多、火灾荷载大、人员密集等特点,分析其火灾发生的原因,提出宏观管理控制、合理制定消防技术标准、建立统一的消防管理体制等消防工作对策.  相似文献   
经济快速增长时期旺盛的石油需求使中国石油进口及对外依存度不断上升,石油来源及进口安全成为保障经济安全的战略难题;中哈两国凭借资源、地缘优势和共同的利益需要,业已建立起牢固的互信关系和利益纽带,以中哈输油管道对接为契机的石油合作为我国石油安全战略和国家利益的实现提供了历史机遇,不但使我国石油来源及进口多元化有了坚实的基础和可靠的保证,从而掌握石油贸易全球化的主动权,而且可加快我国石油资源利用的市场化、国际化进程,为我国顺利完成工业化进程提供多元化的能源保障。  相似文献   
富国和强军是我国现代化建设的战略任务,是发展中国特色社会主义、实现中华民族伟大复兴的重要基石。从我党富国强军之路的探索及其引发的思考,分析了党对富国与强军、经济建设与国防建设这一重大战略思想的艰苦探索历程和理论创新轨迹,从一个侧面体现了我党对大党大国执政规律的清醒认识。  相似文献   
Pakistan with highest number of terrorism related deaths of any country over the past decade, the number exceeding the total terrorism related deaths for both the European and North American continents, provides an ideal laboratory to study impact of terrorism on the macroeconomy. Quasi-Structural VAR, Vector Error Correction Model, Impulse Response Functions and Granger-Causality tests on a sample that covers over 4500 terrorist incidents and consequent 10, 200 deaths [from 1973 to 2010] are employed to study the relationship between terrorism and the macroeconomy. One of the major advantages of the current methodology is that it not only enables one to circumvent the heterogeneity biases inherent in cross-country studies but it also allows distinguishing between short and long-run effects. It is documented that cumulatively terrorism has cost Pakistan around 33.02% of its real national income i.e. terrorism costs Pakistan around 1% of real GDP per capita growth every year.  相似文献   
Using annual data collected from 1988 to 2015, this study provides evidence of a non-linear relationship between military spending, economic growth and other growth determinants for the South African economy. The empirical study is based on estimates of a logistic smooth transition regression (LSTR) model and our empirical results point to an inverted U-shaped relationship between military spending and economic growth for the data. Furthermore, our empirical results suggest that the current levels of military spending, as a component of total government expenditure, are too high in the South African economy and need to be transferred towards more productive non-military expenditure in order to improve the performance of economic growth and other growth determinants.  相似文献   
江泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想是十六大报告的灵魂。作为教育工作者 ,贯彻“三个代表”重要思想 ,必须坚持科教兴国战略 ,努力传播时代文明 ,忠诚党的教育事业  相似文献   
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