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储运化学活泼性物质时易发生反应失控型火灾爆炸事故,其危险性随着容器的增大和储运时间的增长而增加.介绍一种储运容器中反应失控火灾爆炸事故危险性预测的方法,预测结果与实际情况具有良好的一致性,并对预防事故的冷却方法进行了实验研究.  相似文献   
介绍我国建筑材料燃烧性能分级的现状和未来的发展方向,提出引进欧盟的分级体系形成新的分级方法,并进行分析比较。  相似文献   
本文对渗碳气氛进行热力学及动力学分析,给出炉气各组分间反应速率的测试方法及测试数据。结果表明,渗碳气氛的独立反应数为4,自由度为3,甲烷的渗碳作用不可忽略,控制甲烷这一碳源有利于提高碳势控制精度.  相似文献   
Nano-sized aluminum(Nano-Al)powders hold promise in enhancing the total energy of explosives and the metal acceleration ability at the same time.However,the near-detonation zone effects of reaction between Nano-Al with detonation products remain unclear.In this study,the overall reaction process of 170 nm Al with RDX explosive and its effect on detonation characteristics,detonation reaction zone,and the metal acceleration ability were comprehensively investigated through a variety of experiments such as the detonation velocity test,detonation pressure test,explosive/window interface velocity test and confined plate push test using high-resolution laser interferometry.Lithium fluoride(LiF),which has an inert behavior during the explosion,was used as a control to compare the contribution of the reaction of aluminum.A thermochemical approach that took into account the reactivity of aluminum and ensuing detonation products was adopted to calculate the additional energy release by afterburn.Combining the numerical simulations based on the calculated afterburn energy and experimental results,the param-eters in the detonation equation of state describing the Nano-Al reaction characteristics were calibrated.This study found that when the 170 nm Al content is from 0%to 15%,every 5%increase of aluminum resulted in about a 1.3%decrease in detonation velocity.Manganin pressure gauge measurement showed no significant enhancement in detonation pressure.The detonation reaction time and reaction zone length of RDX/Al/wax/80/15/5 explosive is 64 ns and 0.47 mm,which is respectively 14%and 8%higher than that of RDX/wax/95/5 explosive(57 ns and 0.39 mm).Explosive/window interface velocity curves show that 170 nm Al mainly reacted with the RDX detonation products after the detonation front.For the recording time of about 10 μs throughout the plate push test duration,the maximum plate velocity and plate acceleration time accelerated by RDX/Al/wax/80/15/5 explosive is 12%and 2.9 μs higher than that of RDX/LiF/wax/80/15/5,respectively,indicating that the aluminum reaction energy significantly increased the metal acceleration time and ability of the explosive.Numerical simulations with JWLM explosive equation of state show that when the detonation products expanded to 2 times the initial volume,over 80%of the aluminum had reacted,implying very high reactivity.These results are significant in attaining a clear understanding of the reaction mechanism of Nano-Al in the development of aluminized explosives.  相似文献   
研究化学反应中一类多分子一级饱和反应的数学模型应用微分方程定性理论,研究了该系统极限环的存在性、不存在性和唯一性问题。  相似文献   
对舰炮火控系统中反应时间和系统精度之间的关系做了简要的介绍,并论述了舰炮火控系统中时间和精度之间复杂的关系,通过分析采样点数和误差之间的关系,结合采样点数和系统反应时间之间的联系以及误差与系统精度之间的联系,引出反应时间与精度之间的某种关系,最后对从接收目标指示到给出射击诸元这个过程的各个时间段与其相对应的精度之间的关系进行计算机仿真。  相似文献   
社会情绪源于社会矛盾,也对社会矛盾产生反作用。社会情绪分为积极社会情绪和消极社会情绪,消极社会情绪以两种方式反作用于社会,造成极大的负面作用,目前迫切需要建立起多层次、全方位的社会情绪疏导机制,实现消极社会情绪向积极社会情绪的转变,推动整个社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   
高速核入射到高温热平衡等离子体背景中,由于入射核动能远大于背景等离体中带电粒子之平均动能,入射核在与背景等离子体达到热平衡之前,会存在一段逐渐损失能量的非平衡弛豫过程。本文以高速氘核入射到高温氘化锂等离子体为例,在计及氘核的这种非平衡弛豫过程时,给出了一种计算热核反应D(t,n)~4He之反应率参数的方法。氘核在弛豫过程中的能量损失考虑了氘核与各种带电粒子的库仑散射过程,其能量损失率采用快速带电粒子的慢化理论来计算;氘与背景等离子体中的原子核发生的核反应过程,考虑了非平衡状态下束靶机制的D(t,n)~4He反应和热平衡状态下的D(t.n)~4He反应。在暂未考虑核散射的情况下,计算结果表明,当等离子体温度在7.5KeV~20KeV范围内变化时,氘核的非平衡弛豫过程对热平衡状态下D(t,n)~4He反应率参数的修正因子大致在1.0062~1.0943范围内变动,且温度越高,修正因子越小。计算还表明,当温度一定时,修正因子随等离子体中粒子的数密度变化不明显。  相似文献   
采用低分子量固态聚碳硅烷和乙酰丙酮铝为原料,利用Si-H与乙酰丙酮铝之间的交联反应合成适于熔融纺丝的聚铝碳硅烷。研究了反应条件对产物数均分子量、软化点和组成结构的影响及交联反应程度与可纺性之间的关系。实验结果表明:随着反应温度的升高和反应时间的延长,反应程度提高,残余乙酰丙酮基减少,Si-O-Al交联支化结构增多,分子量和软化点增大,可纺性随之下降。当乙酰丙酮铝投料比为8%时,在370℃下反应4~6 h,可得到软化点为206~221℃,Al wt%=0.68%,具有良好可纺性的聚铝碳硅烷。  相似文献   
火控系统射击(函数)误差可分解为射弹散布函数误差和火控射击准备函数误差。而射击准备函数则是命中三要素函数即瞄准函数、解算函数和控制函数的合成函数。命中三要素的提出,为火控系统射击误差(精度)的分析提供了新的途径。它们均是命中目标的关键要素,又各具特色,为火控系统射击精度乃至系统反应速度的提高,指出了应该努力的方向。针对此进行了具体的分析。  相似文献   
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