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全球化对中国民族文化的发展将产生重大而深远的影响。本文重新探讨了全球化背景下,在西方强势文化的冲击下,中国民族文化整合的特点;以及在全球化背景下中国民族文化的发展、创新与重建的有关理论问题,提出了民族文化创新是主动回应文化全球化,实现中国民族文化走向世界的关键所在。  相似文献   
校园文化是建设一流院校的重要支撑,是培养合格人才的强大动力。在武警工程学院独具特色的“铸盾文化”建设中,行政管理工作要为培养忠诚卫士给力,供应保障工作要为服务师生成才给力,基建营房工作要为打造“铸盾”环境给力。  相似文献   
古代《孙子兵法》要求为将之道必须具备“智”、“信”、“仁”、“勇”、“严”五德要素。新时期部队指挥员应当借鉴历史经验,努力提高自身素质修养,大力培育部队优良战斗作风,为履行新使命、新职责打下坚实基础。  相似文献   
大学文化是大学经过长期办学实践所形成的精神内核与特色气质。军队院校重视特色大学文化的培植与构建,具有给军队院校发展提供价值追求、提升大学的办学特色和声誉等多元功能。军队院校的大学文化的构建,应以行为载体作为核心。  相似文献   
面对"90后"大学生,用红色文化占领舆论高地,有利于增强思想政治教育的实效性,有利于培养正确的人生观、价值观,有利于传承优良革命传统,有利于激发强烈爱国情感,有利于发扬艰苦奋斗作风,从而消解潜在矛盾。  相似文献   
我国传统文化走向世界需要通过翻译克服“语言的障碍”,翻译时却面临文化差异带来的理解上的困难。为解决这一问题,本文提出翻译的三大策略:求同策略,即使用详细的注释沟通文化差异;存异策略,即使用外语词汇组合或派生出合适的新词区别类似的概念;融合策略,即在外语中增加汉语的拼音词并加以注释,使汉语渗透到外语中去。  相似文献   
党的十六大报告把发展社会主义文化,建设社会主义精神文明,确定为全面建设小康社会的一个重要目标,体现了我们党对文化建设的高度重视。要深刻认识文化建设的战略意义。牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向,用“三个代表”重要思想统领社会主义文化建设。  相似文献   
In the South China Sea, China neither implements power-maximizing policy nor engages a peaceful approach. Instead, China implements both coercion and cooperation in pursuing its strategic interest in the disputed area. How can we explain China’s paradoxical behavior? This article claims that the best way to explain China’s policy in the South China Sea is to understand the character of dualism in China’s strategic culture. Following constructivist theory that stresses culture, this article argues that Chinese duality approach in the South China Sea is rooted in the philosophy of Daoism. The symbol of Yin-Yang depicts Chinese assertive as well as cooperative behavior in dealing with the South China Sea dispute. Although from a normative perspective Daoism recognizes pacifism and non-violent behavior, the most important feature of Daoism is the assumption that reality consists of two opposing elements that are mutually embedded.  相似文献   
The possibility for Croatia to obtain new fighter aircraft is not new, as this option has been publicly debated for at least a decade. A sudden decision to advance the acquisition of a limited number of fighter aircraft was made in 2017 with an international tendering process concluding in early 2018. Through open source material, this paper will look at this procurement process by examining the relationship between policy and strategic thinking on the one side, and policy delivery on the other, and evaluate why the tendering process failed in achieving envisaged results. The paper concludes that the problems facing the Croatian aircraft acquisition process stem from at least two interrelated factors: firstly, at the operational level, the failure of the procurement was the direct result of mismanaged tendering procedures linked to the wider public administration reform process; and secondly, at the strategic level, inherently complex civil-military relations and related cultural aspects which have not been adequately addressed over the past decades. The result was a failure to deliver on government policy, something which this paper argues will need to be addressed over the medium to long term.  相似文献   
中西方文化差异及其对科学技术发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在综述中西方文化产生的不同自然环境、不同文明模式和不同人格结构的基础上 ,比较了这种文化差异对于思考顺序、判断模式、发问模式以及思维过程的影响 ,阐述了科学精神及其意义以及科学对技术和生产力发展的决定性作用。指出以经济方式的变革为基础 ,结合思想启蒙和激励机制 ,确立真理的至上性、理性的权威性和学术的独立性 ,弘扬科学的怀疑精神、批判精神和实证精神 ,在中华民族中全面而深入地普及科学态度、科学方法和科学精神是中国科学得以繁荣与发展的关键所在  相似文献   
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