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延安时期,中国共产党在农村文化建设方面创造了辉煌业绩,积累了大量宝贵经验,主要体现在:中国共产党的高度文化自觉和有力领导;突出农民的文化建设主体地位,引导农民自我表现、自我教育、自我服务;坚持“三贴近”原则,紧贴农村实际、农民生活和农民群众办文化,等等。回顾并总结延安时期农村文化建设的基本经验,无疑具有重要的现实指导意义。  相似文献   
以《武警年鉴》原始资料为基础,从三个阶段简述武警部队“忠诚卫士文化”建设的历程:以武警部队重新组建为标志,忠诚卫士文化建设进入自发发展时期;以“中国武警十大忠诚卫士”评选为标志,忠诚卫士文化建设进入迅速发展时期;以《武警部队先进军事文化建设纲要》颁发为标志,忠诚卫士文化建设进入有意识地打造品牌的时期。  相似文献   
《英语诗歌》作为国内普通高校英语专业的专业选修课程,其课堂教学方式一直以传统的讲授为主。本文从认知诗学的视角,以著名的英语诗人叶芝为例,探讨《英语诗歌》课程教学中形式诗学与文化诗学方式方法的结合,在学科建设、课程设置和课堂教学等方面提出建议和参考。  相似文献   
Impressive investment and growth figures and commercial write-ups enthusing about ‘Africa rising up’, ‘the continent of the future’, and so on, obscure the poverty, illiteracy, poor health and other hardships afflicting the vast majority of African people. Why has massive so-called development and technical ‘aid’ not created the expected dynamic, autonomous economic progress? A blind eye is delicately being turned to the decisive role of people – more specifically, the cultural element. Notwithstanding good intentions, outsiders seeking to promote development assume that black Africans think and act like they only need more education, training and finance in order to ‘catch up’. Outsiders easily forget that since time immemorial, Africans have developed and cherished worldviews and cultures of their own. While these are by no means immutable and do adapt to changing needs and outside influences, Africans refuse to cast off overnight the heritage that makes them the people they are. This paper examines the impact of witchcraft as an integral feature of traditional culture on African existence, notably community life, religion, politics, the law, and economic practice. It stresses the significance of traditional society's powerful egalitarian impulses as well as its profound conviction that all things – goods, wealth, well-being and life force – are in a strictly limited supply that cannot be increased, but can only be redistributed by force or through magical manipulation. While modern life gradually weakens the influence of witchcraft beliefs – in Europe these flourished well into the 18th century – the exasperation associated with Africa's headlong urbanisation actually bolsters these beliefs.  相似文献   
文学的严肃性和艺术性决定了不能认为“戏说”之作是文学手法的创新 ,文学创作应遵循一定的“度” :宣扬人性之美 ,尊重历史传统 ,坚守文化立场。  相似文献   
以马克思主义文化观为指导,在对校园文化建设进行科学规划和实施的过程中,必须首先确立校园文化建设的主题。校园文化建设的主题要反映学校自身的发展需要,也要表现学校自身的精神追求,还要呈现学校自身的文化特点。华山中学的校园文化建设紧紧围绕这三个方面进行构思,提出了"胡杨文化"和"胡杨精神"的概念,将其作为校园文化建设的主题目标,据此展开了一系列的文化设计和表达,并对"兵团精神"做出了独特诠释,使校园文化建设落到了实处,特色鲜明,效果显著。  相似文献   
Wars have long been fought with a firm focus upon armies' domestic contexts. These socio-political foundations have underpinned decisions regarding embarking upon war as well the conduct of war itself. Of particular importance among liberal democracies is the emphasis which is now placed upon force protection; broadly conceived as the range of measures employed to ensure the protection of servicemen and women on operations. Decisions surrounding protective equipment, deployed locations and wartime activities all face detailed scrutiny in contemporary operating environments. The attitudes of the government, the military and the civilian population combine to create a complex and dynamic backdrop of harmony and tension to this most sensitive characteristic of modern wars.  相似文献   
全球化对中国民族文化的发展将产生重大而深远的影响。本文重新探讨了全球化背景下,在西方强势文化的冲击下,中国民族文化整合的特点;以及在全球化背景下中国民族文化的发展、创新与重建的有关理论问题,提出了民族文化创新是主动回应文化全球化,实现中国民族文化走向世界的关键所在。  相似文献   
校园文化是建设一流院校的重要支撑,是培养合格人才的强大动力。在武警工程学院独具特色的“铸盾文化”建设中,行政管理工作要为培养忠诚卫士给力,供应保障工作要为服务师生成才给力,基建营房工作要为打造“铸盾”环境给力。  相似文献   
古代《孙子兵法》要求为将之道必须具备“智”、“信”、“仁”、“勇”、“严”五德要素。新时期部队指挥员应当借鉴历史经验,努力提高自身素质修养,大力培育部队优良战斗作风,为履行新使命、新职责打下坚实基础。  相似文献   
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