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屈原的人生观是以立志成名、追求理想、进德修业、乐观向上为主要特征的 ,表现出了胸襟宽阔、锐意进取、昂扬奋发的气概。它能够使人从中获得极大的精神鼓舞和深刻的人生启迪  相似文献   
随着武警部队编制体制的不断调整,士官教员逐步成为院校人才教育的重要组成部分。武警院校应发挥士官教育的优势,不断健全士官教员的培养机制、科学合理的管理模式,使士官教员成为新型军事人才培养的有力推手和有益补充,进一步科学提升武警院校学员满足第一任职的需求及院校教育的发展。  相似文献   
从舆论战和网络舆论战的概念和特点出发,阐述了心理学在网络舆论战中的重要作用。综合心理学理论和舆论传播理论分析了网络舆论形成的心理机制,得出了网络舆论是通过个体心理和群体心理两个阶段而形成的结论。根据这个结论,提出了网络舆论引导的具体策略。即在个体层面上,通过操纵信息来影响人的认知;在群体层面上,通过塑造引导者主体的可信性和喜爱性,以及网络技术手段来增强舆论引导的效果。最后,指出了网络舆论战的发展前景在于充分考虑受众的心理,有针对性地进行舆论引导。  相似文献   
中国经济结构的转型升级对“复合型优质人才”提出了更高的要求,为增强高等教育对社会的吸引力与竞争力,立足于优质复合型人才的培养,本文结合喀什大学生命与地理科学学院产学研合作模式下的“嵌入式”校企合作项目,结合生物技术专业校企嵌入式教学的特点,就现代教学中存在的问题、校企嵌入式下的实训基地建设内容、建设成效等方面进行阐述。探索出了一种基于工科专业实践教学的嵌入式复合型优质人才的培养方法。更好的实现学校、学生、企业和社会的“多赢”局面,让嵌入式复合型优质人才满足行业的需求,促进社会的发展和进步。  相似文献   
Australian defence strategy is disjointed and incomplete. Some would say that it is non-existent. Either way, this paper argues that Australia’s underwhelming approach to defence is the product of a crippling geographically focused strategic dichotomy, with the armed forces historically having been structured to venture afar as a small part of a large coalition force or, alternatively, to combat small regional threats across land, sea, and air. However, it is argued that Australia can no longer afford to drift between these two settings and must take measures to define a holistic “full spectrum defence” strategy and develop capability to fight effectively and independently across all domains of the twenty-first century-battlespace: land, sea, air, space, and the cyber realm.  相似文献   
Cyberspace is a new domain of operation, with its own characteristics. Cyber weapons differ qualitatively from kinetic ones: They generate effects by non-kinetic means through information, technology, and networks. Their properties, opportunities, and constraints are comparable to the qualitative difference between conventional and nuclear weapons. New weapons and their target sets in a new domain raise a series of unresolved policy challenges at the domestic, bilateral, and international levels about deterrence, attribution, and response. They also introduce new risks: uncertainty about unintended consequences, expectations of efficacy, and uncertainty about both the target’s and the international community’s response. Cyber operations offer considerable benefits for states to achieve strategic objectives both covertly and overtly. However, without a strategic framework to contain and possibly deter their use, make state and non-state behavior more predictable in the absence of reciprocal norms, and limit their impact, an environment where states face persistent attacks that nonetheless fall below the threshold of armed conflict presents a policy dilemma that reinforces collective insecurity.  相似文献   
创新兵种战术学研究生培养机制是为公安边防部队造就具备指挥作战及管理能力的高素质复合应用型人才的重要保证。在兵种战术学研究生的培养过程中应转变理念,推动兵种战术学研究生教育转型,把研究生培养成"理论水平高、实战能力强"的高层次应用型复合型人才。研究生教育必须以部队战斗力建设为指针,把边防部队对研究生培养的满意程度作为评价研究生教育质量的惟一标准。  相似文献   
“创新教育”是社会发展对教育提出的必然要求,创新教育的核心是创造性思维的培养。文章通过对创造性思维的涵义理解,结合分析创造性思维的特点和语文学科自身构成的元素,分别从语言教学、文艺教学和文章教学等三个方面论述了语文教学培养创造性思维的必然性。  相似文献   
通过分析美国空军核心价值观的内涵和培育,阐述其注重军人个人道德品质和品格培养,将核心价值观的理念渗透到日常工作和生活中,使之内化为个人习惯的特点。  相似文献   
兵团人才资源的流失与管理战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人才资源管理是现代企业的核心,是整体效益能够提高的关键,也是在未来竞争中取得优势的焦点。目前兵团人才资源的流失非常严重,如何有效管理人才资源,有效遏止人才流失是关系兵团经济可持续发展的重要工作。  相似文献   
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