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针对公众聚集场所、消防安全重点单位,探讨如何利用计算机网络及通信系统做好消防工作,并提出了计算机报警系统误报率、漏报率较高等问题的解决办法。  相似文献   
基于MGEKF的单站无源定位跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单站无源定位跟踪技术具有隐蔽性强、设备简单,系统相对独立等优点,有着广阔的应用前景.为了提高定位精度和收敛速度以满足实时化需求,在现有的基于多普勒变化率的单站无源定位算法的基础上.详细推导了基于MGEKF的定位算法以解决EKF算法的不稳定性,并通过计算机仿真比较了两种算法的性能,结果表明MGEKF定位算法提高了定位精度、收敛速度和稳定度,定位结果能够满足实际需求.  相似文献   
装备故障诊断和预测技术综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合故障诊断与预测技术的国内外研究现状,综述了故障诊断和预测的完整性认知模型,并以此对蓬勃发展的故障诊断和故障预测技术进行了分类与综合分析。同时针对故障的不确定性特征,对故障诊断和预测技术的性能要求、定量评价与验证方法进行了分析。最后,分别从实际应用及扩展的四个方面提出了故障诊断、预测,以及PHM技术未来发展的几个问题。  相似文献   
Instead of measuring a Wiener degradation or performance process at predetermined time points to track degradation or performance of a product for estimating its lifetime, we propose to obtain the first‐passage times of the process over certain nonfailure thresholds. Based on only these intermediate data, we obtain the uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator and uniformly most accurate confidence interval for the mean lifetime. For estimating the lifetime distribution function, we propose a modified maximum likelihood estimator and a new estimator and prove that, by increasing the sample size of the intermediate data, these estimators and the above‐mentioned estimator of the mean lifetime can achieve the same levels of accuracy as the estimators assuming one has failure times. Thus, our method of using only intermediate data is useful for highly reliable products when their failure times are difficult to obtain. Furthermore, we show that the proposed new estimator of the lifetime distribution function is more accurate than the standard and modified maximum likelihood estimators. We also obtain approximate confidence intervals for the lifetime distribution function and its percentiles. Finally, we use light‐emitting diodes as an example to illustrate our method and demonstrate how to validate the Wiener assumption during the testing. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
在现有格型矢量量化(LVQ)方法的基础上,通过对线谱对(LSP)参数进行精度预处理,使其数值更接近于格点从而减少量化失真。仿真实现了改进方法,并采用MELP算法中4级MSVQ方法作为对比。得到的结果表明,较之MSVQ,LVQ量化LSP参数的精度提升了约90%的同时,合成语音的谱失真(SD)降低了约2/3,客观评估得分和近似MOS分略有提高。  相似文献   
FAST特征提取算法阈值选取固定,因此不能满足不同图像的特征点抽取要求,并且提取的结果存在着多个特征点块的现象。针对这些缺陷,首先采用动态全局阈值对原始灰度图像进行初步提取得到候选特征点,然后采取动态局部阈值和非极大值抑制法进一步对候选特征点进行筛选,从而达到自适应选取阈值和抑制多个特征点块的目的。实验表明,改进后的算法稳定性高,对不同光照和对比度情况下有一定的适应能力,并且运算量相对比于其他一些特征提取算法要小得多,满足实时应用的要求。  相似文献   
介绍了一种在控制流的基础上利用故障状态机对JAVA空指针故障进行检测的方法。该方法利用变量区间来表示状态的前提条件,对程序中不可达路径进行处理,从而达到减少误报的目的。  相似文献   
采用干扰辨识的方法实现带活动部件三轴稳定卫星的高精度姿态控制问题.首先以扫描镜为例进行,分析扫描镜运动对卫星产生的等效干扰力矩;然后根据卫星控制系统的稳态输出数据,采用特征系统实现算法对扫描运动产生的干扰频率进行闭环辨识;最后在所辨识干扰频率的基础上,采用偶极子干扰抑制滤波器消除扫描镜运动干扰对卫星姿态的影响.仿真结果表明,所提出的方法能有效地克服活动部件运动产生的未知干扰对卫星姿态稳定度的影响,提高在轨运行卫星的姿态控制精度.  相似文献   
针对某型105 mm钨合金超速脱壳穿甲弹在射击试验时出现的弹体强度失效现象,使用有限元分析软件对其强度进行了分析计算。计算分两种工况:正常状态下的弹体应力应变分布和磨损身管条件下的弹体应力应变分布。根据计算结果,证实了弹体强度失效是由于火炮身管过度磨损的原因所致。  相似文献   
In a quest of search for a new burning rate modifier for composite propellant, strontium titanate (SrTiO3), a perovskite oxide has been chosen for evaluation in a composite propellant formulation based on its other catalytic applications. Initially, SrTiO3 was characterized for particle size, morphology and material/phase identification (using XRD). By varying SrTiO3 content in a standard composite propellant, different compositions were prepared and their performance and processing parameters like the end of mix (EOM) viscosity, mechanical properties, density, burning rate, pressure exponent (n-value), etc. were measured. The results reveal that 2% SrTiO3 causes more than 12% enhancement in propellant burning rate (at 70 ksc pressure) in comparison to the standard propellant composition. The pressure exponent also increases to 0.46, whereas the standard composition was having its value as 0.35.  相似文献   
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