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军校学报创新发展战略的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军校学报编辑部必须树立科学发展观,针对制约军校学报学术质量提高的各种因素,发挥主观能动性,积极采取有效措施,通过长期不懈地努力,促进军校学报学术质量的提高,促进特色栏目的发展,促进精品期刊的壮大,促进军事学术的繁荣。  相似文献   
WEB服务使得网络上跨平台操作以及由不同语言开发的应用程序相互之间进行操作成为可能,并具有高度的互操作性。WEB服务为基于构件开发提供了一个相对容易的方法来适应公开的网络标准。对于C++和JAVA这两种构件,提出了一个能够把不同语言开发的构件动态地转换为WEB服务的架构:当客户希望调用WEB服务器上的构件时,构件将在服务器端被动态地转换为WEB服务,然后WSDL文件的URI将被传送回客户,那么用户就可以像访问WEB服务一样,通过使用SOAP消息去访问网络上的构件而不用再去考虑构件原本的开发语言和开发平台。  相似文献   
Although Africa is host to the vast majority (and the most deadly) of conflicts in the world, it would appear that there is a distinct lack of genuine interest in African affairs shown by the UN Security Council and its key members. This paper proposes a 10-level scale of response system to measure the seriousness of the Council in dealing with conflicts. By comparing the Council response with the size and severity of each individual conflict, the scale attempts to assess the Council performance in the fulfilment of its duty to restore international peace and security. The results show that Africa has been (and remains) marginalized in the Council work.  相似文献   

This paper examines the generation of technological knowledge by leading companies in the defence industry. In particular, we test whether the characteristics of large defence companies are related to both the production of different types of patents (civilian, military and mixed), and the generation of dual-use technologies. To explore these links, we rely on economic data for the top 100 defence companies from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute database, and patent information from the Worldwide Patent Statistical Database. Our results show that the relationship between the production of civilian patents and the size of the company is positive and significant. However, this relationship does not hold for the production of military patents. Furthermore, the military commercial profile is unrelated to the generation of military patents. Regarding the involvement in dual-use technologies, firms engaged in dual-use are those with higher military sales, a greater number of employees and a larger number of patents (civilian, military and mixed) than those not engaged in dual-use. Furthermore, we found a skill effect (more involvement in dual-use per employee) in European firms compared to US firms. These findings help to identify which firms should be targeted by government policies if increasing dual-use technologies becomes a political objective.  相似文献   
针对需求开发过程中涉及到的系统以及各系统之间的关系,提出了需求开发的WRSPM五元素参考模型,对参考模型中元素和元素之间的关系进行了较明确的定义,做出对参考模型的形式化描述。比较分析了将WRSPM参考模型与功能文档描述模型(FDM),并得出了参考模型的特点。  相似文献   
The article concerns the strategy development processes of the South African Department of Defence in South Africa. It intends to identify the probable causes of the observed failure of the South African National Defence Force to develop appropriate departmental policy and military strategy. Military strategy comprises force development, force employment, force deployment and the coordination of these elements in pursuit of national, grand-strategic objectives. (See Dennis M. Drew and Donald M. Snow, Making Twenty-first Century Strategy: An Introduction to Modern National Security Processes and Problems Montgomery, AL: Air University Press, Maxwell Air Force Base, November 2006, 103). Of these four constructs, the article concerns itself only with the first two. The article analyses two complementary approaches to strategy formation: a resource-driven, inside-out model and an interests-driven, outside-in method. The article concludes that the Department is preoccupied with the inside-out method to the lasting detriment of the declared strategic intent of the defence policy.  相似文献   
I present a formal framework to explore the welfare and distributional effects of a government’s optimal choice over two types of public spending in a closed economy: domestic security (DS) and investment in social capital (SC). Production is characterized as a function of social and physical capital stocks that both vary across the regions. DS stands for total factor productivity, while SC stands for human capital and civic cooperativeness combined. SC accumulates via public spending on universal primary education, cultural, and civic events and such, and is exposed to regional spillover effects. Numerical simulations of the static solution of the government’s welfare maximization problem reveal that the optimal rate of spending on SC (m*) is negatively related with the income share of physical capital, SC spillovers and fiscal decentralization. Simulations also show that SC homogeneity is positively associated with both the level and equitability of aggregate income. The maximum attainable levels of income, welfare and social cohesion and the most equitable incomes are all observed to realize at some intermediate range of m* values. In case DS augments SC, however, social cohesion improves and welfare declines monotonously in m*.  相似文献   
针对防空导弹体系建模的复杂性,探讨研究防空导弹体系的Agent建模方法.提出了基于G/A矩阵的Agent建模方法步骤,通过分析角色之间的关系描述了Agent组织结构,给出了角色类和Agent类的统一定义,并建立了Agent结构框架和类实现模型,最后构建了基于FIPA规范的MAS综合集成框架.该方法的提出,为防空导弹体系的进一步建模提供了方法依据.  相似文献   
为加强公安边防部队基层党支部能力建设,必须着力提高基层党支部从政治上思想上建设部队、管边控边、强化自身建设、领导决策和依法办事的能力,在执勤执法和推进"爱民固边"中发挥战斗堡垒作用。  相似文献   
防空预警雷达阵地配置及其物元分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
防空预警雷达阵地配置是防空兵战前决策的重要内容。首先分析了影响和决定防空预警雷达阵地配置的战术因素、生存因素和地形因素,总结了防空预警雷达阵地配置的约束条件,然后依据整体探测效能最优的原则提出了防空预警雷达阵地配置的基本模型,探讨了通过调整约束参数来自动生成方案及控制方案数量的问题,最后运用物元分析法对配置方案的合理性进行了分析评判,并对配置方案进行排序,以辅助指挥员决策。  相似文献   
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