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在已有的单目标对空威胁评估的基础上,提出了一种针对区域防空的威胁度评估方法。利用直觉模糊集处理模糊信息的优势,可以较好地处理由于传感器探测误差导致的模糊态势,克服在雷达探测过程中出现的误差。在属性权重完全未知的情况下,综合考虑了区域内目标重要性、防空措施以及目标本身抗毁伤能力,推导了权重求取公式。列出了威胁评估值的求取步骤。经过运算,由算例1到t时间后算例2在评估结果上的变化,验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   
Lobbyists may not share the same interests, but they usually agree to form a link in a network which could eventually be used to spread information, to search for potential partners, to speak with one voice to decision makers. In other words, social links represent value for lobbyists because they may ultimately facilitate access. In this article, we explore the network of the Security and Defense lobbies in the EU and we describe its structure.  相似文献   
With the rapid pace of regional arms modernization and unresolved territorial disputes, Indonesia is increasingly susceptible to the impact of emerging great power rivalry in Asia-Pacific. Rather than pursuing a robust military build-up, Indonesian policy-makers assert that diplomacy is the country’s first line of defense. This article argues that defense diplomacy serves two agenda of Indonesia’s hedging strategy – strategic engagement and military modernization. This way, Indonesian defense and security officials seek to moderate the impact of geopolitical changes while maintaining the country’s defensive ability against regional uncertainties.  相似文献   
赵辉 《国防科技》2014,(2):84-86
导弹防御系统是美军重点发展的战略武器系统。C4ISR作为导弹防御系统体系中重要的通信指挥自动化系统,由于其自身存在着信息网闭塞与狭窄的缺点,制约着导弹防御系统的功能发挥。美军目前正在全力建设全球信息栅格,通过整合各种信息资源,构成一个可以共享"陆、海、空、天"多维信息的互连互通互操作网络,提升导弹防御系统的一体化信息交互,建成一个多层次、全方位、覆盖全球的导弹拦截系统。  相似文献   

We use the k-th-order nonparametric causality test at monthly frequency over the period of 1985:1 to 2016:06 to analyze whether geopolitical risks can predict movements in stock returns and volatility of 24 global defense firms. The nonparametric approach controls for the existing misspecification of a linear framework of causality, and hence, the mild evidence of causality obtained under the standard Granger tests cannot be relied upon. When we apply the nonparametric test, we find that there is no evidence of predictability of stock returns of these defense companies emanating from the geopolitical risk measure. However, the geopolitical risk index does predict realized volatility in 50% of the companies. Our results indicate that while global geopolitical events over a period of time is less likely to predict returns, such global risks are more inclined in affecting future risk profile of defense firms.  相似文献   
沙漠之狐军事行动特点及其思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过沙漠之狐行动过程综述,总结了此次军事行动呈现的特点。加强战区导弹攻防对抗深入研究,高度重视防御体系建设已成为当务之急。  相似文献   
军事行政法基本原则是军事行政法的核心范畴,如何界定其概念,构建其体系,并探讨其与普通行政法相区别的特有原则及其具体内容,在军事法学界一直未有权威性定论。因此,研究上述问题对于完善军事行政法学学科体系及其内容无疑具有重要的理论意义。  相似文献   
潜艇高空磁场一般由包络面磁场计算得到,但实际中包络面磁场较难测量,而下方近场平面磁场则容易获得.在下方近场平面磁场的基础上,利用边界积分法计算得到下方远场磁场,再根据潜艇远场磁场分布的全空间一致性,计算出远场等效磁矩,得到高空远场磁场.实验分析表明了潜艇远场磁场分布的全空间一致性,由下方近场平面磁场可以较准确地得到潜艇...  相似文献   
数据挖掘故障诊断专家系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了及时准确地对防空导弹飞行试验故障进行诊断,克服传统专家系统获取专家知识的瓶颈,立足于防空导弹飞行试验历史数据,利用数据挖掘的方法获得飞行试验故障模式判定决策树,进而得出导弹故障判定规则,形成故障诊断专家知识库,构建防空导弹故障诊断专家系统.这使数据挖掘和专家系统两者的优点得到充分发挥.  相似文献   
针对防空导弹型号论证决策问题,讨论了影响型号论证的主要因素,建立了基于加权主成分TOPSIS法的防空导弹型号论证决策模型,实现了对新研制型号方案的综合评价和分析.在此基础上,通过实例验证了方法的实用性与有效性.论文的研究成果为防空导弹型号论证提供了辅助决策方法和智力支持.  相似文献   
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