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唐克  袁友萍 《国防科技》2017,38(1):082-088
韩国自20世纪80年代以来积极推进系统性军事改革,特别是卢武铉政府的《国防改革基本计划2006-2020》,充分吸收先前改革经验教训,通过法制化实现了此后历届政府的继承与坚持,引领着韩军当前及未来的建设方向。韩国当前军事改革在主动适应国际新军事变革发展潮流的同时,充分结合自身实际,在作战思想、指挥体系、编制体制、国防管理等各领域均表现出较强的针对性,致力于实现部队的减员增效和均衡发展,推动自主国防建设,提升应对朝鲜军事威胁的能力。同时,韩军在改革过程中,也暴露作战能力受到质疑、军费预算跟进不足,兵源难以为继等系列问题,成为影响韩国军事改革实施进度和最终成效的不确定因素。  相似文献   
曾利 《国防科技》2017,38(3):019-025
当前随着信息技术的深入发展,大数据时代已经悄然而至。大数据为国防科技发展带来了重大机遇的同时,其所带来"数据眩晕"和"数据冗余"效应不容忽视。面对大数据对国防科技发展所带来的巨大挑战,准确、快速、实时地把握和预测科研发展态势,已经成为科研工作者和科研管理高层决策者的迫切需要。在对传统科学知识图谱深入研究的基础上,本文提出一种基于网络和单词分布式嵌入的三维态势演化图谱模型,模型充分利用了文献中的结构信息和语义信息,并对结果进行可视化展示,实验表明,该方法对于掌握国防科技发展动向,挖掘技术前沿,把握技术机会,促进国防科技发展具有较大的参考价值。  相似文献   
温妮  傅中力 《国防科技》2017,38(1):077-081
推动军民融合深度发展,是党的十八届三中全会提出的明确要求,也是当前和今后一段时期国防科技工业一项重大战略任务。作为传统的制造业大省和军工大省,湖南省推动军民融合已具备较好的"产学研"基础。为促进湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展,紧贴制造强省战略,分析了湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展面临的形势要求,阐述了湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展的重点领域,给出了推动湖南国防科技工业军民融合深度发展的有效途径。  相似文献   
South Korea is threatened by its troubled relationship with North Korea. North Korea possesses a large cache of missiles as well as chemical and biological weapons, and the future potential to mount nuclear weapons on its missiles. The United States is also challenged because of its defense commitments to Seoul. As a countermeasure, the United States and South Korea decided to deploy Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defenses in South Korea. However, China has objected. Chinese scholars believe the THAAD radar would be able to track Chinese inter-continental ballistic missiles, thereby weakening their deterrent. A technical analysis does not support this assertion. However, it is vital for South Korea, given its proximity and economic interdependence, to reassure China. South Korea should highlight that THAAD will be deployed by the United States Forces Korea and is not a commitment by Seoul to become part of U.S.-led missile defenses in the Asia-Pacific.  相似文献   
China’s defence expenditure has been growing rapidly along with GDP growth during the past two decades. Meanwhile, the income gap has continued to increase. There are conflicting views regarding whether the defence expenditure is capable of reducing income inequality. Therefore, this paper investigates the existence of any spillover effect of defence expenditure on income inequality, with a special focus on the regional differences among 31 provinces and 7 military regions in China. We extend panel cointegration and the impulse response function by using panel data during the period of 1997–2012. The empirical results show that the defence expenditure has an impact on income inequality, and the effect varies over different regions in China. The defence expenditure has a spillover effect on income inequality in the full sample panel and the southeastern panel. An increase in the defence expenditure does not crowd out social welfare spending due to the high level of economic development and government expenditure. On the contrary, in the northern panel, the effect is opposite because of the unbalanced economic development levels within the panel. Beijing as the capital of China, benefits more from the expansion of defence expenditure thus widening the income gap. In addition, the impulse response analyses further confirm a stronger effect of the defence expenditure on income inequality in the northern and the southeastern panels over a short period.  相似文献   
廉振宇  赵旭  薛奇  李智毅 《国防科技》2017,38(5):040-045
作为国防和装备建设的关键要素,美国防预算是其国家政策和国防战略调整变化的直接"晴雨表",装备预算是表征美装备建设方向重点和资源投向投量的基本指标。本文对美国2001至2016财年国防预算和装备预算数据进行了归集整理。从国防部预算、装备预算、各军种装备预算等多个层面,以及预算性质、预算阶段、预算类别等多个维度进行分析,描绘了美国防预算的基本情况;总结了美国防预算的特点规律;并结合多源情报信息,对战略分析结论进行了综合研判。  相似文献   
军民融合式发展是实现富国与强军相统一的必由之路,也是增强国防动员潜力、提高国防动员能力的有效途径。在新的形势下推进国防动员建设,必须进一步强化军民融合观念,完善军民融合机制,提高军民融合层次,增强军民融合实效,努力促进动员潜力随经济实力同步增长、动员能力随需求拓展不断提升,实现经济效益、社会效益与国防效益有机统一。  相似文献   
量子保密通信是利用量子力学的基本原理来实现信息无条件安全传递的一种全新密码方法,其核心是量子密钥分发。2014年正好是量子保密通信的第一个协议—BB84协议提出30周年。经过30年的发展,量子保密通信在理论和实验上都得到了快速发展,实际工程应用也初具规模。文章对量子保密通信的历史发展及研究现状进行了简要回顾,特别介绍了基于实际量子保密通信系统的量子黑客和防御。最后,对未来的几个研究方向进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   
人民防空地下商业建筑已向多元化的现代商业综合体发展,规模日趋庞大,其防火设计研究极为重要,而安全疏散设计是防火设计中的重中之重。结合人民防空地下商业建筑安全疏散设计要点,进行安全疏散设计的有关探讨,以保证火灾时人员利用安全出口进行疏散,最大限度地保障人身安全。  相似文献   
火控雷达组网是应对未来末端防御作战挑战的有效途径。提出了基于指挥信息系统的火控雷达组网方式,并分析了该方式的优势。继而基于末端防御战斗部署一般要求和火控雷达组网系统对空侦察配系的特殊要求,经仿真计算得出和分析了火控雷达组网系统的典型对空侦察配系。最后详细论述了火控雷达组网系统的指挥控制要点。研究结果对于促进末端防御部队形成以信息系统为核心的体系作战能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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