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针对目前武器装备需求分析过程中,作战任务域向装备功能域映射方法可操作性不强的问题,研究了基于"作战节点"向"系统节点"映射的武器装备需求分析方法。该方法通过分析确定作战节点和系统节点,完成作战节点向系统节点映射、作战节点连接线向系统接口映射,最终得到装备系统需要的功能子系统及功能,较好地解决了需求映射过程中的随意性问题。  相似文献   
We consider the decision‐making problem of dynamically scheduling the production of a single make‐to stock (MTS) product in connection with the product's concurrent sales in a spot market and a long‐term supply channel. The spot market is run by a business to business (B2B) online exchange, whereas the long‐term channel is established by a structured contract. The product's price in the spot market is exogenous, evolves as a continuous time Markov chain, and affects demand, which arrives sequentially as a Markov‐modulated Poisson process (MMPP). The manufacturer is obliged to fulfill demand in the long‐term channel, but is able to rein in sales in the spot market. This is a significant strategic decision for a manufacturer in entering a favorable contract. The profitability of the contract must be evaluated by optimal performance. The current problem, therefore, arises as a prerequisite to exploring contracting strategies. We reveal that the optimal strategy of coordinating production and sales is structured by the spot price dependent on the base stock and sell‐down thresholds. Moreover, we can exploit the structural properties of the optimal strategy to conceive an efficient algorithm. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
针对装备使用阶段可修复件的采购优化问题,引入近似拉普拉斯需求概率分布代替正态分布,建立了采购间隔期内的备件短缺函数。根据供应链系统库存控制论,建立了可修备件的采购模型。通过对可修件周转渠道的分析,对采购短缺指标进行了修订,并给出了最优采购点和采购量的计算方法。对两种需求分布下的算例结果进行了对比和分析,结果表明:该模型得到的结果鲁棒性强、偏差小,优化过程简单,为故障率高、消耗量低的可修件采购方案的确定提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   
过程质量评估是装备作战需求论证质量评估的一项重要内容。在介绍装备作战需求论证过程基础上,提出了基于关键控制点的论证过程质量评估方法。采用判断树法确定四个关键控制点,建立了基于关键控制点的指标体系,采用神经网络法建立过程质量评估模型。最后进行了评估示例分析,结果表明该方法是可行的。  相似文献   
以提供装备论证工作有效的参考数据作为出发点,对坦克炮武器系统的仿真作了总体设计,包括系统的功能、仿真内容、仿真程序的功能模块设计。将繁杂的分系统重新组合成为适合计算机编程实现的7个仿真点,并提出了对武器系统精度进行仿真的必要性,给出了初步的算法。  相似文献   
新式整军运动,是解放战争期间,我军为了提高官兵的阶级觉悟和战斗积极性,以“诉苦”和“三查三整”为主要方法,利用作战间隙广泛开展的一次思想政治教育活动。此次整军运动是我军思想政治工作的一项伟大创举,其贯彻群众路线、坚持求真务实、围绕中心开展、严密组织实施和继承光荣传统等基本精神和经验,对当前我军思想政治工作创新发展,仍具有重要的示范和启迪作用。  相似文献   
后勤工程学院绿色建筑示范楼是“超低能耗”理论的实践成果。通过理论研究和对当地气候以及建筑能耗的现状分析,综合采用自然通风采光技术、墙体自保温技术、建筑自遮阳设计等被动式节能技术,地源热泵应用、太阳能利用、楼宇智能控制等主动式节能技术,对示范楼进行了设计、建造。经过两年多的使用,各项节能数据的测定表明:示范楼节约能耗75.4%,实现了公共建筑超低能耗的节能要求。  相似文献   
This paper examines the peace dividend effect of Turkish convergence to EU membership. By employing a multi‐region dynamic CGE model, we examine the prospect for conflict resolution if Turkey becomes an EU member. The model allows us to analyse several scenarios that imply varying amounts of reduction of the military expenditure/GDP ratios. On the one hand, this change will cause a decrease in sectoral demand for military expenditures, while on the other hand, reallocation of the reduced expenditure on (i) education, (ii) tax decrease, and (iii) infrastructure, should have a huge growth impact. Our dynamic CGE simulation experiments emphasize the economic gain for all parties involved.  相似文献   
明确了装备型号需求论证工程化基本概念与内涵,分析了装备型号需求论证工程化的必要性。对装备型号需求论证工程化中结构化论证模式、工程化论证方法、软件系统开发等关键问题进行了探索,完善了装备型号需求论证工程化的理论体系。  相似文献   
In this paper we propose and solve a competitive facility location model when demand is continuously distributed in an area and each facility attracts customers within a given distance. This distance is a measure of the facility's attractiveness level which may be different for different facilities. The market share captured by each facility is calculated by two numerical integration methods. These approaches can be used for evaluating functional values in other operations research models as well. The single facility location problem is optimally solved by the big triangle small triangle global optimization algorithm and the multiple facility problem is heuristically solved by the Nelder‐Mead algorithm. Extensive computational experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the solution approaches.  相似文献   
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