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树立新理念,创建和谐学习情境,唤醒学生的主体意识,让学生在积极的思维和情感活动中主动地参与教学过程就越来越显现出其重要性了,这也是新课程改革给我们提出的最基本的要求。本文从兴趣引路,激发学生主动参与的积极性;营造民主和谐的氛围,创造学生主动参与的环境;开展小组合作学习,构建学生主动参与的平台;体验成功的愉悦,培养学生的创新能力;正确运用评价,树立学生主动参与的信心等五个方面,阐述了在数学课堂教学中如何让学生主动参与学习。  相似文献   
坚持民主集中制原则 ,是事关单位、集体、队伍前途命运的重大问题。一个单位要贯彻执行好民主集中制 ,关键取决于“一把手”。“一把手”必须不断增强民主集中制观念 ,提高贯彻民主集中制的本领 ,完善激励约束机制 ,在单位创造良好的贯彻民主集中制的环境和氛围。  相似文献   
所谓“中国特色社会主义”,主要强调中国社会主义发展道路的独特性,可以从四个角度对其内涵进行界定:经济文化落后的基本国情决定了其与科学社会主义的区别;一系列鲜明的时代特征体现了其与传统社会主义模式的迥异;社会主义现代化的道路又有别于资本主义现代化的发展道路;两种截然不同的政治道路则划清了其与民主社会主义的界限。  相似文献   
党员的主体地位在本质上就是党员的民主权利。党员在党内当家做主,有效行使民主权利是党内民主的本质与核心,也是党员主体地位的本质与核心。党的十七大以来,党内民主业已成为党的建设的主旋律,全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程中当前时代新课题就是要回答“发展什么样的党内民主,怎样发展党内民主”这一时代新课题。而如何实现党员的主体地位,切实保障党员的民主权力,也H益成为党内民主建设的核心。发展党内民主,切实保障党员民主权利,从主观方面来看需要重视对党员民主素质的培养与提高,从客观方面来看需要着重于制度的精细化建设,在此基础上结合党员民主权利授予与行使过程这一载体,在党内决策、执行、监督各项“权力”运行过程中,确保党员民主权利的有效行使与主体地位的充分体现。  相似文献   
This paper considers the case of Kashmir to examine the relation between the people of the contested land (Indian-occupied Kashmir) and one of the nation states claiming it (India, in this case) in a game-theoretic framework. The motivation for this paper was whether it was possible to rationalize the lack of democratic space in Kashmir, relative to other states in India (especially since the founding fathers of the country had announced such democratic practices to be the guiding principles of the new nation) and at the same time, a highly rigid stance of the Indian Government on the Kashmir issue. An otherwise standard political economic model is used to capture how the way in which citizens determine their allegiance to one or the other nation state (India or Pakistan) can, in turn, affect the nation state's (India's) policies towards the contested land. I conclude that if the Indian Government perceives allegiance of the citizens to be determined primarily by partisan preferences of the citizens, not so much by their preferences for policies, then the government rationally concentrates on minimizing its disutility due to deviations from its ‘most-favorite' policy. This understanding rationalizes the policies of the Indian Government towards Kashmir. More importantly, it points towards areas that need consideration for any peace-making process to take-off.  相似文献   
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