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过盈配合数值分析与优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕高速转盘的过盈配合问题,应用Ansys9.0有限元软件非线性接触技术和优化分析技术确定传递扭矩所需的最佳过盈配合量。实践证明,有限元技术在工程应用中能够优化过盈配合量,缩短设计周期,提高设计质量。  相似文献   
针对模拟训练仪传统开发方法中存在的问题,在新一代产品研制过程中引入并行设计方法.阐述了并行设计技术的基本概念,详细研究了并行设计技术在需求论证、概念设计、详细设计、工艺设计、生产和调试等各个阶段的具体应用,总结了并行设计中采用的建立协同工作环境、建立并行开发模型、建立产品数据库等关键技术,并指出了影响并行技术有效实施的关键所在.结果表明,与串行设计方法相比,并行设计方法的应用缩短了研制周期,提高了设计制造质量,降低了成本,取得了较好的经济效益和用户满意度.  相似文献   
When facing high levels of overstock inventories, firms often push their salesforce to work harder than usual to attract more demand, and one way to achieve that is to offer attractive incentives. However, most research on the optimal design of salesforce incentives ignores this dependency and assumes that operational decisions of production/inventory management are separable from design of salesforce incentives. We investigate this dependency in the problem of joint salesforce incentive design and inventory/production control. We develop a dynamic Principal‐Agent model with both Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection in which the principal is strategic and risk‐neutral but the agent is myopic and risk‐averse. We find the optimal joint incentive design and inventory control strategy, and demonstrate the impact of operational decisions on the design of a compensation package. The optimal strategy is characterized by a menu of inventory‐dependent salesforce compensation contracts. We show that the optimal compensation package depends highly on the operational decisions; when inventory levels are high, (a) the firm offers a more attractive contract and (b) the contract is effective in inducing the salesforce to work harder than usual. In contrast, when inventory levels are low, the firm can offer a less attractive compensation package, but still expect the salesforce to work hard enough. In addition, we show that although the inventory/production management and the design of salesforce compensation package are highly correlated, information acquisition through contract design allows the firm to implement traditional inventory control policies: a market‐based state‐dependent policy (with a constant base‐stock level when the inventory is low) that makes use of the extracted market condition from the agent is optimal. This work appears to be the first article on operations that addresses the important interplay between inventory/production control and salesforce compensation decisions in a dynamic setting. Our findings shed light on the effective integration of these two significant aspects for the successful operation of a firm. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 320–340, 2014  相似文献   
针对当前后勤物资消耗测算方法过于简单粗略的问题,以构建有效的后勤物资消耗测算系统为目的,对系统的设计进行了需求分析。介绍了后勤物资消耗测算的基本流程以及关键理论,研究了后勤物资消耗测算系统的用户特点以及应用流程,着重对系统的功能需求进行了分析,确定了系统各主要功能的相关内容,并按照功能需求确定了系统的组成结构和接口关系,为系统的设计和实现奠定了基础。  相似文献   
军队思想政治教育要适应和谐社会的要求,一方面深化调节,注重满足军人自身发展的需要,引导官兵建立与和谐社会相融合的人际关系;另一方面,运用“和”的思想解决矛盾和问题,达到对官兵负面思想的有效控制。  相似文献   
总结了近2年来在《机械设计》课程设计教学实践中引入CAD技术,引导学员在课程设计中采用计算机辅助设计技术,使学员既掌握了一般机械设计基础知识,又基本学会了计算机辅助设计这一现代设计方法。  相似文献   
针对传统设计、分析存在的问题 ,对结构与控制系统协同并行设计技术作了研究。通过多学科专业人员组成产品开发团队 ,利用PRO/E ,PATRAN ,NASTRAN ,ADAMS以及MATLAB等对某型号导弹进行了结构与控制系统的并行设计。  相似文献   
设计性实验是巩固学生专业知识,培养学生动手能力、综合运用学科知识能力和自主创新能力,提高学生综合素质的重要方法。基于设计性实验的特点就如何有效开展设计性实验以及实验的组织实施、成果报告、效果评价的方法,提出了以教师为主导,以学生为主体的教学模式。  相似文献   
基于生态优先原则的可持续建筑贯彻了环保、节能、健康及舒适等理念,后勤工程学院绿色建筑示范楼设计充分体现了建筑可持续性目标,设计建造的全过程都考虑室内外环境因素及生态影响,结合工种的划分,从环境生态化补偿、建筑结构体系优化、室内环境控制、能源系统平衡、水资源循环利用及智能化监控等6个方面,由外到内对建筑进行可持续设计策略和技术的整合,充分发挥了技术集成的优势。  相似文献   
以验证组织优化设计方法为目的,将探索性分析思想引入组织优化设计研究,根据探索性分析的特点与组织优化设计方法验证的具体需要,对C2组织探索性分析的过程进行了研究,初步设计了面向C2组织的探索性分析框架并对其中的关键技术进行了分析。  相似文献   
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