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构设带有一定战术背景的目标信号环境,是当前通信对抗战术演习急需解决的现实问题。在分析了通信对抗战术演习对构设目标信号环境特殊要求的基础上,提出了构设目标信号环境的以少代多的数量等效方法、以近代远的距离等效方法、组网通联等效方法和作战行动变化等效方法。提出了由全局逼真度、阶段逼真度、受训装备感受逼真度和目标逼真度组成的四级构设逼真度指标体系。针对一个具体的构设实例,设计仿真算法验证了文章提出的4个构设方法,并通过对预期构设逼真度的分析得出了一些有意义的结论。研究成果已在实践中得到了应用。  相似文献   
对几种预警探测方式问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高科技武器装备在战争中的使用,预警探测问题也越来越重要,如何更好地运用预警探测装备已经成为预警探测能力的“瓶颈”。结合实际,对几种装备的预警探测问题进行了分析,研究了舰载直升机、雷达哨舰及侦察机等预警探测设备的战术运用,最后给出了这几种预警探测装备的合理战术运用方法。  相似文献   
应用型工程力学教学模式主要包括四种有代表性的教学方法,即:生动形象教学法、贴近日常生活事例教学法、贴近具体工程教学法、重大工程事故教学法。  相似文献   
边坡稳定性理论及其局限性   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
边坡分析理论经过近几十年的发展,基本形成了完善的体系。较为典型的有 极限平衡法,极限分析法,有限元法等。对各种分析方法做了简要的回顾与评述。基于极限 平衡原理发展的各种分析方法,大多需要做许多假设,同时对岩质边坡又不能很好地考虑其 断层节理特征。有限元强度折减法,是近年来发展起来的一种分析方法,与极限平衡法相比 不需要任何假设,可以求得任意形状边坡的临界滑移面及其对应的安全系数,同时可以反映 边坡失稳及塑性区的发展过程,为岩土体边坡分析开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   
基于声发射原理的阀门内漏检测作为一种动态无损检测方法得到了广泛应用,但是定量检测一直是研究难点。现有的内漏率定量检测模型计算方法因参数不易测定,导致计算困难,精度不高。采用独立分量分析(ICA)方法提取声发射信号特征向量,并与参考样本集的特征向量相比较,相似程度最高的即可作为待测阀门的内漏率。内漏模拟实验分别将常规参数、频谱成分和ICA提取特征作为特征向量进行比较,结果表明ICA提取的特征向量维数为15时,均方根误差可以达到0.01 L/min,能够满足工程检测需要。  相似文献   
提出了一种基于数学形态学和支持向量机的跑道检测方法.首先采用Otsu法对原始图像进行全局阈值化处理,并利用灰度形态学边缘检测算法对所得图像进行边缘检测;然后利用Hough变换提取线段,若线段超过一定长度,则判定其所在区域为跑道的候选区域;最后选择8个分量组成跑道候选区域的纹理特征向量,用支持向量机作为分类函数,对候选区域的纹理特征向量进行分类,判别出跑道.实验表明,该算法对跑道定位准确,误检率低.  相似文献   
本文在分析各种测量仪表故障诊断方法的基础上,综合出一种新的诊断测量仪表故障的方法,称为仪表故障诊断与适应。  相似文献   
In order to improve the infrared detection and discrimination ability of the smart munition to the dy-namic armor target under the complex background, the multi-line array infrared detection system is established based on the combination of the single unit infrared detector. The surface dimension features of ground armored targets are identified by size calculating solution algorithm. The signal response value and the value of size calculating are identified by the method of fuzzy recognition to make the fuzzy classification judgment for armored target. According to the characteristics of the target signal, a custom threshold de-noising function is proposed to solve the problem of signal preprocessing. The multi-line array infrared detection can complete the scanning detection in a large area in a short time with the characteristics of smart munition in the steady-state scanning stage. The method solves the disadvan-tages of wide scanning interval and low detection probability of single unit infrared detection. By reducing the scanning interval, the number of random rendezvous in the infrared feature area of the upper surface is increased, the accuracy of the size calculating is guaranteed. The experiments results show that in the fuzzy recognition method, the size calculating is introduced as the feature operator, which can improve the recognition ability of the ground armor target with different shape size.  相似文献   
本文利用实验模态分析技术和有限元法研究机枪—土壤系统的动态特性,通过模态试验获得机枪在硬质土壤支撑条件下的低阶模态信息,据此对机枪有限元模型的边界条件进行模拟,并从动力学角度分析影响射击精度的主要因素,为进一步研究机枪结构动力修改和质量评估提供依据,  相似文献   
For a nonlinear limit state function, the first-order reliability method (FORM) may cause large errors in the computation of not only the reliability index or failure probability but also the reliability sensitivity. In order to obtain more the accurate results of the reliability sensitivity analysis, a number of hyperplanes are built near the design point by first-order Tayler series expansion, which replace the known nonlinear limit state hypersurface, and an equivalent computational method is utilized to construct an equivalent hyperplane of the obtained hyperplanes. And the reliability sensitivities can be estimated more accurately by the derived equations based on the equivalent hyperplane. An example shows that the method is effective and feasible.  相似文献   
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