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随着管道机器人应用领域与任务需求的不断增大,机器人设计中存在的问题日益突出,如输出功能相互耦合、定位精度不高以及复杂环境下可靠性低。针对石油水平井对于管道机器人的特殊应用需求,将公理化设计理论应用到机器人系统设计中,创新设计一种基于挠性支撑结构的全液压驱动管道机器人。概述公理化基本原理与设计过程,对全液压驱动管道机器人进行概念设计,完成设计耦合性分析。确定机器人机械系统与液压系统具体结构组成,并分析其工作机理。应用AMESim软件,对机器人运动原理方案进行仿真分析,结果表明:全液压驱动管道机器人可以实现自动往复运动,牵引力可以达到30 kN,运动速度可以达到0.12 m/s;机器人牵引能力与运动速度可以完成单独调节,从而实现解耦设计。  相似文献   
We study how changes to the composition and employment of the US Navy combat logistic force (CLF) influence our ability to supply our navy worldwide. The CLF consists of about 30 special transport ships that carry ship and aircraft fuel, ordnance, dry stores, and food, and deliver these to client combatant ships underway, making it possible for our naval forces to operate at sea for extended periods. We have modeled CLF operations to evaluate a number of transforming initiatives that simplify its operation while supporting an even larger number of client ships for a greater variety of missions. Our input is an employment schedule for navy battle groups of ships operating worldwide, extending over a planning horizon of 90–180 days. We show how we use optimization to advise how to sustain these ships. We have used this model to evaluate new CLF ship designs, advise what number of ships in a new ship class would be needed, test concepts for forward at‐sea logistics bases in lieu of conventional ports, demonstrate the effects of changes to operating policy, and generally try to show whether and how the CLF can support planned naval operations. Published 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2008  相似文献   
对模拟油罐内油气混合物爆炸冲击波特性进行了研究.在直径为1 m的模拟油罐中进行了油气混合物爆炸模拟实验,建立了模拟油罐油气混合物爆炸的数值仿真模型,并借助大型商业软件Fluent6.2完成了数值仿真研究.数值仿真结果与实验值较为吻合.模拟实验和数值仿真研究的结果表明:油气体积分数、罐内初始温度等决定模拟油罐油气混合物爆炸压力的大小.油罐内爆炸压力波的振荡特性对金属油罐结构来说是有害的.  相似文献   
A novel method for estimation of an aerodynamic force and moment acting on an irregularly shaped body (such as HE projectile fragments) during its flight through the atmosphere is presented. The model assumes that fragments can be approximated with a tri-axial ellipsoid that has continuous surface given as a mathematical function. The model was validated with CFD data for a tri-axial ellipsoid and verified using CFD data on aerodynamic forces and moments acting on an irregularly shaped fragment.The contribution of this method is that it represents a significant step toward a modeling that does not require a cumbersome CFD simulation results for estimation of fragment dynamic and kinematic parameters. Due to this advantage, the model can predict the fragment motion consuming a negligible time when compared to the corresponding time consumed by CFD simulations. Parametric representation (generalization) of the fragment geometrical data and the conditions provides the way to analyze various correlations and how parameters influence the dynamics of the fragment flight.  相似文献   
在航空航天的飞行器遥测试验中,大推力火箭和导弹飞行时,由燃气射流引起的噪声会对飞行器的结构以及载荷造成巨大的危害。电容式噪声传感器由于其频率响应范围宽,被广泛应用于飞行试验中。电容式传感器工作时需要用恒压源供电,且其采集的信号受到外界干扰较大,输出电压值不满足大多数模数芯片转换要求。针对以上问题,设计了恒压源供电模块和隔直分压电路、低通滤波电路等调理模块,使其最终输出电压范围在0~2.5 V,满足模数转换芯片的要求。该噪声传感器的信号调理电路可靠性高,已经成功应用于飞行器发射试验中。  相似文献   
Decision-making in defense acquisition programs in the Republic of Korea (ROK) has been problematic, especially in highly advanced complex systems. The highly disputed force modernization program for the ROK Air Force’s fifth-generation fighter, dubbed the Fighter eXperiment, went through extreme turbulence during the type selection phase. The gist of the turbulence became evident through poor institutional coordination within the defense acquisition authorities that eventually forced them to rescind the decision generated from their own yearlong efforts, thus basically shooting themselves on the foot. The paper highlights the background of the program and reviews the institutional elements that influenced the decision-making process, and conclude that the absence of an effective coordination mechanism has made decision-making in complex defense programs even more troublesome.  相似文献   
随着航天器交会与接近操作技术的快速发展,轨道追逃问题逐渐成为航天领域的研究热点。从动力学与控制视角,对航天器轨道追逃问题的研究现状进行综述。给出了基于定量微分对策的轨道追逃问题模型的一般形式,系统梳理了各种类型的轨道追逃问题;对于追逃策略求解,分别针对闭环策略和开环策略,分析了各种方法的优缺点;围绕人工智能算法与轨道追逃问题的结合,阐述了基于深度神经网络和强化学习的轨道追逃策略的研究现状。关于未来展望,提出了追逃博弈态势分析、多航天器博弈控制、三体条件下博弈动力学与控制等发展方向。  相似文献   
由于职业性质的特殊性,公安警卫部队青年警官在工作中都承受着一定的心理压力。过度的心理压力不仅影响青年警官个人身心健康,同时也直接影响公安警卫部队的各项建设及警卫任务的圆满完成。分析公安警卫部队青年警官承受的心理压力,研究缓解其压力的途径与对策,对发挥公安警卫部队青年警官工作积极性与创造性,提高部队战斗力具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
目前公安边防部队参与涉外联合行动主要包括联合执法打击跨国犯罪、承担维和任务维护世界和平、参与涉外联合演习打击恐怖主义等形式。随着国家间联合协作的不断加强,公安边防部队参与涉外联合行动朝着合作范围不断扩大、合作模式更加多样、执法一体化日益明显的趋势发展。  相似文献   
公安消防部队心理咨询工作可划分为主观系统和客观系统,与此相关联,心理咨访关系的影响因素也可以划分为主观因素和客观因素两个方面。系统要素与系统本身以及各个子系统之间的相互影响和作用,可从模型构建中得到揭示。  相似文献   
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