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Track tension is a major factor influencing the reliability of a track. In order to reduce the risk of track peel-off, it is necessary to keep track tension constant. However, it is difficult to measure the dynamic tension during off-road operation. Based on the analysis of the relation and external forces depending on free body diagrams of the idler, idler arm, road wheel and road arm, a theoretical estimation model of track tension is built. Comparing estimation results with multibody dynamics simulation results, the rationality of track tension monitor is validated. By the aid of this monitor, a track tension control system is designed, which includes a self-tuning proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller based on radial basis function neural network, an electro-hydraulic servo system and an idler arm. The tightness of track can be adjusted by turning the idler arm. Simulation results of the vehicle starting process indicate that the controller can reach different expected tensions quickly and accurately. Compared with a traditional PID controller, the proposed controller has a stronger anti-disturbance ability by amending control pa-rameters online.  相似文献   
This study examines the unintended consequences of decapitation strategies. Two Islamist terror networks in Spain have been used to critically evaluate theories of leadership removal guided by large-N cross-sectional research. Arguably, current models neglect to include relational variables that constitute the foundation for policies of network disruption. Spanish terror networks are mapped out over a 10-year period (1995–2004) to demonstrate the importance of network variables. Policies meant to disrupt militant networks can generate unintended consequences, as was the case with Spain’s Operation Dátil following the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon in the United States. The Madrid train bombing network developed in the vacant political space following the counterterrorism operation that targeted radical Islamists in Spain.  相似文献   
C~4ISR系统结构的网络分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现代网络中心战中C~4ISR系统的特点,从复杂网络的角度,对C~4ISR系统结构进行了网络分析.采用基于多智能体的仿真方法,建立了两种C~4ISR系统的网络结构仿真模型,基于这些模型研究了不同网络结构下信息的失真率和延迟量.讨论了信息失真和延迟分别对集中式网络与分布式网络作战效能的影响.结果表明所提思路和方法是正确、有效的.  相似文献   
针对C~3I 系统对分布式计算机网络数据加密的特定需求,重点对网络加密方式,密码装置、软件编程设计等核心问题进行了研究。可对数据加密总体设计与软件概要设计提供参考。  相似文献   
无线传感器网络中,目标跟踪往往通过节点之间的协作完成。在无迹变换卡尔曼滤波基础上,提出一种多传感器动态自适应调度算法进行目标跟踪。该方法根据预测跟踪精度来确定采样间隔,然后基于特定的检测概率,为下一时刻选择一组传感器,形成一个临时工作组,并指定某一个传感器作为中心节点进行数据融合。仿真结果证明了该算法能有效提高跟踪精度和可靠性。  相似文献   
海上编队雷达情报网由于缺乏可以参照执行的标准,不能有效地实现系统的综合集成。体系结构设计是一种重要的系统顶层设计方法,是保证系统之间可集成可互操作的关健。美国国防部体系结构框架(DoDAF)适用于各种复杂系统的设计,已成为行业的建模规范。作战视图(OV)是进行系统顶层设计的体系结构技术中的重要组成部分,参考DoDAF2.0版的作战视图产品,采用统一建模语言(UML),对海上编队雷达情报网的作战视图进行了描述。  相似文献   
网络技术不断发展,传输和处理的信息越来越多,试图获取或破坏网络信息的人也越来越多,给网络信息增加了许多安全隐患,校园网更是成了攻击网络和保卫网络的红蓝对抗演练战场,人为的网络入侵和攻击行为使得网络安全面临新的挑战,如何保证校园网安全,成为高校的一项很重要的任务。  相似文献   
分析了定位导航信息的几种分发模式,以旅级规模的战术互联网为背景,研究了定位导航信息分发模型,对几种分发模式下不同类型节点的信息流量进行了定量的分析,最后给出了几点结论和需要进一步研究的问题.  相似文献   
分布式联合决策可缩短系统决策时间,提高决策质量.运用分布式联合决策,其关键点之一是确定各流程节点的工作开始时刻.依据影响分布式联合决策各节点开始工作时刻的主要因素是上下节点间传递的信息的特点,引入了信息熵的概念,通过一定的阈值来确立分布式联合决策系统中各节点的开始决策时刻.利用Bernstein多项式建立了分布式联合决策开始时刻数学模型,给出了求解该数学模型的方法,指出了该模型应用于实践的思路.  相似文献   
针对机载C3I系统的试飞中数据质量评估指标多、数据量大等问题,建立了数据质量评估模型.并阐述了该模型的构造方法,将数据中复杂的指标体系进行了量化处理,将粗糙集和神经网络相结合,提出了一种试飞数据综合质量的计算方法.实现了对数据的实时监控.该模型简捷、准确、工程应用效果好.  相似文献   
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