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所谓新型毒品是相对鸦片、海洛因等传统毒品而言的,主要指人工化学合成的致幻剂、兴奋剂类毒品,是由国际禁毒公约和我国法律法规所规定管制的、直接作用于人的中枢神经系统,使人兴奋或抑制,连续使用能使人产生依赖性的精神药品。中国每年被冰毒、氯胺酮等新型毒品吞食的社会财富以百亿计。新型毒品犯罪给我国禁毒工作带来了新挑战,在分析新型毒品犯罪特点的基础上,找出打击新型毒品犯罪所面临的问题,构建科学的新型毒品犯罪打防控对策。  相似文献   

By utilizing the theory of Strategic Action Fields (SAFs), the present article explains how a new meso-level social order seems to have emerged in Mexico as a result of the paramilitarization of organized crime, militarization of security, and the opening of Mexico’s energy sector to private investment. This work describes the transformation of Mexico’s energy field after a process of major constitutional and economic changes that were the consequence of a security crisis and an agenda of energy reform for which the so-called ‘drug war’ was a key underlying foundation.  相似文献   
The Ecuadorian state has long been absent from the regions along its northern border with Colombia. I argue that this lack of state presence has allowed non-state armed groups and criminal organizations space to not only operate from these areas, but also, to challenge and change the relationship between local populations and the Ecuadorian state. After reviewing theoretical approaches to concepts of changing security paradigms and ungoverned space, the article details the conditions that have allowed armed groups, specifically the FARC, to take advantage of the lack of state presence along Ecuador's northern border.  相似文献   
1997年修订后的我国刑法增加了打击黑社会性质组织犯罪的相应条款,即294条,刑事执法部门在打击此犯罪活动中有了相应的法律依据。但是,对于黑社会性质组织的概念和黑社会性质组织与其它相类似的犯罪组织之间的界限等基本理论问题,在司法、学术界却存在不同认识。有必要统一认识,以利于立法的科学与严密和司法的准确与公正。  相似文献   
边境地区是我国毒品案件最为集中的地区,公安边防部门作为毒品案件的主要侦查机关,要提高侦办毒品案件的效率,话须依靠侦查协作。当前,我国边防毒品案件的侦查协作机制已经初步形成。与此同时,该协作机制也存在着不少问题与不足。对这些问题与不足进行探讨,并加以改进是十分必要的。  相似文献   
从消防监督检查的重要性和遵守消防执法程序的必要性入手,阐述消防监督机关在消防责任事故罪构成中的地位和作用、消防监督人员与玩忽职守罪的关系.  相似文献   
恐怖犯罪已经成为当代世界各国十分关注的重大问题。公安警卫部门应研究和探索恐怖犯罪的规律和特点 ,超前预防 ,采取万无一失的对策 ,切实防止恐怖犯罪对警卫对象和警卫目标的侵害。  相似文献   
面对“金新月”毒品问题日益国际化,在中亚各国复杂多变的政治、经济、民族、宗教背景下,迫切需要各方共同努力,创设、发展出一种更加灵活、高效、有针对性的禁毒合作机制,以应对该地区越来越严峻的毒品扩散问题及其引发的相关社会秩序危害。阐述了“金新月”毒情发展及其对周边国家的影响,分析了大中亚区域禁毒警务合作的必要性,探讨了大中亚禁毒警务合作模式的选择,以创设出一种立体的、全方位的、有较强执行力的区域禁毒合作模式。  相似文献   
2010年5月30日,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、国家安全部、司法部联合发布的《关于办理刑事案件排除非法证据若干问题的规定》再次对非法证据的排除进行了明确的规定。基于此,对我国执行非法证据排除规则的现状,非法证据排除规则对边防毒品案件侦查工作的影响进行了探讨,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   
Africa has emerged as a strategic location for transcontinental narcotics trade. Particularly the West African subcontinent has turned into a cocaine warehousing and trans-shipment hub along the way to the European underground markets. At this juncture, African drug networks (ADNs) began to play a momentous role in global drug trade, and pose a considerable threat to international security, as they operate in more than 80 countries. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Interpol, and Europol perceive ADNs as one of the primary issues in international counter-narcotics policy. These agencies have launched several multilateral initiatives to contain the West African threat. None of these initiatives, however, retarded the expansion of the problem. Indeed, the containment efforts turned out to be quite embryonic. The ADNs eventually entered the Turkish market by the early 2000s. West African drug networks (WADNs) in particular have begun to operate within Turkey extensively, often supplying and distributing drugs. The gravity of the threat became ever more serious by 2012. The upsurge of the new threat has compelled the Turkish drug-law enforcement agencies to adopt new policies and counter-strategies. These policies have to be based upon proper strategic analysis of the threat. This paper seeks to address the need for a threat assessment of ADNs. It investigates the dimensions of the problem, profiles the members of WADNs, their modes of operation, and the factors that compelled them to exploit the illicit Turkish drug markets. The analyses are based upon the scrutiny of 227 narcotic interdictions files and statements from the African individuals in these case files. The paper concludes by presenting policy implications and recommendations for the Turkish security and foreign-policy institutions to cope with this impending threat.  相似文献   
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