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构建和谐社会与青少年犯罪预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国正处于改革开放的关键时期。由于社会转型,社会矛盾突出,各种不良现象滋生,犯罪问题日益严重,尤其是青少年犯罪已达到令人堪忧的地步,与构建社会主义和谐社会极不相称。就社会转型时期青少年犯罪的特点、原因进行深入分析,并提出了在构建和谐社会重要理论指导下青少年犯罪的预防对策。  相似文献   

This article aims to identify and elaborate the causes and ramifications of applying transitional justice, in particular accountability measures, to situations of war. It focuses on the correlations between peace and justice – and hence an important perspective on the question ‘how do wars end’. The article seeks to understand some of the main challenges associated with pursuing accountability for crimes committed in contemporary forms of conflict, including civil wars and abuses committed by major powers in armed conflict.  相似文献   
Africa has emerged as a strategic location for transcontinental narcotics trade. Particularly the West African subcontinent has turned into a cocaine warehousing and trans-shipment hub along the way to the European underground markets. At this juncture, African drug networks (ADNs) began to play a momentous role in global drug trade, and pose a considerable threat to international security, as they operate in more than 80 countries. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Interpol, and Europol perceive ADNs as one of the primary issues in international counter-narcotics policy. These agencies have launched several multilateral initiatives to contain the West African threat. None of these initiatives, however, retarded the expansion of the problem. Indeed, the containment efforts turned out to be quite embryonic. The ADNs eventually entered the Turkish market by the early 2000s. West African drug networks (WADNs) in particular have begun to operate within Turkey extensively, often supplying and distributing drugs. The gravity of the threat became ever more serious by 2012. The upsurge of the new threat has compelled the Turkish drug-law enforcement agencies to adopt new policies and counter-strategies. These policies have to be based upon proper strategic analysis of the threat. This paper seeks to address the need for a threat assessment of ADNs. It investigates the dimensions of the problem, profiles the members of WADNs, their modes of operation, and the factors that compelled them to exploit the illicit Turkish drug markets. The analyses are based upon the scrutiny of 227 narcotic interdictions files and statements from the African individuals in these case files. The paper concludes by presenting policy implications and recommendations for the Turkish security and foreign-policy institutions to cope with this impending threat.  相似文献   
在全球毒品问题继续蔓延的趋势下,海峡两岸跨境毒品犯罪愈演愈烈。要有效遏制毒品犯罪给海峡两岸社会治安带来的危害,海峡两岸的警察机关应不断完善跨境追逃合作机制、犯罪资产追缴协助机制、调查取证协助机制,健全毒品犯罪情报交流机制,构建区际“控制下交付”合作机制,逐步拓宽打击跨境毒品犯罪警务合作渠道,以有效遏制海峡两岸毒品犯罪的发展蔓延。  相似文献   
目前,以阿富汗为中心的"金新月"地区毒品向我国渗透活动日益加剧,并呈现出组织化、专业化和国际化趋势,地处"金新月"边缘的我国新疆地区深受其害,毒品案件不断上升,恐怖势力以毒养恐的趋向愈发明显,对我国边境安全构成了极大的威胁。加强禁毒情报工作,打牢禁毒工作基础;提高管控能力,严防毒品渗透;加强堵源截流工作;加强国际禁毒合作;严厉打击毒品犯罪是解决"金新月"地区毒品向我国渗透的有效途径。  相似文献   
新疆紧邻世界最大毒源地“金新月”,处在“金三角”和“金新月”两面夹击之下。近年来,新疆的毒品犯罪活动日趋突出,吸毒群体不断扩大,严重影响了新疆的社会稳定和经济发展。从宏观社会环境、微观环境及吸毒者个体因素三个方面对新疆吸毒问题产生的原因进行了深入分析,以期为新疆禁吸毒工作提供决策依据。  相似文献   
我国刑法中的一些罪名在司法认定过程中,日益具有"口袋化"的倾向。这一倾向与罪刑法定原则、尊重保障人权的基本理念相冲突。这一倾向产生的原因主要有:部分刑法条文的规定不够明确;司法工作人员对于犯罪构成要件以及刑法基本理论的理解存在偏差;以社会危害性为中心的传统刑法观的影响;个别司法解释有违刑法的基本规定和基本原理等。应结合这一倾向产生的原因,通过各种途径对其加以遏制。  相似文献   
近年来,随着我国堵截、打击毒品犯罪力度的持续加大,境内外贩毒集团组织实施大宗毒品贩运的能力明显减弱,毒品犯罪快速蔓延的势头得到初步遏制。但是,贩毒集团为逃避打击、降低风险,不断变换犯罪手法,钻法律漏洞,特别是组织、利用特殊人群进行贩毒活动的现象日益增多,并呈现出家族化、规模化的趋势,而公安机关在打击特殊群体贩毒活动中,由于立法和执法等多方面的原因,还面临法律、查缉、羁押、案件处理等一系列的问题。执法实践要求运用法律、经济、行政、教育、文化等措施,综合治理特殊群体贩毒问题,努力从源头上遏制特殊人群贩毒问题的滋生、蔓延。  相似文献   
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