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多传感器的极大似然配准算法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数据配准是多传感器数据融合的先期处理过程。在研究了传统的最小二乘算法的基础上 ,提出了基于三维坐标系中的极大似然配准算法 ,解决了最小二乘配准算法对于传感器相距较远时无法解决的问题。最后通过计算机仿真验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   
多目标广义指派问题的模糊匈牙利算法求解   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出和讨论了两类多目标的广义指派决策问题,分别给出了它们的多目标整数线性规划数学模型,并结合模糊理论与解决传统指派问题的匈牙利方法提出了一种新的求解算法:模糊匈牙利法.最后给出了一个数值例子.  相似文献   
Consider a distribution system with a central warehouse and multiple retailers. Customer demand arrives at each of the retailers continuously at a constant rate. The retailers replenish their inventories from the warehouse which in turn orders from an outside supplier with unlimited stock. There are economies of scale in replenishing the inventories at both the warehouse and the retail level. Stockouts at the retailers are backlogged. The system incurs holding and backorder costs. The objective is to minimize the long‐run average total cost in the system. This paper studies the cost effectiveness of (R, Q) policies in the above system. Under an (R, Q) policy, each facility orders a fixed quantity Q from its supplier every time its inventory position reaches a reorder point R. It is shown that (R, Q) policies are at least 76% effective. Numerical examples are provided to further illustrate the cost effectiveness of (R, Q) policies. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 422–439, 2000  相似文献   
多武器系统的火力分配模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前对于单一兵器火力分配问题的解决方法比较成熟,然而由于在现代防空作战中,经常是多种类型的兵器联合进行防空,故需要对多种不同类型的兵器的火力分配问题进行探讨。这里针对多种不同类型的兵器毁伤多个目标的问题,建立了数学模型,进行了深入的探讨。按照模型的特殊性,定义了映射、邻域和连通的概念;同时针对模型,将遗传模拟退火算法进行了一定的修改,并利用此算法对模型进行了最优化求解。最后,实例的计算结果表明该算法对于模型的求解具有较好的收敛性。  相似文献   
针对球约束凸二次规划问题,利用Lagrange对偶将其转化为无约束优化问题,然后运用单纯形法对其求解,获得原问题的最优解。最后,对文中给出的算法给出了论证。  相似文献   
We study contracts between a single retailer and multiple suppliers of two substitutable products, where suppliers have fixed capacities and present the retailer cost contracts for their supplies. After observing the contracts, the retailer decides how much capacity to purchase from each supplier, to maximize profits from the purchased capacity from the suppliers plus his possessed inventory (endowment). This is modeled as a noncooperative, nonzero‐sum game, where suppliers, or principals, move simultaneously as leaders and the retailer, the common agent, is the sole follower. We are interested in the form of the contracts in equilibrium, their effect on the total supply chain profit, and how the profit is split between the suppliers and the retailer. Under mild assumptions, we characterize the set of all equilibrium contracts and discuss all‐unit and marginal‐unit quantity discounts as special cases. We also show that the supply chain is coordinated in equilibrium with a unique profit split between the retailer and the suppliers. Each supplier's profit is equal to the marginal contribution of her capacity to supply chain profits in equilibrium. The retailer's profit is equal to the total revenue collected from the market minus the payments to the suppliers and the associated sales costs.  相似文献   
最小和算法(MSA)折中了译码性能和运算复杂度两个方面,是低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC码)硬件实现最常用的译码算法。比特后验概率对数似然比(LLR)是LDPC码MSA译码的关键参数,现有的高阶调制信号比特后验概率LLR计算方法及简化算法都需要估计噪声方差,估计值影响译码性能。论文从分析M阶无记忆二维调制信号比特后验概率LLR通用的计算方法入手,研究了适用于MSA译码的高阶调制信号比特后验概率LLR简化算法,该算法无需估计噪声方差,进一步降低了运算量和实现复杂度。  相似文献   
单位的运营状况会直接影响股东和广大人民的利益,针对运营状况可以使用广义回归神经网络进行分类。由于广义回归神经网络中径向基函数的扩展参数Spread的选取会导致分类的准确率,提出了一种果蝇优化算法优化参数Spread的分类模型。充分利用了果蝇优化算法的寻优能力,将优化后的参数代入到广义回归神经网络中对单位的财务数据进行运营状况的分类。结果表明,与广义回归神经网络做比较,优化后的网络模型对数据的分类可以达到很高的准确率,在相关领域的分类上有非常大的实用性。  相似文献   
针对知识驱动型需求预测模型所需的专家知识稀缺、数据驱动型需求预测模型可解释性不足的问题,提出了数据与知识双驱动的备件需求模糊预测模型。该模型基于模糊聚类算法将数值型数据聚类为结构简单、可解释性强的规则库,运用模糊逻辑将领域专家知识表示为Mamdani型规则库。在此基础上,引入了一种新型智能计算理论——模糊网络理论对两类规则库进行合并运算,形成初始预测模型。采用遗传算法优化模型规则库的模糊集参数来提高模型预测准确性。通过与模糊聚类算法进行对比,提出的模型在可解释性以及准确性指标上均具有优势。  相似文献   
We introduce and develop models for a physical goods storage system based on the 15‐puzzle, a classic children's game in which 15 numbered tiles slide within a 4 × 4 grid. The objective of the game is to arrange the tiles in numerical sequence, starting from a random arrangement. For our purposes, the tiles represent totes, pallets, or even containers that must be stored very densely, and the objective is to maneuver items to an input–output point for retrieval or processing. We develop analytical results for storage configurations having a single empty location (as in the game) and experimental results for configurations with multiple empty locations. Designs with many empty locations can be made to form aisles, allowing us to compare puzzle‐based designs with traditional aisle‐based designs found in warehousing systems. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
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