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Consider the conditional covering problem on an undirected graph, where each node represents a site that must be covered by a facility, and facilities may only be established at these nodes. Each facility can cover all sites that lie within some common covering radius, except the site at which it is located. Although this problem is difficult to solve on general graphs, there exist special structures on which the problem is easily solvable. In this paper, we consider the special case in which the graph is a simple path. For the case in which facility location costs do not vary based on the site, we derive characteristics of the problem that lead to a linear‐time shortest path algorithm for solving the problem. When the facility location costs vary according to the site, we provide a more complex, but still polynomial‐time, dynamic programming algorithm to find the optimal solution. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider the problem of minimizing the costs of outsourcing warranty repairs when failed items are dynamically routed to one of several service vendors. In our model, the manufacturer incurs a repair cost each time an item needs repair and also incurs a goodwill cost while an item is awaiting and undergoing repair. For a large manufacturer with annual warranty costs in the tens of millions of dollars, even a small relative cost reduction from the use of dynamic (rather than static) allocation may be practically significant. However, due to the size of the state space, the resulting dynamic programming problem is not exactly solvable in practice. Furthermore, standard routing heuristics, such as join‐the‐shortest‐queue, are simply not good enough to identify potential cost savings of any significance. We use two different approaches to develop effective, simply structured index policies for the dynamic allocation problem. The first uses dynamic programming policy improvement while the second deploys Whittle's proposal for restless bandits. The closed form indices concerned are new and the policies sufficiently close to optimal to provide cost savings over static allocation. All results of this paper are demonstrated using a simulation study. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
The parallel machine replacement problem consists of finding a minimum cost replacement policy for a finite population of economically interdependent machines. In this paper, we formulate a stochastic version of the problem and analyze the structure of optimal policies under general classes of replacement cost functions. We prove that for problems with arbitrary cost functions, there can be optimal policies where a machine is replaced only if all machines in worse states are replaced (Worse Cluster Replacement Rule). We then show that, for problems with replacement cost functions exhibiting nonincreasing marginal costs, there are optimal policies such that, in any stage, machines in the same state are either all kept or all replaced (No‐Splitting Rule). We also present an example that shows that economies of scale in replacement costs do not guarantee optimal policies that satisfy the No‐Splitting Rule. These results lead to the fundamental insight that replacement decisions are driven by marginal costs, and not by economies of scale as suggested in the literature. Finally, we describe how the optimal policy structure, i.e., the No‐Splitting and Worse Cluster Replacement Rules, can be used to reduce the computational effort required to obtain optimal replacement policies. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
飞行计划管理中航迹关联算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统飞行计划管理中的缺限,基于MK-NN航迹关联算法思想,提出了一种利用方向因子、速度因子、偏航因子、时差因子和区域因子对综合航迹和计划航迹进行比较关联的方法.通过仿真,分析比较了该算法与其它算法的综合性能,验证了MK-NN算法在计划管理中的科学性和可行性.用改进的MK-NN算法为基本算法实现对飞行计划实施的动态监控,能够提高飞行计划管理的准确性和可靠性.  相似文献   
叙述了电子设备故障诊断系统所进行检测的不同安排顺序对故障诊断效率的影响.提出了适当的检测顺序与检测方式,提高检查效率,缩短检查过程.还分析了每次进行故障诊断结果确诊或误诊随机现象,评判诊断准确率是抽样检验问题.引入假设检验方法,对设备故障诊断系统的准确率进行评判.对建造设备故障诊断系统有参考价值.  相似文献   
动态贝叶斯网络(Dynamic Bayesian Networks-DBNs),是对具有随机过程性质的不确定性问题进行建模和处理的一个有力工具.提出将隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Models-HMMs)图形模式与贝叶斯网络结合起来构成DBN,将其用于无人机照相侦察情报的推理分析,决定炮火优先打击区域.首先建立动态贝叶斯网络的战场态势变化模型,而后应用HMM的推理算法获得当前隐含序列最优估计,且可预测出未来战场态势.最后应用模糊推理获得优先打击的区域号.仿真结果表明了模型的可行性.该方法有效解决了贝叶斯网络对于瞬间变化战场态势推理的不足的缺陷,为炮兵指挥员更好地运用火力,分出主次奠定了基础.  相似文献   
针对目前海军作战兵力需求问题,建立了海军作战的物理模型,并提出了用动态综合作战能力指数筹划海战兵力需求的数学模型和算法,采用战例统计法和专家打分法计算出战斗力系数.并且以航空兵空中争夺为例进行了因素分析、参数选取、效能计算并得出了明确结论.计算结果表明,采用动态综合作战能力指数作为海战兵力需求指标是可行的;信息作战能力在现代海战中具有极其重要的作用.  相似文献   
结合未来陆军机动作战实际,研究了集中射击指挥条件下,防空兵群动态防空抗击效率的评估方法。提出了目标可射击概率应依据火力单位射程选用不同模型评估的观点,探讨了火力单位转移、导弹(弹药)储备和群指挥所状态等因素对群抗击效率的影响及其评估模型。在此基础上,指出了所建模型的适用范围和需要进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   
提出了基于递推最小模型误差估计(RMMEE)的地空导弹飞行试验数据相容性检验的方法,该方法采用导弹位置和弹体角位移测量,不仅能在线重构六自由度弹道参数,而且能估计捷联惯导的动态误差,从根本上克服了Klein模型的局限性。该方法对导弹速度、位置估值的初值不敏感,即使存在较大的捷联惯导动态误差,仍具有良好的收敛性和稳健性。  相似文献   
建立了挠性胶管的物理模型 .以此为基础提出了用系统辨识的方法识别其动态特性参数 ,并推导出相应的计算公式  相似文献   
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