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本文在SHPB实验装置上,利用测定岩石动态压缩特性的基本原理,测定了大理岩动抗拉强度和动弹性模量,并通过计算确定了大理岩的本构方程。  相似文献   
运用UML进行建模并运用MDA方法生成系统代码已成为当前工作流系统设计开发的一大发展趋势。经过多年发展的ECO技术为.Net环境下运用MDA方法开发基于UML的稳定高效的软件系统提供了很好支持,而ECOⅢ则通过支持UML动态建模,使得ECO具备了开发基于UML工作流系统的能力。通过示例介绍了运用ECO进行工作流开发的一般流程,着重展现运用ECO开发工作流系统的可行性和高效性。  相似文献   
Reliability Economics is a field that can be defined as the collection of all problems in which there is tension between the performance of systems of interest and their cost. Given such a problem, the aim is to resolve the tension through an optimization process that identifies the system which maximizes some appropriate criterion function (e.g. expected lifetime per unit cost). In this paper, we focus on coherent systems of n independent and identically distributed (iid) components and mixtures thereof, and characterize both a system's performance and cost as functions of the system's signature vector (Samaniego, IEEE Trans Reliabil (1985) 69–72). For a given family of criterion functions, a variety of optimality results are obtained for systems of arbitrary order n. Approximations are developed and justified when the underlying component distribution is unknown. Assuming the availability of an auxiliary sample of N component failure times, the asymptotic theory of L‐estimators is adapted for the purpose of establishing the consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators of the expected ordered failure times of the n components of the systems under study. These results lead to the identification of ε‐optimal systems relative to the chosen criterion function. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
首先建立了小口径舰炮对空虚拟校射脱靶量的观测方程,分析了脱靶量的统计性质,在此基础上推导出校正量的最优估计量,并用仿真结果验证了结论的正确性。  相似文献   
This article considers the empty vehicle redistribution problem in a hub‐and‐spoke transportation system, with random demands and stochastic transportation times. An event‐driven model is formulated, which yields the implicit optimal control policy. Based on the analytical results for two‐depot systems, a dynamic decomposition procedure is presented which produces a near‐optimal policy with linear computational complexity in terms of the number of spokes. The resulting policy has the same asymptotic behavior as that of the optimal policy. It is found that the threshold‐type control policy is not usually optimal in such systems. The results are illustrated through small‐scale numerical examples. Through simulation the robustness of the dynamic decomposition policy is tested using a variety of scenarios: more spokes, more vehicles, different combinations of distribution types for the empty vehicle travel times and loaded vehicle arrivals. This shows that the dynamic decomposition policy is significantly better than a heuristics policy in all scenarios and appears to be robust to the assumptions of the distribution types. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
保证人员疏散安全是建筑防火安全设计的重要目标之一,而疏散逃生设施是疏散设施不可或缺的组成部分。分别从理念、技术和应用层面介绍动态疏散逃生系统在机场环境中的应用,该系统实现了信息化控制管理,可根据火灾实时情况动态引导人员疏散,具有语音、调整疏散路径、光流等特点,实现"安全、准确、迅速"地引导人员避烟逃生,较以往应急疏散指示灯具具有更高的可靠性和安全性。  相似文献   
多弹种快速供弹系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在研究国内外供弹系统的基础上,借鉴它们的可取之处,通过机构上的综合和创新来建立一个有效的、可行的方案模型,确定供弹系统的结构形式与布置方式,对其进行详细设计,并在Solidworks中建立供弹系统的实体模型。完成了方案的总体结构布置和时序设计。对弹鼓进行了结构和运动规律设计,完成了弹丸的运动过程分析,运用ADAMS对模型进行了仿真验证。为提高舰炮的射速和供弹系统的自动化以及多弹种快速转换能力提供了新的思路与构想。  相似文献   
任务分配是多导弹协同攻击目标的重要前提,在充分考虑满足复杂战场环境各种约束的条件下,提出了基于混沌粒子群算法的实时动态算法,使得算法在求解WTA问题时具有处理意外目标和任意时刻响应当前战场状态的实时动态特性。并为了解决战场环境中各不确定性因子对新加入目标优先级的影响,提出基于三元区间数表示关联熵的复合物元目标排序方法。  相似文献   
基于效果的联合作战行动规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联合作战行动规划是依据联合作战的使命和资源约束建立完成使命的最佳行动过程,通过对交战环境状态、交战主体的资源能力状态、行动、事件和效果的定义,结合人工智能领域解决"计划"问题的研究、军事领域基于效果的作战思想提出了联合作战行动规划模型及策略优选方法.模型结合了马尔可夫决策过程和贝叶斯网络技术来求解交战主体的最优策略,对联合作战设计具有适应性的行动策略做出的初步尝试.  相似文献   
文章针对盲源分离中输出信号帧与帧之间信号衔接顺序的不确定性问题,提出了最优分离矩阵循环迭代算法,将每帧信号分离时目标函数寻优所得分离矩阵作为下一帧循环的初始化矩阵进行迭代来分离信号。理论分析与计算机仿真表明:该算法能有效解决盲分离中信号次序的不确定性问题,具有较强的实际应用价值。  相似文献   
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