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前向信息修补算法可以对离散动态贝叶斯网络的缺失数据进行预测,该算法只适用于所有观测节点是相互独立的网络,却不能处理观测节点有依赖关系网络的缺失数据。针对该算法的这一缺陷,提出了改进的前向信息修补算法,在分析离散动态贝叶斯网络的缺失数据具有二种基本形式的基础上,推导出了每种形式的相应预测公式。继而构建了用于识别威胁源离散动态贝叶斯网络的模型。仿真实验验证了改进的前向信息修补算法的有效性。  相似文献   
利用ADAMS和Matlab/Simulink两大软件的信息交互功能,将ADAMS中的全炮动力学仿真模型生成ADAMS_SUB模块,并将其嵌入联合后坐系统仿真模型中;通过ADAMS和 Matlab/Simulink同步运行对全炮进行发射动力学联合仿真,模拟大口径舰炮发射的全过程,分析全炮的动态响应.对全炮发射动力学联合仿真结果进行后处理分析,观察炮口扰动曲线,进行稳定性分析和炮口扰动分析.根据分析结果,对所建模型及仿真模块进行评价,结果表明,仿真结果与靶场试验数据基本吻合,为物理样机的研制提供了重要的理论参考依据.  相似文献   
声纹是人说话声音的频谱图 ,由于人的个性 ,决定了不同人声纹的差异性 ,因此 ,声纹识别或声纹鉴定能够确定说话人的身份。声纹鉴别在很多领域有着广泛的应用价值和前景 ,这里 ,简单介绍声纹和声纹鉴定与识别的概念及其应用的历史与现状 ,探讨声纹鉴别的方法原理和步骤 ,讨论声纹鉴别在个人身份证明、刑事侦察、军事、通信、防伪等领域的应用 ,展望声纹鉴别的应用前景。  相似文献   
一种调节阀式气体炮建模与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究气体炮各调整参数对其模拟性能的影响 ,笔者利用气体动力学相似理论的有关知识对双活塞调节阀式气体炮进行了数学建模与分析 ,采用四阶龙格—库塔法的思想进行计算 ,并利用MATLAB语言对其进行编程 ,通过在计算机上运行计算程序 ,得出模拟弹丸的加速度—时间模拟曲线。在对模拟曲线特征进行分析的基础上 ,指出了气体炮各调整参数对弹丸加速度—时间曲线的影响。  相似文献   
废气涡轮增压柴油机动态模型研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了废气涡轮增压柴油机作为转速控制对象时的动态数学模型 ,并在此基础上建立了数字式电子调速器仿真系统 .  相似文献   
介绍了一种基于模糊集合和神经网络的水雷状态识别方法 .该方法根据实际情况 ,将模糊集合和径向基函数神经网络结合起来 ,用于水雷状态的识别 .仿真结果表明 ,这种识别方法性能稳定 ,且有很高的识别精度 .  相似文献   
We consider the salvo policy problem, in which there are k moments, called salvos, at which we can fire multiple missiles simultaneously at an incoming object. Each salvo is characterized by a probability pi: the hit probability of a single missile. After each salvo, we can assess whether the incoming object is still active. If it is, we fire the missiles assigned to the next salvo. In the salvo policy problem, the goal is to assign at most n missiles to salvos in order to minimize the expected number of missiles used. We consider three problem versions. In Gould's version, we have to assign all n missiles to salvos. In the Big Bomb version, a cost of B is incurred when all salvo's are unsuccessful. Finally, we consider the Quota version in which the kill probability should exceed some quota Q. We discuss the computational complexity and the approximability of these problem versions. In particular, we show that Gould's version and the Big Bomb version admit pseudopolynomial time exact algorithms and fully polynomial time approximation schemes. We also present an iterative approximation algorithm for the Quota version, and show that a related problem is NP-complete.  相似文献   
In this paper, a condition-based maintenance model for a multi-unit production system is proposed and analyzed using Markov renewal theory. The units of the system are subject to gradual deterioration, and the gradual deterioration process of each unit is described by a three-state continuous time homogeneous Markov chain with two working states and a failure state. The production rate of the system is influenced by the deterioration process and the demand is constant. The states of the units are observable through regular inspections and the decision to perform maintenance depends on the number of units in each state. The objective is to obtain the steady-state characteristics and the formula for the long-run average cost for the controlled system. The optimal policy is obtained using a dynamic programming algorithm. The result is validated using a semi-Markov decision process formulation and the policy iteration algorithm. Moreover, an analytical expression is obtained for the calculation of the mean time to initiate maintenance using the first passage time theory.  相似文献   
In this article, we present an algorithm for the valuation and optimal operation of natural gas storage facilities. Real options theory is used to derive nonlinear partial‐integro‐differential equations (PIDEs), the solution of which give both valuation and optimal operating strategies for these facilities. The equations are designed to incorporate a wide class of spot price models that can exhibit the same time‐dependent, mean‐reverting dynamics, and price spikes as those observed in most energy markets. Particular attention is paid to the operational characteristics of real storage units. These characteristics include working gas capacities, variable deliverability and injection rates, and cycling limitations. We illustrate the model with a numerical example of a salt cavern storage facility that clearly shows how a gas storage facility is like a financial straddle with both put and call properties. Depending on the amount of gas in storage the relative influence of the put and call components vary. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
本文通过引入动力系统,将改进的Euler方法应用于非线性方程求根问题,给出非线性方程求根的预估-再校正迭代格式,证明了该格式至少二阶收敛并可以调节参数达到超收敛。最后给出数值实验,数值结果验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   
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