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In this paper we consider the problem of minimizing the costs of outsourcing warranty repairs when failed items are dynamically routed to one of several service vendors. In our model, the manufacturer incurs a repair cost each time an item needs repair and also incurs a goodwill cost while an item is awaiting and undergoing repair. For a large manufacturer with annual warranty costs in the tens of millions of dollars, even a small relative cost reduction from the use of dynamic (rather than static) allocation may be practically significant. However, due to the size of the state space, the resulting dynamic programming problem is not exactly solvable in practice. Furthermore, standard routing heuristics, such as join‐the‐shortest‐queue, are simply not good enough to identify potential cost savings of any significance. We use two different approaches to develop effective, simply structured index policies for the dynamic allocation problem. The first uses dynamic programming policy improvement while the second deploys Whittle's proposal for restless bandits. The closed form indices concerned are new and the policies sufficiently close to optimal to provide cost savings over static allocation. All results of this paper are demonstrated using a simulation study. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
The parallel machine replacement problem consists of finding a minimum cost replacement policy for a finite population of economically interdependent machines. In this paper, we formulate a stochastic version of the problem and analyze the structure of optimal policies under general classes of replacement cost functions. We prove that for problems with arbitrary cost functions, there can be optimal policies where a machine is replaced only if all machines in worse states are replaced (Worse Cluster Replacement Rule). We then show that, for problems with replacement cost functions exhibiting nonincreasing marginal costs, there are optimal policies such that, in any stage, machines in the same state are either all kept or all replaced (No‐Splitting Rule). We also present an example that shows that economies of scale in replacement costs do not guarantee optimal policies that satisfy the No‐Splitting Rule. These results lead to the fundamental insight that replacement decisions are driven by marginal costs, and not by economies of scale as suggested in the literature. Finally, we describe how the optimal policy structure, i.e., the No‐Splitting and Worse Cluster Replacement Rules, can be used to reduce the computational effort required to obtain optimal replacement policies. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
针对常规海上航线决策没有考虑决策选择过程的问题,引入多选择决策场理论( MDFT),构建了海上能源通道航线动态决策模型。基于信息完备、信息不确定和特殊情况等三种情景想定,进行了海上能源通道航线规划决策及其实验仿真。结果表明,决策过程受时间压力和信息质量的制约,时间压力会制约决策质量,同时还可能引起“偏好逆转”现象,信息不确定也会导致确定性决策。该模型不仅综合考虑了海上能源通道航线选择时需关注的各类要素,且模型参数可动态调整,进而能合理模拟真实的海上状况和决策过程。  相似文献   
目前航空装备的保障普遍存在保障费用高和装备可用度低的问题。针对视情维修(Condition-based Maintenance,简称CBM)在新一代航空装备中的应用,以保证航空装备的战备完好性,降低维修保障费用为目标,应用系统动力学原理,建立基于视情维修的航空装备保障费用的动态反馈结构模型。仿真结果表明,将视情维修方法应用到航空装备保障,可有效降低保障费用,提高战备完好率。  相似文献   
围绕弹道导弹助推段跟踪问题,分析了助推段反弹道导弹的基本作战过程,建立了弹道导弹助推段动力学模型,分别就单传感器/单弹道导弹和多传感器/多弹道导弹两种情况建立了基于EKF算法的弹道导弹助推段跟踪模型,并通过算例验证了模型和算法的有效性,可为助推段反弹道导弹建模与仿真提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
基于虚拟样机技术的某小口径火炮射击仿真分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对某小口径火炮在射击过程中零部件运动特性难以通过实弹射击试验获取的难题,联合三维建模软件和动力学仿真软件,建立了该炮的动力学模型。通过仿真数据与实弹射击试验数据的对比,验证了模型的有效性。在此基础上,研究了该炮在射击循环中各部件的运动规律和承受的发射应力载荷,研究结果可为该炮关键零部件的疲劳寿命分析和火炮射击精度研究提供参考。  相似文献   
雷达组网抗干扰能力评估是组网系统作战效能评估的一个重要方面,运用仿真模拟法和最优指标法,对组网系统抗干扰能力进行了动态评估研究。基于研究现状的分析,提出了组网系统抗干扰能力的一种评估框架结构;构建了组网系统抗压制性干扰能力的动态评估指标体系,采用最优指标法对4种组网方案在复合压制干扰模式下的抗干扰能力进行了动态仿真分析和方案的优劣评价。评估结果与实际抗干扰试验的结论相符,验证了评估指标体系的有效性和合理性,所得结论对复杂电子战环境下雷达组网系统作战效能研究具有指导意义。  相似文献   
可能性决策能较好地应对军事领域常常出现的概率难以获得,或者强调“出奇制胜”而有意规避概率风险的情形,是解决知识不完备情况下敌对行动预测的有力手段。从可能性理论基本公理体系出发,结合动态规划方法,提出并证明可能性决策的最优化定理,给出多步条件下可能性决策的实现算法,结合危机条件下敌对行动预测的范例和仿真分析,与传统概率风险决策进行比较,体现可能性决策的优越性,为该方法的推广应用创造条件。  相似文献   
通过对惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit,IMU)进行减振,可以减小外部冲击、振动对IMU正常工作和测量精度的影响,提高系统导航精度。基于patran/marc有限元分析软件对激光陀螺IMU的减振系统进行模态分析,得到减振系统主要的模态及频率。主要通过仿真分析了减振橡胶块的温度、轴向压缩量和径向压缩量三项关键因素对减振系统模态的影响,提出了一种IMU减振系统的优化设计方案。结论表明:可通过改变结构参数方式来调整减振系统参数,从而满足机抖激光陀螺惯导的应用要求。  相似文献   
针对联合作战中分布、动态的战场环境和海量的战场信息,满足不同作战实体对战场信息资源共享的需求,构建了一个基于多智能体的、面向作战任务的信息资源共享模型,并提出了一种新颖的基于相似度的用户动态聚类方法。从用户的资源请求中发现用户兴趣和用户之间的相似度,通过交互机制有效地将相同兴趣的用户及资源智能体关联起来,提高作战主体获取战场信息的能力。实验证明该算法具有较高的效率和良好的可扩展性。  相似文献   
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