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随着社会经济的发展,环境污染已成为一个不能回避的社会话题。国家要想在将来寻求长远的发展,必须在现有立法的基础上,进一步完善环境保护的法律机制,从而实现社会的和谐。从环境侵权民事责任构成要件角度出发,阐述了如何保护受害人的合法权益,如何在经济发展的同时从根本上正确处理人与自然环境之间的关系。  相似文献   
关于《儒林外史》的主题,至今众说纷纭。解决这个问题的核心是从这部讽刺小说中找出作者的价值判断。书中所讽刺的各种人物,归于一点,在于学问或人格的“伪妄”。而小说的价值判断标准,即为“真儒”的人格学问之“真”和他们“礼乐兵农”的济世方案之“实”。所以,人才观念上的倡真反伪和社会主张上的弃虚返实,即为小说的基本主题。  相似文献   
公安部科研项目“反应性物质热稳定性的分级方法研究”在国内首次利用绝热加速量热法系统研究了反应性物质的热稳定性。该项目研究成果在物质与生产火灾危险性辨识、火灾原因调查与分析等方面具有现实指导意义。在《工业企业防火》课程教学过程中,部分项目研究成果纳入了“影响储存和生产火灾危险性的因素”、“危险化学品的危险特性”“仓库防火”以及“重大危险源辨识”等章节的教学内容,使学生对课程内容有了更为深入地理解。科研成果与教学内容的有机结合,既显著提高了学生的学习主动性和学习兴趣,又大大增强了学生的创新性意识。  相似文献   
运用现代管理科学理论考量公安消防部队政治工作管理,就会发现:公安消防部队政治工作管理中还存在一些不容忽视的问题,导致问题产生的原因比较复杂。要提高公安消防部队政治工作管理水平,我们必须针对问题及其原因,树立现代管理的科学理念,敢于突破陈旧落后的管理方法和手段,努力健全管理体制和运行机制,不断完善管理法规建设。  相似文献   
We analyze strategic relationships between buyers and sellers in markets with switching costs and dynamic uncertainty by investigating the scenario wherein a representative buyer trades with two foreign sellers located in the same foreign country. We show that, under exchange rate uncertainty, switching costs may lead to switching equilibria where both sellers co‐exist in the market with the buyer, or no‐switching equilibria where either seller captures the market. The presence of exchange rate uncertainty facilitates competition by allowing the sellers to co‐exist in the market with the buyer. However, if the level of uncertainty is beyond a threshold, the only viable equilibria are those where one of the sellers captures the market. Further, depending on the level of exchange rate uncertainty and the sellers' variable costs, switching costs may either raise or lower the level of prices in long‐term contracts between the buyer and the sellers. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
We study unreliable serial production lines with known failure probabilities for each operation. Such a production line consists of a series of stations, existing machines, and optional quality control stations (QCSs). Our aim is to decide on the allocation of the QCSs within the assembly line, so as to maximize the expected profit of the system. In such a problem, the designer has to determine the QCS configuration and the production rate simultaneously. The profit maximization problem is approximated assuming exponentially distributed processing times, Poisson arrival process of jobs into the system, and the existing of holding costs. The novel feature of our model is the incorporation of holding costs that significantly complicated the problem. Our approximation approach uses a branch and bound strategy that employs our fast dynamic programming algorithm for minimizing the expected operational costs for a given production rate as a subroutine. Extensive numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the efficiency of the branch and bound procedure for solving large scale instances of the problem and for obtaining some qualitative insights.
公安边防海警部队官兵在海上训练、执勤、执法实践中,由于种种因素诱发出多种心理问题。着重探析海警部队海上执勤训练中官兵心理问题的主要表现及其主要原因,旨在探讨解决官兵心理问题的主要途径。  相似文献   
针对重大易燃易爆物质泄漏后所表现出来的易燃易爆性、对周围的人员和空气、水土等环境资源的严重破坏性,分析了易燃易爆物质泄漏的原因,并有针对性的从划定警戒区、查找泄漏点、堵漏、泄漏物质的浓度监测、排除火险因素、安全疏散、个人防护等方面提出了应急处置对策。  相似文献   
当前公安科技工作中科研成果管理面临一些实际问题,应引起各级科研管理工作者的重视。应该坚持科研成果管理的导向作用,加强科研成果的统计管理和加强科研成果转化管理以及组织管理革新等,以便为今后公安科研成果管理的发展提供参考。  相似文献   
今年是七七卢沟桥事变70周年。70年前,在国难当头,民族危亡之时,中国共产党带领全国人民浴血奋战。毛泽东以他伟大的军事家的远见卓识,在延安窑洞的灯光下运筹帷幄,奋笔疾书,谱写了一篇篇闪光的抗战军事著作。在这些著作中,毛泽东深刻地分析、科学地预测了抗日战争的进程和最终的战局。正是这些英明正确的军事理论指引着中国人民夺取了抗日战争的伟大胜利。今天,处在和平发展时期的每一位中国人都应重温历史,勿忘国耻,珍爱和平,开创未来。  相似文献   
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