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孔子是我国伟大的教育家,其教育思想含蕴丰富,学界极为重视,而其生命观教育对当代更具有重要意义。本文以《论语》为基本文献,揭示孔子生命观教育思想的三个层次:对于生命个体的起点来说,我们对于自己的父母要孝敬感恩;在生命的旅程中要安贫乐道,以弘扬仁义为人生目标;人生最终的追求就是要领悟天命,然后按照天命行事。当代人更应该珍惜生命,生命不仅是自己的,也是家庭与社会的。  相似文献   
结合我院任职教育实际,分析了任职教育出现的新情况、新问题,从整合专业内容、创新教学方法、构建教学体系、规范教学管理、建设教员队伍、优化教学环境等方面提出了深化任职教育的途径及对策。  相似文献   
As the generalization of intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) and Pythagorean fuzzy set (PFS), the q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (q-ROFS) has emerged as a more meaningful and effective tool to solve multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problems in management and scientific domains. The MABAC (multi-attributive border approximation area comparison) model, which handles the complex and uncertain decision making issues by computing the distance between each alternative and the bored approximation area (BAA), has been investigated by an increasing number of researchers more recent years. In our article, consider the conventional MABAC model and some fundamental theories of q-rung orthopair fuzzy set (q-ROFS), we shall introduce the q-rung orthopair fuzzy MABAC model to solve MADM problems. at first, we briefly review some basic theories related to q-ROFS and conventional MABAC model. Furthermore, the q-rung orthopair fuzzy MABAC model is built and the decision making steps are described. In the end, An actual MADM application has been given to testify this new model and some comparisons between this novel MABAC model and two q-ROFNs aggregation operators are provided to further demonstrate the merits of the q-rung orthopair fuzzy MABAC model.  相似文献   
教育既是阻断贫困代际传递的治本之策,亦是脱贫可持续发展的内生动力。本研究基于新疆八个地区的实地调研数据,运用转换矩阵分析法和对数线性回归模型呈现了贫困代际传递与教育代际流动的现状,进而分析各级教育阻断贫困代际传递的作用,结果表明,贫困结构由绝对贫困向相对贫困改善;贫困子代受教育程度低,教育向上代际流动性较弱;教育具有阻断贫困代际传递的作用,中学教育阶段最为显著。教育扶贫应精准识别扶贫对象,增强受教育意愿,促进教育代际流动;差异分配教育经费,分学段扶贫;培养与引进并举,加强师资建设。  相似文献   
随着改革开放不断的发展,社会职业分工的不断复杂化、新型产业多样化、消防工作的社会化、消防监督国际化、违法手段技术化、相关法律更新滞后等诸多因素,使得公安消防机构实施消防监督执法面临更多更复杂局面,面临更严峻的形势和任务,同时也面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。分析了当前消防监督执法工作中存在的突出问题,提出了改进消防监督执法工作的对策。  相似文献   
人与自然的关系在社会发展到今天,越来越得到人们的重视。以往的思想政治教育,人们总是把它的价值局限在政治价值、经济价值和文化价值上。高校的道德教育也是主要围绕如何处理人与人、集体和社会的关系等,而相对忽略了如何处理人与自然,包括人与其他生命体的关系的教育内容。正确认识人与自然的关系,对保护自然环境承担起责任,是当代大学生必须拥有的素质。  相似文献   

This study examines the causal nexus between defence spending and education expenditure in China using the bootstrap Granger full-sample causality test and sub-sample rolling window estimation. The full-sample result indicates that there is no causality between defence spending and education expenditure. By adopting a time-varying rolling window approach to revisit the dynamic causal relationships, this article identifies a negative unidirectional causality running from education expenditure to defence spending. The finding suggests that it is the education expenditure crowds out defence spending in China rather than reverse. No causality is demonstrated from defence spending to education expenditure, indicating that an increase in military spending will not crowd out expenditure on education. The results could be partly explained by that the education expenditure in China is below the requirement of corresponding economic growth, urging for more financial budget. Whereas the findings support a negative trade-off between defence and education expenditures, they refute the theory of ‘guns for butter’.  相似文献   
介绍了解不适定问题的Tikhonov正则化方法,给出它的基本概念、基本结果以及它的进一步发展。  相似文献   
在社会转型时期的学校教育受到许多挑战,加上一直以来对学校在道德教育中的作用被过分放大,使学校面临巨大的压力。实际上,真正的、有效的道德教育需要一个广泛的支持系统。我国需要结合学校、家庭、社区及社会的综合力量,营造"大德育"的环境,建立起道德教育的社会支持系统。  相似文献   
一段时间以来,部分课外教育培训机构打着素质教育的“幌子”变相以应试教育为能事,误导一些家长迷信课外辅导班而忽视正常的学校教育,并有着愈演愈烈的迹象。很多中小学生的课余时间被各类课外辅导班占用,而其中多数并非他们感兴趣和正常学习所需的。额外的课外辅导使中小学生不堪重负,不仅影响了他们的身心健康,还冲击了正常的学校教育教学秩序。因此,重新审视当前正常的学校教育和课外辅导班之关系,已成为人们不得不正视的现实问题。应坚持学校教育的主导地位,让成体系、循序渐进的学校教育在青少年健康成长成才中发挥不可替代的作用。  相似文献   
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