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党的十八届三中全会提出全面深化改革的总目标是:“完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。”这既是改革开放35年来历史经验的深刻总结,也是实现中华民族伟大复兴中国梦的基本保证,更是增强改革系统性、整体性、协同性的基本要求。  相似文献   
坚强的领导力是确保军事行动成功的关键。军校学员领导力不同于普通意义上的领导力。孙子“静以幽,正以治”的论述,揭示了军校学员领导力培养的基本内容、基本标准和各内容之间的辩证关系,对军校学员领导力培养具有重要的启迪意义。军校必须将培养超常的心质作为学员领导力的基础,把提升思维的广度和深度作为学员领导力的保障,将培养强烈的感召力作为学员领导力的核心,将培养坚强的执行力作为学员领导力的支撑。  相似文献   
选择1991—2010年涉及西部经济发展水平多样性及影响西部地区社会稳定相关课题的期刊文献146篇进行分析研究。这些文献突出反映了我国西部地区存在的经济发展多样性特色,凸显出收入差距、东西部发展水平差异及其形成原因,西部的群体性事件与经济发展水平,西部地区发展水平多样的历史进程,经济发展与反恐怖,化解社会矛盾与少数民族权利及自我发展能力等9个方面的问题。同时指出了文献方面存在的不足,有待尽快得到有效解决。  相似文献   
非相参多点源诱偏技术是对抗反辐射导弹(ARM)的有效手段。以ARM目标分辨的二分组理论和双点源诱偏的仿真结果为依据,对等功率三点源诱偏的2种经典布局的ARM落点整体分布进行预测。通过对ARM落点和系统被击中概率曲线的分析及拟合处理,验证了预测的正确性及系统被击中概率与占地面积的相关性,为通信辐射源抗ARM的布设提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
计算机科学与技术专业课程体系的建设与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
计算机科学与技术专业是一门随着社会、经济、科技的飞速发展而不断更新的学科,为了培养具有开拓、创新、适应社会发展的高素质工程应用型人才,我们必须不断加强计算机科学与技术专业的课程体系建设。本文结合我校计算机科学与技术专业教学和应用现状,通过建立良好的课程体系,使课程教学能更系统、更具目的性;同时将实践教学摆到了重要的位置,注重课程体系的组织与学生能力培养和素质提高的密切结合。  相似文献   
中学作文教学是整个语文教学中十分重要的一环,传统的作文教学方法忽视学生的主体作用,而"写前-写中-写后"三阶段作文教学法突出了语文教师应有的"引导"作用,在作文教学中侧重对学生主体性的调动,让作文教学在语文教师"导"的作用下更好地成为教与学的互动平台,进一步提高学生的写作能力。  相似文献   
研究主题是指某一研究领域内的主要研究内容,反映了该领域的科研工作者和管理者的研究热点和工作重点。研究采用计量分析法对1994-2013年刊载在《学前教育研究》中与幼儿园"游戏"研究主题密切相关的165篇文献进行分析,建构了"游戏"研究主题的分析框架。回顾20年来幼儿园"游戏"研究,学术界对幼儿园游戏的关注度不够,游戏理论研究与实践研究的深度和广度均不足,理论研究与实践研究"脱离"现象明显。研究认为在以后的研究中,应树立"大课程"观的游戏理念;深化理论研究,建构本土化游戏理论;加强实践研究,探索游戏活动促进游戏者发展的路径;注重"关系"研究和"机制"研究,为理论研究和实践研究关联搭建桥梁。  相似文献   
针对船舶机舱火灾喷雾冷却效果问题,分析了机舱封闭环境中喷雾灭火的传热传质过程,构建并设置了具体的船舶机舱典型火灾环境;结合船舶机舱火灾发生条件下可能遭遇的典型故障状态,运用火灾动力学软件进行了数值仿真,进一步分析了喷头压力、数量以及火源位置等单因素和多因素耦合作用对船舶机舱喷雾系统冷却效果的影响,并给出了一种验证喷雾系统控制火灾能力的仿真计算方法.仿真分析表明:该方法可以模拟机舱喷雾灭火过程,对于分析并掌握救援过程中船舶机舱温度场的变化具有应用价值.  相似文献   
A common criticism levelled at successive governments of the Republic of Ireland during the Northern Ireland ‘Troubles’ was their alleged inactivity in the face of a ferocious Provisional IRA campaign. Such criticisms were based in large part on the perception of the southern state as a supply base for militant republicanism. The Republic was undoubtedly a formidable logistics hinterland for such militants. However, criticisms of the reactions of authorities in the south are unfair. This article considers the explosives capabilities of the IRA during the first six years of their campaign. It does so with reference to their attempts to obtain commercial explosives as well as measures employed by them to obtain homemade explosives. The article also considers countermeasures employed by the southern government and reveals the extent to which they sought to shut down IRA capabilities in the south. It is argued that, ultimately, the IRA's campaign in this regard could only be contained and never unilaterally halted.  相似文献   
In the late seventeenth century during the Dutch War (1672–1678) and the Nine Years War (1688–1697), French armies relied on small war for the accomplishment of essential tasks and as part of an overall strategy of exhausting their opponents in the Low Countries. The purposes of small war included the imposition of contributions on enemy populations, the destruction of the enemy base of operations, blockades of fortresses, and the general support of campaign armies. The expression ‘small war’ in the French language appeared with growing frequency in the 1690s. Small war can be viewed as both a cause and consequence of the characteristics of these wars. The limited policy goals of Louis XIV the king of France required a strategy that minimised risk and accomplished the goal of reducing if not eliminating the Spanish presence in the Low Countries that bordered the north of France. As French armies increased in size during this period, the demand for specialists at small increased in order to provide security and ensure supply. Small war in the late seventeenth century was thus not ideologically motivated insurgency, but in the minds of French commanders an essential component of strategy and the nature of war.  相似文献   
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