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今年是七七卢沟桥事变70周年。70年前,在国难当头,民族危亡之时,中国共产党带领全国人民浴血奋战。毛泽东以他伟大的军事家的远见卓识,在延安窑洞的灯光下运筹帷幄,奋笔疾书,谱写了一篇篇闪光的抗战军事著作。在这些著作中,毛泽东深刻地分析、科学地预测了抗日战争的进程和最终的战局。正是这些英明正确的军事理论指引着中国人民夺取了抗日战争的伟大胜利。今天,处在和平发展时期的每一位中国人都应重温历史,勿忘国耻,珍爱和平,开创未来。  相似文献   
在已有的水面舰艇和潜艇装备应用研究系统的基础上,通过整合仿真资源、统一仿真标准构建舰潜联合仿真实验系统。探讨了联合仿真实验系统的主要功能及框架结构;阐述了开发联合仿真实验系统所面临的关键问题及其解决办法。最后实现了水面舰艇和潜艇装备应用联合仿真实验系统,并采用一个典型的编队防潜作战想定验证了系统的优越性,为未来海军多兵种联合作战仿真实验奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
基于反辐射导弹告警技术的原理,分析了反辐射导弹雷达告警技术和光电告警技术的可行性。定义了告警设备的抗电子摧毁因子,并给出了分析过程和计算模型。以命中概率为指标,对反辐射导弹告警技术的作战效能进行了分析研究。仿真得出反辐射导弹命中概率与告警设备告警距离、发现概率等参数的关系,可为反辐射导弹告警技术的研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
在信息化战争的大背景下,战术行动中团队协同作战一直是研究的重点问题,而如何建立自主协同关系是团队协同研究的一个难点问题。在分析已有团队协同理论和框架的基础上,提出一种面向任务的战术行动自主协同关系模型建立方法。该模型首先根据当前战场态势和上级任务发布自主协同任务集合,各作战单元根据战场态势和自主决策自愿参与自主协同任务,其次利用作战单元与自主协同任务间的相互关系实现对关键角色的判断。如果关键协同成员参与自主协同任务则自主协同关系建立成功,反之,建立失败。  相似文献   
龙坤  朱启超 《国防科技》2017,38(6):036-042
分析了"算法战争"的概念,考察了美军围绕筹划"算法战争"所展开的相关举措,讨论了"算法战争"的潜在影响,并指出了其局限性所在。建议跟踪研判"算法战争"的未来演变趋势,依托军民融合加强算法储备,重视反制措施的研究和伦理探讨。  相似文献   
本文对美军运用作战实验研究"网络中心战"的方法进行了归纳和分析.  相似文献   
This article argues that the history of irregular warfare provides a valuable analytical and critical perspective for the study of counterinsurgency campaigns and counterinsurgency doctrine. A focus on the history of irregular warfare highlights the close relationship between warfare in Europe and in the colonies. Moreover, it enables us to identify more exactly the intersection of multiple factors that lead to an escalation of violence in small wars. Finally, it also sheds light on the lack of strategic reflection on the use of irregular auxiliaries that is characteristic for many counterinsurgency campaigns.  相似文献   
In the Age of Napoleon, ‘small wars’ and ‘revolutionary war’ were closely connected. There were, however, different strands of this phenomenon: speaking professionally, conservative officers condemned small wars as an irregular regression to previous less disciplined forms of warfare. The Prussian state continually tried to discipline and regulate spontaneous risings. Yet the irregular character of small wars offered the opportunities for a less complex way of fighting, thus enabling the arming of the ‘people’ to fight. Individual undertakings, such as Ferdinand von Schill's doomed campaign in 1809, were designed to spark off a general popular uprising. But they were cheered by many and supported by few. Meanwhile, Neidhardt von Gneisenau conceived guerrilla-style Landsturm home-defence forces, which were designed for an irregular people's war. These concepts were put into practice in the ‘war of freedom’ – or ‘war of liberation’ – in 1813. Eventually both the mobilisation and the tactics remained regular, however, despite the emphatic appeal to a national ‘people's war’.  相似文献   
针对目前学报文献信息传播现代化的发展要求 ,为顺应学术期刊国际化的趋势 ,论述了参考文献中电子文献著录的重要性以及对学报的影响 ,提出应进一步规范电子文献的著录格式。  相似文献   
世纪之交 ,美俄等军队进行的几场反恐怖战争 ,其对手在处于劣势时 ,通常以游击战术与之对抗。因此 ,美俄军队在反恐怖作战中 ,也运用反游击战手段反制恐怖武装 ,其高技术条件下的反游击战战略战术对取得战争胜利起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   
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