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IEEE802.11的MAC协议是移动Ad Hoc网络目前事实上的标准.节点成功发送后,该协议中的信道接入退避算法将节点竞争窗口值CW(contention window)设为最小竞争窗口值CWmin,这种算法易造成某个节点一直占有信道,使得其他节点出现“饥饿”现象.提出一种改进算法EBEB(enhanced binary exponential backoff),用窗口阀值CWmid区分网络状态,让节点据此来合理的设置当前的竞争窗口,而不是直接设为最小值,避免节点之间产生严重的不公平.仿真结果表明改进算法EBEB在数据丢失量、时延、吞吐量上优于原有的BEB(Binary exponential backoff)算法.  相似文献   
接口设计是实现分布式作战仿真互操作的关键。本文在对高层体系结构研究的基础上 ,提出了一种基于状态空间影子模型的接口概念设计方案 ,分析和论述了相关系统结构、接口数据的表达、接口的构成及其工作原理。  相似文献   
This paper studies production planning of manufacturing systems of unreliable machines in tandem. The manufacturing system considered here produces one type of product. The demand is assumed to be a Poisson process and the processing time for one unit of product in each machine is exponentially distributed. A broken machine is subject to a sequence of repairing processes. The up time and the repairing time in each phase are assumed to be exponentially distributed. We study the manufacturing system by considering each machine as an individual system with stochastic supply and demand. The Markov Modulated Poisson Process (MMPP) is applied to model the process of supply. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method. We employ (s, S) policy as production control. Fast algorithms are presented to solve the average running costs of the machine system for a given (s, S) policy and hence the approximated optimal (s, S) policy. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 65–78, 2001  相似文献   
对频率选择表面进行了研究,通过研究不同结构的频率选择表面,在现有介质材料的基础上设计了一种具有带通特性的频率选择表面,并用Ansoft HFSS进行了仿真设计.在20%带宽内实现了垂直照射传输损耗小于-2 dB,并研究了电磁波在不同入射角度下的传输特性.  相似文献   
角度闪烁干扰对地空导弹火力拦截能力的影响,是电子对抗部队迫切需要解决却又缺乏系统研究的难题。为解决这一难点问题,首先在研究杀伤区纵深和掩护扇区受干扰变化的基础上,分析了双机闪烁干扰对地空导弹射击目标脱靶量及射击次数的影响,然后建立了角度闪烁干扰条件下地空导弹对目标的合成杀伤概率计算模型,最后通过算例验证模型的有效性,得出了具有实用价值的结论,可为空袭作战中作战效能评估提供参考。  相似文献   
针对交错的雷达脉冲信号中,辐射源脉冲样本数较少而无法统计脉间参数规律实现脉冲提取的问题,提出了一种基于自提取样本子图的全脉冲匹配分选算法。该算法利用全脉冲移位匹配搜索自相关函数极大峰值,序贯提取辐射源时间维样本子图,同时筛选出匹配脉冲,无需对脉冲特征参数做统计分析,因此,可实现小样本数雷达信号的脉冲提取。仿真实验表明在有脉冲漏失的信号环境中,算法处理样本数充足情况下的脉冲信号与传统多参数统计方法性能相当,而且能提取出小样本数的脉冲信号。  相似文献   
DS信号是一种具有优良电子防御能力的新型通信信号,广泛运用于军事、民用通信系统中。对抗这种技术的侦察手段目前还没有取得实用性的进展,因此,需开展大量的理论和实践工作。总结了在低信噪比下对直接序列扩频信号侦收的方法,并比较各个方法的优缺点,探讨了其中一些关键问题和新技术途径。  相似文献   
模糊超球支持向量机   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了模糊超球支持向量机算法。首先根据样本分布特性将样本空间划分成有限个超球子空间,超球半径经归一化处理后作为各球心样本点的模糊属性值,超球球心组成新的训练样本集,在构造决策超平面的过程中对应不同模糊属性值的各输入样本增加了不同训练权重。仿真实验结果表明:该算法减少了训练样本数,有利于提高支持向量机的训练速度和测试速度,有效地防止了训练样本中噪声点对训练结果的负面影响。  相似文献   
The paper presents the possibilities of, and methods for, acquiring, analysing and processing optical signals in order to recognise, identify and counteract threats on the contemporary battleground. The main ways electronic warfare is waged in the optical band of the electromagnetic wave spectrum have been formulated, including the acquisition of optical emitter signatures, as well as ultraviolet (UV) and thermal (IR) signatures. The physical parameters and values describing the emission of laser radiation are discussed, including their importance in terms of creating optical signatures. Moreover, it has been shown that in the transformation of optical signals into signatures, only their spectral and temporal parameters can be applied. This was confirmed in experimental part of the paper, which includes our own measurements of spectral and temporal emission characteristics for three types of binocular laser rangefinders. It has been further shown that through simple registration and quick analysis involving comparison of emission time parameters in the case of UV signatures in “solar-blind” band, various events can be identified quickly and faultlessly. The same is true for IR signatures, where the amplitudes of the recorded signal for several wavelengths are compared. This was confirmed experimentally for UV signatures by registering and then analyzing signals from several events during military exercises at a training ground, namely Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launches and explosions after hitting targets, trinitrotoluene (TNT) explosions, firing armour-piercing, fin-stabilised, discarding sabots (APFSDS) or high explosive (HE) projectiles. The final section describes a proposed model database of emitters, created as a result of analysing and transforming the recorded signals into optical signatures.  相似文献   
网格技术在战术防空系统网络化作战中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“网络中心战”是适应信息化战争发展的军队建设和联合作战的指导思想,网格技术是实现“网络中心战”的基础,利用网格技术在战术防空系统中实现“网络中心战”是信息时代防空作战的必然要求。  相似文献   
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