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对软件质量进行定量化管理是软件工程领域的趋势,也是软件质量保证的重要手段。针对软件维护性定量评估难、数据获取难的问题,分析了软件维护性受配置管理关键要素的影响,提出利用配置管理数据对软件维护性间接评估的方法。结合软件工程开发实际,建立了配置管理数据收集过程,利用维护时间作为参数,统计5类功能点维护时间对软件维护性进行度量,实现了软件维护性的定量评估,并利用实际项目对方法的可行性和有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   
Nano-sized aluminum(Nano-Al)powders hold promise in enhancing the total energy of explosives and the metal acceleration ability at the same time.However,the near-detonation zone effects of reaction between Nano-Al with detonation products remain unclear.In this study,the overall reaction process of 170 nm Al with RDX explosive and its effect on detonation characteristics,detonation reaction zone,and the metal acceleration ability were comprehensively investigated through a variety of experiments such as the detonation velocity test,detonation pressure test,explosive/window interface velocity test and confined plate push test using high-resolution laser interferometry.Lithium fluoride(LiF),which has an inert behavior during the explosion,was used as a control to compare the contribution of the reaction of aluminum.A thermochemical approach that took into account the reactivity of aluminum and ensuing detonation products was adopted to calculate the additional energy release by afterburn.Combining the numerical simulations based on the calculated afterburn energy and experimental results,the param-eters in the detonation equation of state describing the Nano-Al reaction characteristics were calibrated.This study found that when the 170 nm Al content is from 0%to 15%,every 5%increase of aluminum resulted in about a 1.3%decrease in detonation velocity.Manganin pressure gauge measurement showed no significant enhancement in detonation pressure.The detonation reaction time and reaction zone length of RDX/Al/wax/80/15/5 explosive is 64 ns and 0.47 mm,which is respectively 14%and 8%higher than that of RDX/wax/95/5 explosive(57 ns and 0.39 mm).Explosive/window interface velocity curves show that 170 nm Al mainly reacted with the RDX detonation products after the detonation front.For the recording time of about 10 μs throughout the plate push test duration,the maximum plate velocity and plate acceleration time accelerated by RDX/Al/wax/80/15/5 explosive is 12%and 2.9 μs higher than that of RDX/LiF/wax/80/15/5,respectively,indicating that the aluminum reaction energy significantly increased the metal acceleration time and ability of the explosive.Numerical simulations with JWLM explosive equation of state show that when the detonation products expanded to 2 times the initial volume,over 80%of the aluminum had reacted,implying very high reactivity.These results are significant in attaining a clear understanding of the reaction mechanism of Nano-Al in the development of aluminized explosives.  相似文献   
In this paper,a new method for determining the shell layout scheme is proposed,which can make the equipment damage data by the battlefield damage test resemble as close as possible the actual combat data.This method is based on the analysis of the impact point distribution and effective damage area of equipment.In order to obtain the position of the impact points,an impact point distribution model under artillery fire was established.Similarly,in order to obtain the effective damage area of equipment,the concepts of generalized damage area and task-based equipment functional damage probability were demonstrated,and the corresponding calculation model was established.Through case analysis,the shell layout scheme was effectively obtained,verifying the correctness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
末敏子母弹落点的近似模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
攻击线目标的末敏子母弹是一种新型弹种 ,具有较高的射击效力。在分析末敏子母弹抛撒和运动特性的基础上 ,提出近似模拟末敏子弹落点的方法 ,分析过程简单、快速 ,结果具有一定的可信性 ,为近似分析末敏子母弹武器系统射击效力提供了参考工具  相似文献   
球齿轮是一种新型的二维齿轮传动机构.在建立了球齿轮数学模型的基础上,得到了球齿轮传动的啮合模型,并进行了齿面接触特性分析,通过解非线性方程组,可得到接触点在齿面的位置.分析了球齿轮齿面的结构特征,针对球齿轮传动的接触形式表现为轮齿凸面与马鞍面之间的点接触,对啮合齿面的接触椭圆进行了分析计算,总结出了球齿轮在任一偏摆平面内啮合传动时接触椭圆的变化规律:在轮齿根部和顶部啮合时,接触椭圆较小,因而接触应力较大;而在轮齿中部啮合时,接触椭圆较大,所以接触应力较小.采用有限元的方法对球齿轮轮齿进行了弯曲应力和接触应力分析,分析结果进一步验证了接触椭圆变化规律的正确性.以上结论对进一步研究球齿轮的传动理论与实际应用具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   
在高马赫数飞行下,超燃冲压发动机的燃料冷却量大于燃料燃烧量。为了降低燃料的冷却量以及实现燃料冷却量和燃烧量的匹配,采用分析法对超燃冲压发动机壁面燃料冷却工质在超临界压力下进行做功潜力分析。发动机壁面冷却燃料的特性决定其热量大小。根据发动机壁面温度分布、热流密度分布计算热量,建立稳定流动燃料工质的平衡方程。结果表明:在壁面最高温度为1200 K时,传入壁面的热量为562.4 k W,其中理论热量为541.3 k W;冷却燃料工质流量增加,最大输出功减小;燃料工质出口温度增加,输出功减小;燃料工质出口压力增加,输出功基本不变。  相似文献   
从变形的观点出发,首先研究了一般平面参数曲线变形过程中产生拐点的充分必要条件以及判定拐点的一个泛函方程。在此基础上,给出了研究非凸控制多边形NURBS曲线拐点的方法,特别研究了正则单拐、双拐多边形NURBS曲线拐点的分布问题,得到了分析与控制相应曲线拐点的条件和判据。本文的结果可应用于调节与控制曲线形状的算法设计,也可指导CAD造型工程师的交互设计。  相似文献   
个体活动识别对用户画像、个性化推荐、异常行为检测、群体行为分析和基于活动的资源配置优化具有重要价值。提出了一种基于稀疏的社交媒体签到数据的个体活动语义识别方法,从签到数据中提取活动行为的时间周期性和趋势性特征,并采用空间偏好量化算法,从个体与群体活动的空间关联中提取群体和个体的空间访问偏好,使用自然语言嵌入工具BERT模型提取访问兴趣点的语义。时间特征、空间偏好特征和访问兴趣点名称语义特征共同构成表征群体、个体偏好的时空联合特征,通过极限梯度提升分类器对其进行分类,得到活动语义识别结果。在Foursquare数据集上的对比实验和消融实验中验证了所提活动语义识别模型可以有效提升活动语义识别的准确性。  相似文献   
针对远海精密导航与定位费用高昂的问题,提出利用北斗短报文传输多模全球导航卫星系统的实时服务数据,实现远海实时精密单点定位。为了降低通信成本和硬件成本,本研究对实时服务数据进行简化,弥补了北斗短报文带宽的不足;为了克服北斗短报文频率低的缺点,采取了实时精密星历预报的方法,来获取分钟间隔以外时刻的卫星轨道位置和钟差改正。对基于北斗短报文的远海实时精密单点定位的数据处理过程进行了仿真模拟。后期处理实测海洋观测数据,对定位性能进行测试,可实现水平方向厘米级定位,竖直方向精度为10~20 cm。该方法为低成本的远海实时定位提供了技术参考。  相似文献   
由于制导炮弹由身管武器发射,其飞行控制能力和导引信息量有限,故基于预测落点位置偏差量来修正速度方向并在控制时间内连续分配导引指令的思想提出一种新的三维末制导方法。根据非线性弹道方程组的级数解预测弹丸落点位置,得到落点与目标的偏差,并提出两种通过此偏差解算当前速度方向修正量的方法。取剩余飞行时间为修正时间,通过将速度方向修正量分配到整个剩余导引段建立加速度修正公式,从而减小导引指令饱和的可能性。通过连续地预测落点和分配加速度指令来实时地导引飞行。仿真结果表明:该导引方法简单可行,精度高,对控制能力要求较低,且具备较好的制导效果和毁伤效果,可为该体制制导炮弹的应用提供参考依据。  相似文献   
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