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海上编队协同作战中的冲突消解顺序问题能影响编队作战效能。为了确定冲突消解的顺序问题,采用基于综合集成权重的竞赛图方法来表示多种冲突的有序关系,定量化给出了各冲突严重程度的排序结论,不仅为指挥员的决策提供了依据,而且提出了一种有序替代具体数值的定量化分析方法。结果证明,该方法简单、有效。  相似文献   
Orde Wingate’s Special Night Squads played a key role in defeating the Great Arab Revolt of 1936–1939. Wingate’s Night Squads were distinctive in their approach to counter-insurgency warfare; in addition to bringing Arab insurgents to battle, the Night Squads proved their mettle by ‘flying the flag’ and by improving cooperation between Jewish settlers and British servicemen. Nevertheless, the Night Squad’s accomplishments and legacy must be properly situated within the broader wave of tactical innovations undertaken by the British Army throughout the Rebellion.  相似文献   
On a narrow warship platform, the coordinated use of shipborne weapon systems may cause firepower conflicts, which seriously endangers the ship safety. Meanwhile, with directed-energy weapons mounted on ships, firepower conflicts between weapons become a “high probability event”. Aiming at the problem of firepower safety control, based on the research about the collision probability model of air crafts and space targets and according to the cone of fire model of conventional weapons and directed-energy weapons, this paper solved the firepower conflict probabilities between conventional weapons as well as between conventional weapons and directed-energy weapons respectively using the methods of probability theory, and established the firepower safety control model. Then the calculation of firepower conflict probability was carried out using the dimensionality reduction method based on the equivalent conversion of polar coordinates and the power series method based on Laplace transform. The simulation results revealed that the proposed model and calculation methods are effective and reliable, which can provide theoretical basis and technical support for resolution of firepower conflicts between weapons.  相似文献   
并行产品开发模式下,由于设计者知识的局限性、系统资源的有限性等多种因素的限制,冲突的产生是不可避免的。为减少冲突,提高产品开发效率,文章以坦克火控系统的研制为背景,用面向对象的程序设计语言Visual Basic 6.0编写源程序,通过VB6.0附带的工具程序“可视化数据管理器”建立数据库,开发了一种并行工程冲突管理原型系统。该系统界面友好,功能强大,不仅有效地检测和解决了产品开发、过程中可能出现的冲突,而且它对面向数据库的数据处理系统的开发,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
为验证航空兵对岸打击中时间协同计划的可行性以及快速地调整时间协同计划,建立了任务间的简单时间约束网络(STCN),并转化成权值矩阵的形式.根据权值矩阵特点,提出了一种检测STCN一致性的权值矩阵法,大大降低了算法复杂度.为加快时间协同计划的调整速度,基于检测结果,提出了一种代价最小的冲突消解方法,避免了消解过程中的重复检测问题,提高了效率,使计划调整更加快捷高效.  相似文献   
This article argues that the history of irregular warfare provides a valuable analytical and critical perspective for the study of counterinsurgency campaigns and counterinsurgency doctrine. A focus on the history of irregular warfare highlights the close relationship between warfare in Europe and in the colonies. Moreover, it enables us to identify more exactly the intersection of multiple factors that lead to an escalation of violence in small wars. Finally, it also sheds light on the lack of strategic reflection on the use of irregular auxiliaries that is characteristic for many counterinsurgency campaigns.  相似文献   
We study a war scenario in which the winner occupies the loser’s territory. Attacking a territory increases the chance of winning, but also causes harm, which in turn decreases the territory’s value (i.e. the reward of winning). This paper highlights the effects of this trade-off on the equilibrium strategies of the warring states in a contest game with endogenous rewards. Providing both static and dynamic models, our analysis captures insights regarding strategic behavior in asymmetric contests with such conflict.  相似文献   
由于受地域、民族、文化、宗教等因素的影响,新疆少数民族大学生的成长和发展具有特殊性,表现出民族特性鲜明、深受伊斯兰教影响、民族意识强烈、思想单纯、文化素质参差不齐等特点。新疆高校思政理论课教学存在着教学内容、课程组织针对性不强,教学方法僵化、手段单一等问题。只有充分挖掘新疆少数民族文化中的德育资源,贴近生活、深入浅出,完善考核机制、以学生为主体开展研究性教学,增进各民族大学生沟通交流,才能切实提高思政理论课教学的实效性,让学生内心认同、真心信服。  相似文献   
新中国成立以来,党和国家采取了一系列特殊政策和措施,促进民族教育事业快速发展,取得了举世瞩目的成就,为各少数民族培养了数以百万计的各级各类专业人才。本文对新中国成立以来的新疆少数民族教育政策作了分阶段的梳理,总结了民族教育政策的发展变化及特点,并结合当前民族教育政策存在的问题,提出了完善新疆少数民族教育政策的对策建议。  相似文献   
随着证据理论在信息融合领域中的广泛应用,对冲突证据的处理成为证据理论和应用研究热点。提出了一种基于证据重要度和聚焦度的新的合成规则,首先根据各个证据的重要度对冲突证据进行修正,再对冲突进行细化并考虑证据焦元的基数对D-S合成法则的影响,将冲突信息提取后加入组合规则中。通过实验比较和分析,结果说明该方法不仅能够处理一般性冲突问题,也能处理"一票否决"和"鲁棒性"问题。  相似文献   
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