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中印边境民族地区群众工作具有对象多元化、矛盾纠纷复杂、利益诉求具有群体性等特点.当前中印边境民族地区群众工作存在群众工作队伍不稳定、方式方法落后、工作效率不高等问题,提升群众工作实效性需要进一步完善相关制度,加强群众工作队伍建设,结合实际改进工作方式方法。  相似文献   
由于受地域、民族、文化、宗教等因素的影响,新疆少数民族大学生的成长和发展具有特殊性,表现出民族特性鲜明、深受伊斯兰教影响、民族意识强烈、思想单纯、文化素质参差不齐等特点。新疆高校思政理论课教学存在着教学内容、课程组织针对性不强,教学方法僵化、手段单一等问题。只有充分挖掘新疆少数民族文化中的德育资源,贴近生活、深入浅出,完善考核机制、以学生为主体开展研究性教学,增进各民族大学生沟通交流,才能切实提高思政理论课教学的实效性,让学生内心认同、真心信服。  相似文献   
This article examines the role of the Macedonian Question in the 1944 December Uprising (Dekemvriana) in Greece. While the Dekemvriana is commonly portrayed in right–left terminology in the historiography, this article argues that part of the reason for the left’s failure was their inability to manage the Macedonian ethnic component of the struggle, either within their armed forces or in their relationship with Yugoslavia. As such, this article integrates the early phases of the Greek Civil War into the broader literature on minorities in civil conflict, while simultaneously exposing some of the myths about Macedonian involvement that result from its contemporary political ramifications.  相似文献   
钟敬文阐明了民族的整体文化与民俗文化的关系,确定了民俗文化在整体文化中的重要地位。他指出文化认同是实施西部大开发战略的首要前提。钟敬文的文化观对保护和利用新疆民族文化资源,推动新疆经济文化建设具有指导意义。  相似文献   
左宗棠率军收复新疆时,其部注重保护各族人民的利益,奠定了晚清和民国初期新疆民族关系基本稳定的政治基础。金树仁和盛世才的统治加剧了新疆民汉之间的对立与仇视,为外部势力渗透和民族分裂势力在新疆恶性发展制造了可乘之机。三区政府早期错误的民族政策导致民族分裂势力在新疆泛滥。从1946年底开始,三区政府发生积极地的转变,而美国领事馆则成为新疆民族分裂活动新的策源地,中国共产党影响下的“9.25”起义彻底粉碎了民族分裂势力策动新疆独立的图谋,保证了新疆的和平与稳定,维护了国家的领土完整。  相似文献   
This article analyses to what extent the Burmese KNU insurgency made use of external support from states, refugees, and diasporas. Based on extensive fieldwork it is concluded that support from neighbouring states and refugees has for years kept the Karen rebellion alive. Western countries perceived forms of resistance to the illegitimate Burmese regime as just and have therefore played a crucial role in the continuation of conflict in Karen State. It is important that policymakers and donors as well as executing organizations continue to reflect critically on the way they exercise their work.  相似文献   
To many scholars and policymakers, ‘partition’ offers the most efficacious means of resolving ethnic-civil wars. Others reject partition as a solution, citing flaws (both logical and empirical) and harmful international implications should such an approach become commonplace. What has been missing from this debate is an understanding of how the process of partition unfolds. In this article we examine such a process, the case of the Krajina in the war in Yugoslavia, 1994–1995. The US aligned itself with Croatia against Serbs rebelling in the Krajina region of Croatia. The culmination of this alignment occurred in August 1995 when Croatian forces initiated ‘Operation Storm’ (Oluja) against Croatian Serb insurgents. Croatian forces effectively cleansed the Krajina of its Serbian population. Eager to initiate a diplomatic peace process, Washington welcomed the Croatian operation, and largely because of Operation Storm, negotiations at Dayton became possible.  相似文献   
新疆少数民族高校毕业生就业问题研究课题组针对新疆在校民、汉大学生、用人单位、学生家长分别制作了不同的调查问卷,本文对回收的用人单位和学生家长调查问卷结果分别进行分析说明,从不同层面考察新疆少数民族高校毕业生的就业状况。  相似文献   
各民族文化与教育在发展过程中都面临着冲突与融合的问题。本文从多元文化视角下民族教育的内涵入手,通过对文化冲突的深入剖析,总结了民族教育中文化冲突的表现形式,得出了要通过多元文化整台教育的理念以及改革学校教育来融合民族教育中的文化冲突。  相似文献   
This paper examines the link between ethnic segregation and domestic terrorism. The results show that ethnic segregation has a positive and significant effect on the incidence of domestic terrorism, which indicates that countries where ethnic groups are spatially concentrated face a higher risk of suffering this type of violence. This finding is not affected by the inclusion in the analysis of different covariates that may affect both ethnic segregation and domestic terrorism. The observed relationship between the degree of spatial concentration of ethnic groups and domestic terrorism is confirmed by various robustness tests. The results also suggest that the threat of secession is an important transmission channel linking ethnic segregation and domestic terrorism.  相似文献   
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