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公安部科研项目“反应性物质热稳定性的分级方法研究”在国内首次利用绝热加速量热法系统研究了反应性物质的热稳定性。该项目研究成果在物质与生产火灾危险性辨识、火灾原因调查与分析等方面具有现实指导意义。在《工业企业防火》课程教学过程中,部分项目研究成果纳入了“影响储存和生产火灾危险性的因素”、“危险化学品的危险特性”“仓库防火”以及“重大危险源辨识”等章节的教学内容,使学生对课程内容有了更为深入地理解。科研成果与教学内容的有机结合,既显著提高了学生的学习主动性和学习兴趣,又大大增强了学生的创新性意识。  相似文献   
重大易燃易爆物质泄漏的危害及应急对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对重大易燃易爆物质泄漏后所表现出来的易燃易爆性、对周围的人员和空气、水土等环境资源的严重破坏性,分析了易燃易爆物质泄漏的原因,并有针对性的从划定警戒区、查找泄漏点、堵漏、泄漏物质的浓度监测、排除火险因素、安全疏散、个人防护等方面提出了应急处置对策。  相似文献   
简要介绍了嵌入式大气数据传感系统的概念及技术。针对高速高机动性能导弹大迎角高马赫飞行的特点,提出应用嵌入式大气数据传感技术解决导弹大迎角测量问题,并结合导弹自身特点,给出了迎角测量原理和方法,这对于新型导弹的设计具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
介绍了美军作战实验室的现状,分析了我军空天一体预警探测实验室的功能需求,提出了空天一体预警探测实验室的概念,并对空天一体预警探测实验室的体系结构和管理模式进行了探讨。结合我军实际,从作战体系层次、实体结构层次、技术规范层次对空天一体预警探测实验室的体系结构建设进行了设想,对其管理模式给出了建议。  相似文献   
今年是七七卢沟桥事变70周年。70年前,在国难当头,民族危亡之时,中国共产党带领全国人民浴血奋战。毛泽东以他伟大的军事家的远见卓识,在延安窑洞的灯光下运筹帷幄,奋笔疾书,谱写了一篇篇闪光的抗战军事著作。在这些著作中,毛泽东深刻地分析、科学地预测了抗日战争的进程和最终的战局。正是这些英明正确的军事理论指引着中国人民夺取了抗日战争的伟大胜利。今天,处在和平发展时期的每一位中国人都应重温历史,勿忘国耻,珍爱和平,开创未来。  相似文献   
依据《关于修正出入境管理及难民认定法部分内容的法律》,介绍并分析了日本出入境管理中反恐措施的出发点、由来、具体内容及对我国出入境管理、反恐立法与人权保障等方面的启示。  相似文献   
Cryptocurrency is one of the earliest and the most successful applications of blockchain, and it utilizes the distributed ledger, which is a commonly used technique in blockchain, to make a decentralized transaction within the blockchain of a cryptocurrency. However, how to make a decentralized transaction of cryptocurrencies between parties on different blockchains, that is, the cross-chain exchange, is not well-studied. In this paper, we develop a new method to make cross-chain exchanges based on the classical atomic swap. We first study the optionality embedded into the atomic swap and propose to add a premium into the atomic swap, and then design a new procedure with the premium to guarantee the fairness of the cross-chain exchange. We also provide an algorithm based on the least-squares Monte Carlo method to estimate the premium and analyze the convergence of the algorithm. Moreover, we study the cross-chain exchange with margin trading. We propose an adapted exchange procedure to make a fair cross-chain exchange and an algorithm to estimate the fair premium under the margin trading. Numerical experiments are provided to show the effectiveness of the algorithms.  相似文献   
中国城乡差距的持续存在和不断扩大,引起社会各界的高度关注。城乡人口素质差距是中国客观存在的事实。素质低下不仅制约农村广大农民增收致富,也是城乡二元结构持续存在的重要原因。人口素质差距是城乡差距中最根本的差距,通过教育等手段提高农村人口素质是缩小城乡差距的关键。只有消除城乡人口素质的差距,才能真正实现城乡协调发展。  相似文献   
在量子力学中求解含时谐振子问题时,谐振子的下降和上升算符的几个特殊形式的计算起着关键作用,但传统的计算方法比较烦琐。笔者从量子力学的一个常用公式推导了一个相关的谐振子的下降和上升算符的一种函数关系,并将这个关系应用到具体问题当中,使得计算得到了简化。  相似文献   
A 3D laser scanning strategy based on cascaded deep neural network is proposed for the scanning system converted from 2D Lidar with a pitching motion device. The strategy is aimed at moving target detection and monitoring. Combining the device characteristics, the strategy first proposes a cascaded deep neural network, which inputs 2D point cloud, color image and pitching angle. The outputs are target distance and speed classification. And the cross-entropy loss function of network is modified by using focal loss and uniform distribution to improve the recognition accuracy. Then a pitching range and speed model are proposed to determine pitching motion parameters. Finally, the adaptive scanning is realized by integral separate speed PID. The experimental results show that the accuracies of the improved network target detection box, distance and speed classification are 90.17%, 96.87% and 96.97%, respectively. The average speed error of the improved PID is 0.4239°/s, and the average strategy execution time is 0.1521 s. The range and speed model can effectively reduce the collection of useless information and the deformation of the target point cloud. Conclusively, the experimental of overall scanning strategy show that it can improve target point cloud integrity and density while ensuring the capture of target.  相似文献   
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