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规避机动是水面舰艇对鱼雷防御的基础和前提,通过对水面舰艇规避鱼雷过程的分析,建立了水面舰艇规避鱼雷的战术基础模型,并采用变分法进行解算,从所有可能的规避轨线中选取最优的规避轨线.水面舰艇规避鱼雷的战术基础模型,为水面舰艇防御鱼雷作战方案的仿真论证、防御鱼雷最优规避轨线的方案生成提供依据.对研究水面舰艇规避鱼雷战术具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   
This article proposes a case study of the multinational counterinsurgency operations that occurred in China during the Boxer Rebellion in 1900–1, to provide a better understanding of the political and military dynamics specific to this type of mission. The study focuses primarily on the nature of the cooperation on the ground, the various national approaches to counterinsurgency, and the asymmetry of strategic approach between the Westerners and the Chinese. A discussion is also proposed, highlighting that combined counterinsurgency is not per se an obstacle to the unity of command, but that politically international coalitions create unique challenges to counterinsurgency operations.  相似文献   
Chapter 15 of the Xunzi stands as the most comprehensive account of the early Confucian analysis of warfare. Unlike a range of other early, non-Confucian discussions on warfare, particular strategies and tactics are taken to be of secondary importance. Thus, Xunzi refuses to discuss practical military strategy without framing it within a much broader ethical, social, and political context. On his account, a well-ordered, flourishing state necessarily rests upon a particular set of rituals and social norms in which people can cultivate themselves morally. Such a state has nothing to fear from any enemy, no matter how tactically sophisticated or militarily skilled. To many, such a view seems overly optimistic. However, given that Xunzi is anything but Pollyannaish in other parts of the text and is quite pessimistic about human nature in general, it behooves us to dig a bit more deeply into his ideas about military affairs and examine whether they can be understood in a more plausible light. This article provides a reading of Xunzi’s views on military affairs that is internally consistent and corresponds with Xunzi’s broader ethical and political views, while also showing why someone of Xunzi’s obvious intellectual acumen might hold such a view.  相似文献   
边防武警执行命令行为的刑法学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于我国的边防体制,边防武警执行命令的行为在边防管理活动中属行政行为,执行军事命令的行为属军事行为。边防武警执行命令行为性质的不同定位,导致了不同的法律意义。在不同的情况下,边防武警对命令有效性的审查义务在范围和程度上是不同的,由此,在认定犯罪排除事由的构成上也应加以区别。执行命令作为排除犯罪的事由,基于不同的要件,可构成合法化事由或者免责事由。在命令合法有效的时候,执行命令就成为合法化事由。在命令不具有合法有效性的时候,执行命令就不能成为合法化事由,但在一定情况下,执行违法命令可以构成免责事由,从而排除行为的犯罪性。  相似文献   
高阶累积量的模态参数辨识方法能够消除高斯噪声的影响。但基于传统的高阶累积量降阶方法的子空间模态参数辨识方法具有一定的缺陷。为此,提出2种降阶方法用于高阶累积量的子空间模态参数辨识方法,并对这2种方法进行了比较。利用主切片方法对某变截面轴进行了模态参数识别,获得了与有限元法相一致的计算结果,从而证明了该方法的可靠性。该方法的辨识质量较高,能够用于一般结构的模态参数辨识。  相似文献   
针对传统测向方法的实际应用性能较差,提出一种基于压缩感知(CS)的卫星干扰源定位方法。根据干扰信号方位角的空间稀疏性,建立了压缩感知波达方向(DOA)估计模型。通过协方差矩阵的高阶幂逼近信号子空间和矩阵的共轭对称特征,利用高阶幂矩阵的主对角线下左下角列向量进行波达方向估计。仿真实验验证,该方法不需要已知干扰源数,具有较高的精度和较好的分辨力,且能满足对相干干扰信号的估计。对压缩感知DOA估计在卫星干扰源定位中的应用具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
In this article, we seek to understand how a capacity‐constrained seller optimally prices and schedules product shipping to customers who are heterogeneous on willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to wait (WTW). The capacity‐constrained seller does not observe each customer's WTP and WTW and knows only the aggregate distributions of WTP and WTW. The seller's problem is modeled as an M/M/Ns queueing model with multiclass customers and multidimensional information screening. We contribute to the literature by providing an optimal and efficient algorithm. Furthermore, we numerically find that customers with a larger waiting cost enjoys a higher scheduling priority, but customers with higher valuation do not necessarily get a higher scheduling priority. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 215–227, 2015  相似文献   
When an unreliable supplier serves multiple retailers, the retailers may compete with each other by inflating their order quantities in order to obtain their desired allocation from the supplier, a behavior known as the rationing game. We introduce capacity information sharing and a capacity reservation mechanism in the rationing game and show that a Nash equilibrium always exists. Moreover, we provide conditions guaranteeing the existence of the reverse bullwhip effect upstream, a consequence of the disruption caused by the supplier. In contrast, we also provide conditions under which the bullwhip effect does not exist. In addition, we show that a smaller unit reservation payment leads to more bullwhip and reverse bullwhip effects, while a large unit underage cost results in a more severe bullwhip effect. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 203–216, 2017  相似文献   
针对SVPWM调制的永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统磁链和转矩波动较大的问题,结合非奇异终端滑模和分数阶微积分理论的特点,设计了一种分数阶非奇异终端滑模控制器。结合直接转矩原理和分数阶微积分理论,对误差进行分数阶微分后与误差之和作为滑模面;根据非奇异终端滑模控制原理,在所设计分数阶滑模面的基础上确定了相应的控制律;利用李亚普诺夫定理证明了滑模面的稳定性和可达性。仿真结果表明,该策略能提高系统的动静态性能,可以进一步抑制磁链和转矩波动。  相似文献   
This article considers the problem of which component should be “bolstered” or “improved” in order to stochastically maximize the lifetime of a parallel system, series system, or in general, k-out-of-n system. Various ways of bolstering including active redundance, standby redundancy, and burn-in are studied. Also the method of reducing working temperature or stress level according to Arrhenius models is investigated. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 45: 497–509, 1998  相似文献   
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