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基于信号循环平稳特性的时延估计算法具有较强的抗干扰和抗噪声能力,但循环频率误差时性能下降严重。针对这一问题,首先分析了循环频率误差对循环时延估计算法中,循环互相关函数相关法估计性能的影响,进而提出了一种对循环频率误差稳健的改进循环时延估计算法。改进算法通过两次搜索确定循环频率的真实值。仿真实验结果表明,改进算法可以有效地校正循环频率误差,最终使时延估计误差与无循环频率误差时基本相同。  相似文献   
An experimental platform of a pulse detonation engine (PDE) was established to study the effect of different K2CO3 ionized seed mass contents on the detonation process. The pressure and ion concentration were detected in the detonation process of the PDE with different contents of ionized seeds. The initiation process of the PDE at different ignition frequencies was studied. The results show that the gas conductivity in the detonation process increased by adding ionized seeds to the PDE tube, and the conductivity increased with the increase in ionized seed mass content. With the increase in ionized seed mass content, the range of the conductivity decreased. The PDE was successfully ignited and formed a stable detonation wave at ignition frequencies of 5 Hz and 10 Hz, and the peak pressure of the stable detonation with the ignition frequency of 5 Hz was 17% higher than that with an ignition frequency of 10 Hz. The detonation wave intensity was weakened and degenerated to a shock wave that propagated in the tube without the fuel filled at the ignition frequency of 20 Hz.  相似文献   
This paper is mainly on the problem of radiation interception risk control in sensor network for target tracking. Firstly, the sensor radiation interception risk is defined as the product of the interception probability and the cost caused by the interception. Secondly, the radiation interception probability model and cost model are established, based on which the calculation method of interception risk can be obtained. Thirdly, a sensor scheduling model of radiation risk control is established, taking the minimum interception risk as the objective function. Then the Hungarian algorithm is proposed to obtain sensor scheduling scheme. Finally, simulation experiments are mad to prove the effectiveness of the methods proposed in this paper, which shows that compared with the sensor radiation interception probability control method, the interception risk control method can keep the sensor scheduling scheme in low risk as well as protect sensors of importance in the sensor network.  相似文献   
用"五点式"取样法对石河子农耕区不同林地地被中的昆虫群落结构多样性进行了调查,共采集到昆虫31种,分属8目14科,共计1099头。结果表明:杨树老林地被昆虫群落的丰富度最高(为23),幼榆林次之(为14),苗圃和葡萄的最低(均为7)。多样性指数幼杂林最高(为1.8613),苗圃次之(为1.6833),幼榆林最低,为0.8534。  相似文献   
雷达信号特征提取是雷达信号识别中的重要组成部分,直接影响到识别效果的好坏。在研究直方图算法分析雷达信号特征的基础上,提出2种改进的直方图算法:截断直方图算法和窄带直方图算法,并用仿真实验分析影响算法性能的4个因素,验证了直方图算法提取雷达信号参数特征的有效性。  相似文献   
分析总结了定量反馈理论(QFT)的基本原理、设计步骤和特点,运用该理论对飞行控制系统(FCS)进行了设计研究.针对侧向通道的多输入多输出耦合系统,研究了QFT理论在多变量解耦控制问题中的应用.研究发现,QFT能够很好地解决飞行控制系统由于模型参数具有不确定性而造成的控制系统鲁棒性设计问题.仿真表明该理论具有良好的鲁棒性能和解耦能力.  相似文献   
基于Timoshenko梁理论,提出筒形桅杆首阶固有频率控制设计原理。依据该原理,采用Transfer matrix算法,研究了直壁式、外凸式及双曲式三种构形的桅杆首阶固有频率的变化规律,发现在桅杆高度、质量、顶部及底部截面边长相同的情况下,外凸式构形具有最大的首阶固有频率值。  相似文献   
机载相控阵雷达过高的辐射能量威胁了战斗机的生存能力。为了减少相控阵雷达搜索模式辐射能量,提出了基于辐射能量控制的搜索模型。将总能量消耗函数和检测概率相对误差作为目标函数,以平均功率、波束宽度、积累脉冲数以及脉冲重复间隔作为优化变量,选取非支配遗传排序算法对此模型进行优化。仿真结果表明,在同样检测概率情况下,提出的搜索方法可以有效控制雷达辐射能量,具有更好的射频隐身性能。  相似文献   
在分析地振动目标信号特征的基础上,提出了振动目标的威胁属性参数;建立了目标威胁隶属度函数和威胁等级判决模型;运用层次分析法确定了各目标威胁参数的权值,构建了振动目标的威胁评估函数,并通过实例验证了评估结果的合理性和实用性。  相似文献   
针对阵列模型误差难以建模的问题,提出一种新的非参数化有源校正方法。首先,测量部分离散方向点上的导向矢量。然后,利用测得的导向矢量拟合所有的模型误差曲面,并得到多项式系数。最后,在DOA估计时利用多项式系数计算所有方向和频率上的导向矢量。该方法适用于宽带阵列,且需要的数据存储量小。仿真实验结果表明该方法的校正误差非常小。因此,该方法具有一定的工程实用价值。  相似文献   
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