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公共娱乐场所在利用大量电气设备、设施为人们提供舒适环境的同时,也增大了电气火灾发生的危险性。分析了公共娱乐场所电气火灾的特点及成因,提出了预防公共娱乐场所电气火灾的消防安全管理对策。  相似文献   
The sequential order statistics (SOS) are a good way to model the lifetimes of the components in a system when the failure of a component at time t affects the performance of the working components at this age t. In this article, we study properties of the lifetimes of the coherent systems obtained using SOS. Specifically, we obtain a mixture representation based on the signature of the system. This representation is used to obtain stochastic comparisons. To get these comparisons, we obtain some ordering properties for the SOS, which in this context represent the lifetimes of k‐out‐of‐n systems. In particular, we show that they are not necessarily hazard rate ordered. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
Failure rate and mean residual life are two important characteristics for studying reliability of products. In literature, some work studied the shape of failure rate function based on the knowledge of the associated probability density function; some other work investigated the shape of mean residual life function based on the shape of the associated failure rate function separately for continuous case and discrete case. In this article, a general approach is developed which can be applied to the aforementioned studies. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
We consider the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a single machine subject to random breakdowns. We focus on the preemptive‐repeat model, which addresses the situation where, if a machine breaks down during the processing of a job, the work done on the job prior to the breakdown is lost and the job will have to be started from the beginning again when the machine resumes its work. We allow that (i) the uptimes and downtimes of the machine follow general probability distributions, (ii) the breakdown process of the machine depends upon the job being processed, (iii) the processing times of the jobs are random variables following arbitrary distributions, and (iv) after a breakdown, the processing time of a job may either remain a same but unknown amount, or be resampled according to its probability distribution. We first derive the optimal policy for a class of problems under the criterion to maximize the expected discounted reward earned from completing all jobs. The result is then applied to further obtain the optimal policies for other due date‐related criteria. We also discuss a method to compute the moments and probability distributions of job completion times by using their Laplace transforms, which can convert a general stochastic scheduling problem to its deterministic equivalent. The weighted squared flowtime problem and the maintenance checkup and repair problem are analyzed as applications. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
针对低信噪比下多频法在天波超视距雷达(Over-The-Horizon Radar,OTHR)目标分类识别中分类精度不高的缺点,充分利用雷达量测的一些先验信息,将基于支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)的多分类器引入多频法中,提出了一种基于SVM的OTHR多频特征目标分类识别方法。仿真结果表明,利用较少的3个频率点,在信噪比较低的条件下可获得较好的分类识别效果,说明了该方法在OTHR目标分类识别中的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
地面战场复杂的背景环境和目标的强机动性,使得传统关联方法所必需的先验信息不易获得,且传统关联方法仅利用状态信息进行关联,导致关联信息量不足,从而关联正确率不高。针对上述问题,采用无需任何先验假设的TOPS IS,在状态信息的基础上引入属性信息,作为拓展TOPS IS的评价指标,利用熵权确定各指标权重,最后用相对贴近度确定关联排序。仿真结果表明,该算法有效地提高了关联正确率,且能够满足实时性要求。  相似文献   
由于毫米波雷达(MMV)和红外(IR)两种传感器在跟踪目标方面具有各自的优势,故使用两种传感器进行数据融合可以得到较单一传感器更高精度的目标数据,从而提高滤波精度。针对上述两种传感器的特点,对采样数据进行时空对准,结合UT变换思想,并在此基础上提出一种含有多普勒频率的无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)算法。新算法较单一MMV或者IR传感器滤波算法精度有了明显提高,并且较MMV/IR融合的传统扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)算法的精度也有提高。仿真结果证明了新算法的有效性和合理性。  相似文献   
当前统计模型能真实地反映目标机动范围和强度的变化,是目前较好的实用模型。大量实验表明该算法在跟踪机动目标时具有良好的跟踪结果。然而实验中也发现该算法在跟踪具有加速度的目标机动情况时,其速度与加速度估计的动态时延明显位置误差较大,因此不能很好地实时反映目标的机动情况。因此需要进行新的调整参数的设定与比较,使其克服以上的缺点,文章借鉴强跟踪滤波器,在滤波器状态预测协方差矩阵中引入了加权因子并利用M atlab仿真技术,针对当前统计模型中对动态时延影响比较大的几个重要参数,进行了仿真对比和调整。跟踪结果表明:动态时延明显减小,位置误差大幅下降,达到了比较理想的跟踪效果。  相似文献   
加快武警院校初级指挥人才培养模式转变,既是贯彻落实胡主席主题主线重大战略思想的客观要求,也是适应建设现代化武警需要,不断提高院校人才培养质量的迫切要求。客观分析了以往武警院校初级指挥人才培养模式所取得的主要成绩、存在问题及原因;从适应武警部队现代化建设现实需要等方面,阐述了转变人才培养模式的必要性;从服务部队建设、培养合格人才的高度,提出了加快初级指挥人才培养模式转变的六项基本对策。  相似文献   
党的建设的切入点是正确处理党内、党政、党群“三大关系”,落脚点为更加科学治党、治政、治民,着力点是完善党的活动方式、执政方式、领导方式。在活动方式上,增强党员队伍凝聚力面临社会信息化、经济市场化、管理专业化“三大挑战”;在执政方式上,推进党政关系规范化需要解决外部施政权虚化、内部施政权泛化两个问题;在领导方式上,应着力强化对社会个体的组织管理、对社会组织的渠道管理。  相似文献   
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