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The prospect of terrorists deploying weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is often referred to as the foremost danger to American national security. This danger has become more realistic because of al-Qaeda's expanding global network and the expressed willingness to kill thousands of civilians. In the past four years, numerous media reports have documented the group's ongoing quest for WMD capabilities; many reports have detailed al-Qaeda members’ attempts to manufacture or obtain certain chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) agents to use in WMD against targets in the West and the Middle East. Yet the question remains: Does al-Qaeda's current WMD capability match its actual intent? While most studies of the group have focused on its explicit desire for WMD, allegations of CBRN acquisition, and the killing potential of specific CBRN agents, few open-source studies have closely examined the evolution of al-Qaeda's consideration of WMD and, most notably, the merit of actual CBRN production instructions as depicted and disseminated in the group's own literature and manuals. The following report will examine the history of al-Qaeda's interest in CBRN agents, the evolution of the network's attitude toward these weapons, and the internal debate within the organization concerning acquisition and use of WMD. More so, the following research will assess the validity of actual CBRN production instructions and capabilities as displayed and disseminated in al-Qaeda's own literature and websites.  相似文献   
以中国传统文化思想为切入点,从墨色关系、虚实关系和“多少、繁简”关系三个方面探讨石鲁中国画画论中的笔墨观,得出石鲁的笔墨观不但根植于中国传统文化,又融合了唯物辨证法思想和二十世纪中国绘画新成果.由微见著说明石鲁的中国画绘画思想来源于中国传统文化与唯物辨证法及现代绘酒成果的结合。  相似文献   
概述了固体燃气发生器的特点及发展状况,提出了如何进一步研究的建议。  相似文献   
抗干扰性能是微机系统可靠性的重要指标,抗干扰设计是单片机系统研制中不容忽视的重要内容。单片机系统的可靠性由多种因素决定,从干扰的来源和途径,分析干扰对单片机主要硬件CPU、SFR、RAM、ROM及软件的影响,探索抗干扰的原理和设计方法。提出从电源、输入通道、印制板电路加强硬件抗干扰;通过开机自检、掉电保护、睡眠抗干扰及"看门狗"等技术,采用指令冗余和软件陷阱等软件措施,及时发现干扰导致的错误,使系统尽快恢复正常或及时报警,最大限度降低干扰对系统的影响,有效提高单片机系统在恶劣工况下运行的可靠性。  相似文献   
结合交流全电坦克炮控系统研究的一种三相软开关逆变器——辅助谐振换流极逆变器(Auxiliary Resonant Commutated Pole Inverter,ARCPI)的工作原理,提出了一种辅助谐振电路优化控制方法.采用这种方法,在保证三相逆变器主开关管零电压关断的前提下,可以使辅助开关管的工作次数减少一半,进...  相似文献   
安保工作是大型活动的重要组成部分和保障系统。如何提高安保质量和水平,确保大型活动安全有序是我国政府和公安机关普遍关注的一个重要课题。大型活动安保工作的基本模式包括统一组织指挥,实行整体作战;组织安保力量,加强业务培训;拟制安保计划,组织实战演练;划定安全区域,立体多维防控;采用高新技术,强化安保措施;加强国际合作,密切协同配合等内容。  相似文献   
This article argues that logistics constrains strategic opportunity while itself being heavily circumscribed by strategic and operational planning. With the academic literature all but ignoring the centrality of logistics to strategy and war, this article argues for a reappraisal of the critical role of military logistics, and posits that the study and conduct of war and strategy are incomplete at best or false at worst when they ignore this crucial component of the art of war. The article conceptualises the logistics–strategy nexus in a novel way, explores its contemporary manifestation in an age of uncertainty, and applies it to a detailed case study of UK operations in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001.  相似文献   
村民自治对农村社会稳定起着正面效应;异化的村民自治对农村社会稳定起着负面效应。鉴于此,为在农村社会发展中实现农村社会稳定,就要不断强化其正面效应,弱化其负面效应。  相似文献   
在对虚拟现实训练系统分类论述的基础上,探讨了虚拟现实技术在消防训练中的应用及优势,阐述了该领域在国内外的研究现状和发展前景,并指出了有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
在美育领域,有一种现象应当引起我们的注意:无论是教育者还是受教育者都是审美主体,因为两者的目的都是为了更好地对待审美对象,实现主体与客体的互通共融。当代中国的美育建设,要多从西方美的异化和中国特色社会主义美好事物的培育、展示的对比中彰显社会主义的优越性和鲜明的时代特色,激发人民群众建设中国特色社会主义的激情和献身精神。在当前,我国的美育建设可以采取主体和对象分层的办法作为创新方式方法的一种思路,要以活动为中心开展社会审美教育,要创新审美活动的组织形式和手段,加强审美教育并使之超越对事物的一般性感知,要让人们以欣赏的眼光对待中国特色社会主义建设取得的巨大成就,使美育所展示的美好事物成为激扬民族和时代精神的意向表达。  相似文献   
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