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Information Management (IM) – the systematic ordering, processing and channelling of information within organisations – forms a critical component of modern military command and control systems. As a subject of scholarly enquiry, however, the history of military IM has been relatively poorly served. Employing new and under-utilised archival sources, this article takes the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) of the First World War as its case study and assesses the extent to which its IM system contributed to the emergence of the modern battlefield in 1918. It argues that the demands of fighting a modern war resulted in a general, but not universal, improvement in the BEF’s IM techniques, which in turn laid the groundwork, albeit in embryonic form, for the IM systems of modern armies.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the nature of two military alliances under Chinese threat. The findings are as follows: First, South Korea does not consider China a significant threat while Japan and the United States have recognized China as a serious threat since the 1990s and the 2000s, respectively. Second, the relationship between South Korea and the United States is a true military alliance for all time periods, but the nature of the alliance has changed since the 1970s. Third, although Japan began to form an alliance relationship with the United States in the 1990s, Japan is considered a more significant ally by the United States. This paper implies that, should China provoke a military confrontation, it might be difficult to deduce a common solution among the three countries because of the different response to military threats from China.  相似文献   
Kovenock and Roberson's [2011] comment provides initial work which has the potential, when suitably extended, to advance the research frontier. Kovenock and Roberson's paper consists of three sections. The first section is an interesting introduction. The second section, titled ‘Model and Main Result,’ provides no contribution beyond Hausken [2008a]. It consists of Equations (1)–(10) which are equivalent to equations developed by Hausken, and Equation (11) which is equivalent to the utility requirements u???0 and U???0 provided after Equation (17) in Hausken. The third section provides interesting ideas about mixed-strategy equilibria that can be extended in future research.  相似文献   
城市的社区建设受到资金和观念的限制,火灾隐患存在严重,并且整改难度大。具体分析了城市社区存在的火灾隐患的集中表现及其产生原因,并提出做好社区消防安全管理工作应采取的具体措施。  相似文献   
作为区域内新闻专业人才培养的主要阵地,新疆高校在新闻专业人才培养上起步较晚。但随着新疆区域内新闻专业人才需求的逐步扩大以及国家政策的扶持,这种状况在上世纪八十年代后得以改观。上世纪九十年代末以来,新疆部分高校相继开办了新闻专业,使新闻专业人才培养阵地迅速扩张。短期内的迅速扩张,随之也带来了诸多问题。客观理性分析产生这些问题的原因并及时寻找解决问题的对策,对提高新疆高校新闻专业人才培养质量,为区域经济发展提供人才支撑有重要意义。  相似文献   
平流层飞艇定点悬停控制是飞艇应用领域的关键技术。该控制问题可以转化为非线性多目标优化问题来求解。遗传算法是解决现代非线性多目标优化问题的一种重要方法。但是基本遗传算法在解决定点悬停飞艇实际控制问题时,具有易陷入局部最优解、在遗传进化过程中随机性较强、搜索效率低下及耗时多等缺陷。通过借鉴并行遗传算法、模拟退火算法和向量评价遗传算法的基本思想,在基本遗传操作中添加切断算子和拼接算子,设计一种改进遗传算法来改善上述缺陷。仿真结果表明该方法是有效可行的。  相似文献   
首先研究了在深海环境下,采用三阵元垂直线列阵水声探测系统进行被动目标定深的基本原理。然后分别从随机误差、阵元配置偏差和相干多途水声信道干扰的角度,对被动目标定深的误差源进行了理论分析,并推导了相关公式。通过仿真实验,总结出各误差源对被动目标定深精度影响的规律,为进一步开展被动目标定深研究、提高被动目标定深精度奠定了基础。  相似文献   
模拟演练是突出岗位任职教育特点的手段和方法。对开展模拟演练进行思考,提出应把握的三个问题,并进行思考总结。  相似文献   
自主创新学习,是院校深入落实科学发展观而对学员提出的新要求,其核心思想是着眼学员全面发展,突出学员主体地位,尊重学员首创精神,激发学员内在动力,增强人才培养工作的生机与活力。军校任职教育的学员大多在部队不同的岗位上任职多年,有丰富的基层工作经验,具备较强的自主创新学习能力。而自主创新学习必须抓住更新学习观念、注重学习方法、精选学习内容、讲求学习实效四个关键环节。  相似文献   
深化以任职教育为主体的教学方法改革,是顺应当前武警部队职能任务多样化的必然要求。任职教育适应岗位任职能力的需要必须注重加强军事专业课教学方法的改革与探索。“贴近纳新”把贴近职能需要纳入教学理念、贴近任职实际纳入组教模式、贴近岗位实用纳入课题施教为着眼点,旨在适应任职教育岗位任职能力培养的需要。  相似文献   
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