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Suppose that some components are initially operated in a certain condition and then switched to operating in a different condition. Working hours of the components in condition 1 and condition 2 are respectively observed. Of interest is the lifetime distribution F of the component in the second condition only, i.e., the distribution without the prior exposure to the first condition. In this paper, we propose a method to transform the lifetime obtained in condition 1 to an equivalent lifetime in condition 2 and then use the transformed data to estimate F. Both parametric and nonparametric approaches each with complete and censored data are discussed. Numerical studies are presented to investigate the performance of the method. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 521–530, 2000  相似文献   
The behind-armor debris (BAD) formed by the perforation of an EFP is the main damage factor for the secondary destruction to the behind-armor components. Aiming at investigating the BAD caused by EFP, flash X-ray radiography combined with an experimental witness plate test method was used, and the FEM-SPH adaptive conversion algorithm in LS-DYNA software was employed to model the perforation process. The simulation results of the debris cloud shape and number of debris were in good agreement with the flash X-ray radiographs and perforated holes on the witness plate, respectively. Three-dimensional numerical simulations of EFP's penetration under various impact conditions were conducted. The results show that, an ellipsoidal debris cloud, with the major-to-minor axis radio (a/b) smaller than that caused by shaped charge jets, was formed behind the target. With the increase of target thickness (h) and decrease of impact velocity (v0) and obliquity (θ), the value of a/b decreases. The number of debris ejected from target is significantly higher than that from EFP. Based on the statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of the BAD, An engineering calculation model was established considering the influence of h, v0 and θ. The model can with reasonable accuracy predict the quantity and velocity distribution characteristics of BAD formed by EFP.  相似文献   
多传感器任务分派的快速启发式规划新算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在多目标多传感器管理中经常采用的线性规划算法中,随着传感器个数和目标个数的增加,计算量会爆炸式增长,使得跟踪系统不能实时计算,为此,根据传感器管理中线性规划的特点,提出了一种快速启发式算法,考虑组合中的传感器个数将组合的分配效用转化为权重,递推分配权重最大的组合,逐步减小组合和目标的个数.证明了权重最大的组合分派能实现组合中的传感器的最大效用.仿真结果表明该算法在与采用线性规划方法的跟踪精度相当的情况下,能有效地减小计算量.  相似文献   
基于蚁群算法的舰艇编队多目标识别模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代海战中,舰艇编队面临的威胁目标复杂多样,正确识别目标是做出准确的军事决策的前提。基于蚁群算法的并行最优化特点,引入近邻函数,将目标识别问题转化为最优化聚类问题,提出了一种新的多目标识别算法。实验结果表明此方法是有效的,具有一定的军事现实意义。  相似文献   
针对防空部署研究的特点,探讨遗传算法求解防空部署优化问题。分析了传统遗传算法求解武器部署优化问题的缺点,提出了并行的基因组合型改进遗传算法,克服了编码不唯一和基因重码的现象,提高了搜索速度和解的质量;利用启发式信息缩小了解空间,并保证了算法寻优的每个个体都是可行解;对遗传操作算子进行了改进,克服了整数编码固有的缺点。该方法应用于求解防空部署优化问题中得到了较好的结果。  相似文献   
末敏弹是一种先进的新型弹药,由于其结构复杂,影响因素多,所以对其进行全面的系统优化设计比较困难。文中探讨了基于支持向量机的末敏弹命中概率预报模型的建模方法,并采用遗传算法对系统效能参数进行了优化,获得了影响系统效能的几个主要因素的合理搭配,为末敏弹的系统效能研究提供了依据。  相似文献   
在常微分方程的数值解法中,Euler的隐式格式稳定性较好,但由于它为隐式,因而给计算带来了极大地不方便。为了解决此问题,本文给出了一种数值解法———常微分方程的不动点迭代格式。  相似文献   
本文首先讨论了边缘跟踪的常用方法,并指出了其存在的缺点,而后提出了虚象点与虚链的概念,并讨论了它们的性质。在此基础上,提出了快速边缘跟踪的算法和边界链码的获取。  相似文献   
针对模糊自整定控制器参数寻优能力差的不足,研究了采用自适应交叉概率与变异概率的遗传算法,提出了用这种自适应遗传算法改善模糊自整定控制器性能的方法。对采用自适应遗传算法的模糊自整定控制器与一般的模糊自适应控制器作了仿真对比研究,说明了前者的优越性。  相似文献   
针对集中式组网雷达数据处理算法的薄弱环节,通过对集中式组网雷达假目标干扰问题的研究,建立了密集假目标干扰、航迹扰乱干扰和航迹欺骗干扰三类假目标干扰模型。首先介绍了集中式组网雷达的数据处理算法,分析了这种算法对于假目标干扰的薄弱环节,针对薄弱环节提出了上述三种假目标干扰类型。然后给出了这三种类型假目标干扰的概念、产生方法、数学模型和运用方式;最后分析了组网雷达的抗干扰措施对于假目标干扰的影响。  相似文献   
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