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研究一类具有随机时滞与随机干扰的离散型BAM神经网络的全局指数稳定性,所建模型同时考虑离散时滞变化区间与分布概率对稳定性的影响.通过构造新的Lyapunov泛函并结合线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法,得到了均方意义下依赖于时滞分布的全局指数稳定性条件.  相似文献   
Customer acquisition and customer retention are the most important challenges in the increasingly competitive telecommunications industry. Traditional studies of customer switching always assume that customers are homogeneous, and thus that model customer switching behavior follows a Markov formulation. However, this postulation is obviously inappropriate in most instances. Blumen et al. (Cornell Studies of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, 1955) developed the Mover–Stayer (MS) model, a generalization of the Markov chain model, to relax the requirement of homogeneity and allow the presence of heterogeneity with two different types of individuals—“stayers,” who purchase the same kinds of products or services throughout the entire observation period; and “movers,” who look for variety in products or services over time. There are two purpose of this article. First, we extend the MS model to a Double Mover‐Stayer (DMS) model by assuming the existence of three types of individuals in the market: (1) stable and loyal customers, who have stable usage within the same company; (2) instable but loyal customers, whose usage varies within the same company over time; and (3) disloyal customers, who switch from one company to another to seek for new experiences or/and benefits. We also propose an estimation method for the DMS model. Second, we apply the DMS model to telecommunications data and demonstrate how it can be used for pattern identification, hidden knowledge discovery, and decision making. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   
潜器进入匹配区时捷联系统已积累了一定的误差,有效利用匹配信息对误差进行修正是保证后续航行精度的基础;通过建立水下地形匹配辅助导航系统误差模型,以地形匹配模块和深度压力传感器测量的位置信息和深度作为量测量,设计了卡尔曼滤波器。仿真研究证明:所设计的滤波器具有良好的估计精度;同时,通过设计潜器航行动作证明了相关误差量的估计效果与潜器运动激励有关,为匹配区内进行误差估计时潜器所采用的运动状态提供了参考。  相似文献   
针对纯方位条件下对等速直航目标观测的算法问题,将目标运动要素及平均声速作为待估计参数,给出了计算非线性最小二乘法目标函数梯度与Hessian矩阵的解析公式,基于这些公式,可以构造估计目标运动要素的一些算法及编程实现。部分数值实验表明,信赖域算法、Levenberg-Marquardt算法与Matlab用于解非线性最小二乘问题的函数lsqnonlin的计算精度基本一致。  相似文献   
针对动态液-液旋流分离器油、水两相过程,从流体力学基本方程出发,采用雷诺应力模型、QUICK差分格式和SIMPLE算法模拟分析动态液-液旋流分离器内的流场;并以此为基础,采用离散相模型和多相流模型,模拟油、水两相分离过程和油滴运动轨迹.模拟结果表明:油滴粒径决定其在旋流分离器中的运动轨迹、速度及分离特性,大粒径油滴更易于向中心聚集形成油芯,油芯的形状与油滴的大小直接相关;动态液-液旋流分离器的主要分离过程在转筒内完成,油相分离效率随着油滴粒径的增大而提高.  相似文献   
潜艇声纳在较远距离上发现水面目标时,探测和解算的目标运动要素具有较大的误差.利用泰勒公式,将目标位置计算公式进行简化处理,结合概率论的相关理论,求解目标位置散布概率密度.针对典型战术态势,计算不同时刻目标位置散布概率密度,绘制概率密度图,与目标位置散布仿真图进行对比.  相似文献   
针对传统测向方法的实际应用性能较差,提出一种基于压缩感知(CS)的卫星干扰源定位方法。根据干扰信号方位角的空间稀疏性,建立了压缩感知波达方向(DOA)估计模型。通过协方差矩阵的高阶幂逼近信号子空间和矩阵的共轭对称特征,利用高阶幂矩阵的主对角线下左下角列向量进行波达方向估计。仿真实验验证,该方法不需要已知干扰源数,具有较高的精度和较好的分辨力,且能满足对相干干扰信号的估计。对压缩感知DOA估计在卫星干扰源定位中的应用具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
为了获得毫米级自旋小目标的清晰成像,采用逆合成孔径成像激光雷达技术设计了基于距离向数据与方位向数据相融合的图像重建系统。系统采用大带宽、窄线宽光纤激光器配合调制器实现激光脉冲的线性调频,利用光外差原理对回波信号进行采集处理。结合自旋目标的运动特性,给出了含有自旋分量的回波信号函数方程,并将该分量引入传统的R-D算法中实现了对自旋目标的ISAIL二维图像的重建。实验采用毫米级铝条构成被测小目标,通过步进电机及带倾角的转台完成运动及自旋模拟。实验结果显示,当目标固定时,可通过回波能量数据获得一维距离向图像,与被测目标的4个特征点位置一致。当目标运动时,通过数据压缩并代入自旋参量,最后通过R-D算法可以获得可识别的ISAIL二维图像,验证了系统符合自旋小目标成像的设计要求。  相似文献   
The growth and survival of the field of conflict resolution can only be attained if practice is used to generate theory, rather than a reliance on the current situation where theory attempts to direct practice. Some conflict resolution practitioners believe that theory and practice cannot be separated. This article evaluates the art of mediation using Zimbabwe as a case study, where the strategy was used in an attempt to resolve the Zimbabwean conflict that began in 1999. Employing primary and secondary sources, the article delineates the major characteristics of mediation and clarifies principles of the strategy. It further establishes the affinity and dissonance between practice and theory. In addition, it asserts that in the Zimbabwean case, the achievements of insider-partial mediation as a strategy were limited. In the long term the mediation strategy failed because the Government of National Unity did not fulfil all the outstanding issues enunciated by the global political agreement as a precursor to free and fair, credible and legitimate elections. In opposition to the mediation targets towards sustainable peace, Zimbabwe witnessed rushed elections before the accomplishment of the issues at stake, leading to the overall failure of the insider-partial mediation.  相似文献   
针对基本粒子群算法存在着收敛速度慢、效率低、易陷入局部最优等缺陷,为了更好地平衡全局和局部搜索能力,在粒子群算法中引入收缩因子,使算法中粒子不仅向种群最优的粒子进行学习,而且向种群中比自己优秀的所有粒子学习,增加了粒子的多样性。实验结果证明,与基本蚁群算法相比,改进的粒子群算法提高了收敛速度和效率,能一定程度地避免局部最优解的产生。  相似文献   
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