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A systematic investigation on the mechanism of dynamic liquid dispersing process via theoretical and experimental approach is presented. The experiments include weak and strong constrained scenarios using the high-speed camera technique and the flash X-ray radiography technique. Based on dynamic analysis, one-dimensional characteristics analysis and some numerical simulations on the propagating processes of blast waves before the container shell rupturing, further and detailed analyses of the experimental results are presented. The effects of the liquid viscosity on the dynamic dispersing flow are also analyzed, and the spall fracture mechanism is explored. Thus, the dominating forces determining the dispersing liquid flow are revealed, that is, the stretching and shearing action due to the interaction of two reflecting rarefaction waves in opposite propagating directions. The influence of container shell strength on the dispersing liquid flow is also investigated, and the characters of cavitation layered in liquid before shell rupturing are uncovered. Results revealed that different shell material results in different cavitating layers. Then the different cavitating layers drive the different dynamic liquid dispersing process coming into being. The metastable liquid states caused by pressure drop and cavi-tation generation are discussed.  相似文献   
小件空投是空降兵空投保障的重要组成部分,现已基本形成了包装——运输——装机三阶段的小件空投地面准备保障模式。简要介绍了空投小件包装、运输和装机环节,利用Extend Sim仿真软件,对影响小件空投地面准备的主要因素进行仿真。通过对仿真结果的分析,有利于在空投小件装机数量不间断的情况下,提高小件包装人员和运输车辆的利用率,辅助空投技术人员对影响空投实施的主要因素进行科学决策和统筹管理。  相似文献   
通过分析地面移动侦察系统对固定目标进行一次坐标测量时的测量过程,建立了固定目标坐标测量模型。通过对测量过程中误差传递规律的分析,导出了目标坐标测量误差的分布规律。根据坐标测量误差中各组成成分的大小,将测量误差分布规律近似成正态分布,并给出了分布参数的简化计算方法。仿真结果证实了误差分布规律近似及参数计算简化的可行性。  相似文献   
近年来,我国的“三非”问题逐渐凸显,大量“三非”人员的涌入给我国的国家尊严、国防安全、社会稳定、经济发展以及人口素质等诸多方面都带来了冲击。研究化解、预防“三非”人员,将对我国的经济发展、社会稳定具有极为重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
This report sheds new light on the CIA and US Special Forces' covert campaign alongside Afghan Northern Alliance leader General Dostum's horse-mounted Uzbeks during 2001's Operation Enduring Freedom. In 2003 and 2005 the author traveled over the Hindu Kush Mountains to the plains of Northern Afghanistan and lived with the legendary Northern Alliance opposition leader General Dostum. His aim was to recreate Dostum's campaign alongside the CIA and Special Forces to seize the holy city of Mazar i Sharif from the Taliban in November 2001. Based on interviews with Dostum and his Uzbek commanders, this article recreates this proxy offensive that saw the Northern Alliance opposition break out of the mountains, seize this shrine town and bring the Taliban house of cards falling down in a matter of weeks. Up until now the indigenous Afghan Uzbeks, who played a crucial role as a ‘boots on the ground’ fighting force for Centcom, have been cast as a mere backdrop for American heroics. Now their side of the story and their links to the mysterious shrine of Mazar i Sharif are for the first time revealed.  相似文献   
为了分析马格努斯力矩对单通道旋转弹自动驾驶仪的影响,在准弹体系下建立了旋转弹加速度反馈自动驾驶仪模型.观察了不同马格努斯力矩对自动驾驶仪的影响,并与速率陀螺反馈自动驾驶仪进行了对比.仿真结果表明了该建模分析方法的正确性,并证明了加速度反馈相对速率反馈能够有效降低马格努斯力矩对旋转导弹的干扰作用.  相似文献   
基于标准化视域的高等教育质量标准体系是参教议教、规范监督、服务社会、利益表达,是为社会发声,是高等教育质量标准体系在表达社会要求。基于标准化视域的高等教育质量标准体系本质是求同存异,即对高等教育质量有基本的标准,也要允许不同类型的高等教育差异化发展。基于标准化视域的高等教育质量标准体系通过建构时间维、逻辑维、条件维、级别维、性质维、对象维的六维一体的建设路径,打造条件维、对象维的规范机制和自我、制度、政府、社会四位一体的保障机制,来推动高等教育质量标准体系的有效运作。  相似文献   
为研究地面目标红外辐射特征,进行了室内材料测试和外场地面目标测试,分析材料材质、太阳辐射、风速、空气温湿度、自身热源等因素对地面目标红外辐射特征的影响。结果表明:材料材质对红外辐射特征影响显著;冷态时,地面目标红外辐射特征主要受太阳辐射影响,其次是空气温度、材料热容量和风速;热态时,地面目标红外辐射特征主要受工作热源影响,其次是太阳辐射、空气温度、材料热容量和风速。在进行地面目标红外隐身设计时,应考虑太阳辐射、自身热源等因素的影响,并从结构设计和材料使用两方面着手。  相似文献   
战斗机在对地/海攻击时,地/海杂波对机载火控雷达的工作效能会产生较大影响。分别针对无干扰和压制干扰条件下两类典型体制的机载火控雷达,给出地/海杂波功率的确定方法,建立了地/海杂波背景下机载火控雷达效能评估模型。通过仿真,分析了无干扰与压制干扰条件下地/海杂波对机载火控雷达工作效能的影响,为机载火控雷达技术的研究提供了一定参考。  相似文献   
用变分法研究了相对论性中子物质的基态性质.采用相对论形式的Hamiltonian、相对论性介子交换势、ψ=FΦ形式的变公函数,以及一种特定的关联函数,计算了中子物质的单粒子能量和物态方程,其结果有了明显改进.  相似文献   
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