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系统介绍了台湾海军虚拟海洋环境模拟系统中的“海底景观显示系统”主要组成及其功能,分析了国内外海洋环境仿真研究的发展动态,结合院校信息化教学建设工程提出了若干思考和建议。  相似文献   
本文对美军运用作战实验研究"网络中心战"的方法进行了归纳和分析.  相似文献   
着重阐述指挥、控制、通信对抗系统C ̄3CM的概念、定义、主要功能、担负的任务及发展趋势。同时也论述了系统的组成、作战对象及与通信对抗的关系。  相似文献   
根据第4代战斗机所具有的典型特征,建立了第4代战斗机的空战效能评估指标体系。采用区间数特征向量法确定了效能评估指标体系中的各指标的权重,给出了定量指标和定性指标的规范化方法,提出了采用区间数形式的加权和关系进行效能指标聚合的方法。最后,通过实例验证了所建立的空战效能评估指标体系的合理,评估方法的有效、可行。  相似文献   
面向信息化战争模拟的体系对抗交互模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从研究信息化战争模拟体系对抗交互模型的有关问题入手,界定了体系对抗交互概念,分析了体系对抗交互的复杂性特征及体系对抗交互作用的主要途径.在探讨体系对抗交互仿真建模内容以及与之相适应的新型建模方法的基础上,对体系对抗总体交互建模、实体交互建模、交互效果建模等问题进行了研究,并给出了有关交互模型的实例.  相似文献   
The article presents problems related to mechanical protection of vehicles with different add-on armours against chemical,biological and radiological contamination.This applies to vehicles with additional passive,reactive and hybrid protection in the form of cassettes against piercing with anti-tank pro-jectiles,piercing with their kinetic energy of impact,and as a result of chemical energy of shaped charges as well as explosively formed projectiles.It has been shown how increased ballistic protection of these vehicles at the same time reduces their decontaminability in various places of the vehicle due to the increased additional surface of the vehicle with cassettes.Prevention of contamination of these cassettes has been presented as a way of reducing hard to reach surface for decontamination and a method of insulating construction elements(stands),fixing these cassettes to the vehicle,from the environment to prevent contact with contaminated liquids and dusts.The selection of appropriate materials is shown,which may affect the improvement of the decontamination efficiency of the vehicle with such cassettes.This applies to the use of materials with low absorption of chemical warfare agents,which prevent the accumulation of large amounts of these agents on contaminated surfaces and improve the effectiveness of decontamination.It also shows how to ensure better access of the disinfectant to as much of the vehicle surface as possible,covered with cassettes that have been contaminated.It shows how a vehicle,in particular with such cassettes,can provide protection against radar detection when Radar Absorbent Material is used on vehicle cassettes.  相似文献   
This article examines the impact of parliamentary involvement in troop deployment decisions on restrictions on military mandates by examining the Belgian contribution to the 2011 Libya intervention and the coalition against the self-proclaimed Islamic State. More specifically, we analyse (1) the effect of party ideology on mandate preferences, and (2) the impact of bargaining between majority and opposition parties on the outcome of mandate negotiations. Our case study demonstrates that left-wing parties show a strong inclination toward imposing restrictions on the use of military force beyond humanitarian goals, while right-wing preferences tend to depend on the national interests at stake in the operation. With regard to majority-opposition bargaining, our study shows that the impact of opposition parties is dependent on the degree of contention between government and opposition parties, as well as on the extent to which the executive needs to seek support across its own majority.  相似文献   
摘要:在划分作战实验类别的基础上,界定了战略级推演模拟型作战实验的基本概念;从国家战略目标确立、国际局势把握、联合作战指挥人才培养的角度,阐述了战略级推演模拟型作战实验的作用及意义;从以军事战略方针为指导、与军队建设和军事作战协调发展、以作战实验机构为依托、以作战实验技术手段为支撑的角度,分析了战略级推演模拟型作战实验的基本要求;从功能结构、逻辑概念结构、运行模式的角度,进行了战略级推演模拟型作战实验室的初步设计。研究结果可为推动作战实验的创新发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   
基于多Agent的网络化舰空导弹系统协同机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对舰艇编队反导防御作战的复杂性,采用网络中心战的作战概念,分析了网络化的舰空导弹系统作战资源共享的优势.以集成火控系统(Integrated Fire Control System)的构建原理为例,描述了网络化舰空导弹系统的网格结构和特点,基于多Agent协同原理,提出了网络化的舰空导弹系统两层"混合式"协同体系结构,并对该结构的协同机制进行了研究.  相似文献   
基于效果的网络中心战模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于效果的网络中心战是利用物理域内分布式传感器网络、指挥控制网络和武器平台网络.通过网络内部以及网络之间信息域中高质量的信息共享,实现军事人员认知域态势感知共享和部队自同步,是信息时代的一种新兴的作战样式,体现了"兵力分散,效果集中"的信息化战争的作战思想.通过分析基于效果的网络中心战,建立了基于效果的网络中心战体系结构模型和未来军事行动中实施该理论的任务进程模型,对我军未来信息化作战条件下联合作战的实施具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   
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