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Using the Boko Haram terrorist group in Nigeria as a point of departure, this paper examines the implications of the operations of terrorist groups on the security and stability of states in West Africa. It predominantly utilises secondary sources of data. Findings indicate that the membership and operations of this terrorist group are spreading across the sub-region. This spread is consequent upon Boko Haram's collaboration with other terrorist groups within West Africa and beyond. This constitutes threats to the security and stability of states in the sub-region. Thus, the paper recommends, among other things: a thorough understanding of the operational strategies of terrorist groups by states and those involved in security policymaking in the sub-region; and for agreements to be reached among Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) member states and their governments for collaboration in various areas in order to curtail transnational crime and terrorism, and reduce socio-economic inequality that generates aggressive behaviours among the less privileged.  相似文献   
An agile missile with tail fins and pulse thrusters has continuous and discontinuous control inputs. This brings certain difficulty to the autopilot design and stability analysis. Indirect robust control via Theta-D technique is employed to handle this problem. An acceleration tracking system is formulated based on the nonlinear dynamics of agile missile. Considering the dynamics of actuators, there is an error between actual input and computed input. A robust control problem is formed by treating the error as input uncertainty. The robust control is equivalent to a nonlinear quadratic optimal control of the nominal system with a modified performance index including uncertainty bound. Theta-D technique is applied to solve the nonlinear optimal control problem to obtain the final control law. Numerical results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed strategy.  相似文献   
以零航路捷径下小口径舰炮弹丸对超声速反舰导弹的侵彻毁伤效果为研究方向,仿真计算了零航路捷径下小口径舰炮弹丸与超声速反舰导弹的交汇姿态,建立了反舰导弹模型,在此基础上就不同侵彻部位及交汇角度条件下小口径舰炮弹丸对超声速反舰导弹的侵彻毁伤效果进行了有限元仿真,得出了具有统计意义的仿真结果,总结了弹丸无法毁伤导弹战斗部的几点因素。研究对有效评价小口径舰炮弹丸对超声速反舰导弹的毁伤效果以及对导弹整体的易损性分析提供了理论参考。  相似文献   
针对弹道系数未知的弹道导弹再入段跟踪雷达测量数据滤波这类非线性强的滤波问题,提出可变多模型无迹卡尔曼滤波算法。利用无迹卡尔曼滤波逼近精度高,计算量小,适应于任意非线性模型的特点,将其作为多模型的基本滤波器;滤波算法根据各模型正确描述目标状态的概率,动态地改变多模型数量和模型参数。上述方法的综合运用,提高对目标状态估计精度,降低了计算的复杂度,仿真实验验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   
科学、可行的指标体系是群体性事件预警的核心。在坚持完备性与最小性原则、科学性与可行性原则、敏感性与动态性原则、全局性与针对性原则的前提下,利用层次分析法、专家调查法,构建了以边境地区经济、社会保障、公共安全维护、民族与宗教、边民心理状况以及周边环境六大因素为支撑的边境地区群体性事件预警指标内容,并形成了6个一级指标,12个二级指标,44个三级指标的边境地区群体性事件预警指标体系。  相似文献   
针对舰载雷达不能为超视距导弹提供超视距目标指示问题,分析了超视距导弹使用中的目标指示要求,结合舰载直升机性能及作战方法,运用舰艇机动学中的有关理论,建立舰载直升机引导超视距导弹攻击模型,归纳总结了计算结果,得出若干规律.为舰载直升机在超视距目标指示中的行动方法提供了理论依据和参考.  相似文献   
地空导弹弹道仿真模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地空导弹弹道仿真是地空导弹火力单元作战过程仿真的一个重要环节,仿真模型的合理性、算法的可行性、过程描述的正确性,直接影响防空作战仿真结果.从仿真的实际需要出发,给出不同引导方法下的弹道仿真模型、算法、过程描述及关键问题的解决方法,并通过实际应用验证了模型、算法的合理性、可行性和实用性.  相似文献   
从研究航空兵对地空导弹突防作战背景出发,建立了地空导弹对突防飞机的威胁评估指标体系,并运用灰色系统理论,结合非线性树形分布权值分配法的应用,构建了基于多层次灰色理论的地空导弹对突防飞机的威胁评估模型,最后通过实例,对模型的有效性进行了检验.  相似文献   
为了更可靠地跟踪高动态环境GPS信号参数,提出了一种新的适应高动态环境的GPS参数估计方法———互模糊函数方法。在假定高信噪比的条件下,推导了互模糊函数估计器的估计方差以及Cram er-Rao界,得出了采用互模糊函数法对高动态环境GPS信号的时延和多普勒频移进行联合估计是渐近无偏和渐近有效的结论。  相似文献   
实验测定了已经在南方和北方2个地区贮存5年的火箭弹动平衡速度,计算了动平衡冲量,并利用秩和检验方法对实验结果进行了处理与分析。通过实验与分析,得到了32发火箭弹的动平衡冲量,综合试验、计算和检验结果表明,贮存环境对于该火箭弹的动平衡冲量有显著影响。  相似文献   
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