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中国传统节日在高校思想政治教育中的功能与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统节日根植于中国古代农耕文化,凝结着中华民族的民族情感和民族精神,其具有的独特文化内涵是对高校大学生进行思想政治教育的宝贵资源与重要载体。本文在充分认识到中国传统节日的重要价值基础上,重点挖掘其思想政治教育功能,力求探索中国传统节日的价值在高校思想政治教育中的功能与应用。  相似文献   
与南宋思想家朱熹齐名的宋代最有成就的教育家胡瑗,不仅成功地进行了分斋教学的实践,而且对教育中许多关系问题进行了较为独特的阐述。他认为教育应该在重视博闻强识的同时,引导学生进行深刻的思考;在理论讲解的同时注意运用直观教学,以提高教学效果;在对学生进行启发诱导时,要善于运用讨论的方法,让学生们得到相互启发。此外,他还要求,教育应当处理好知识学习与礼乐公育的关系,能够让学生得到多方面的发展。  相似文献   
家庭教育投资行为决定着孩子的未来,文章通过459份问卷调查,从影响家庭投资行为的经济收入、教育投入、教育观念、教育方式、家长受教育年限、家庭子女受教育距离、子女的数量等因素进行统计分析,结果表明:家长受教育年限越长,家庭教育投资行为呈显著正相关,家庭中子女数量对家庭教育投资呈负影响。  相似文献   
高校协同创新是指高校与科研机构、企业、政府之间,围绕国家重大科技项目和各行业关键技术,投入各自优势资源,合作攻关,力求取得重大突破的创新性活动。高校协同创新具备动态性、多元性、融合性、持续性的特点。要改进和完善我国高校协同创新,需要创建良好的协同创新组织方式、培养协同创新的思想观念、形成良好的创新型人才培养机制。  相似文献   

Despite living in a nuclear-weapon state, young Americans are generally ill-informed about weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their means of control. The result is both widespread apathy toward nonproliferation and disarmament decision making among the general public and a looming personnel crisis within government sectors that enact policy in these domains. Considering that 67 percent of high school graduates in the United States go on to pursue a bachelor’s degree, exposing more undergraduates to nonproliferation and disarmament issues could contribute to addressing both of these challenges. The present study analyzes how these issues are already being taught at select US colleges and universities and explores ways to introduce them to more students that align with current priorities in higher education, such as interdisciplinary learning, digital humanities, and data-science learning. It also proposes concrete steps that the WMD policy community can take to help institutions of higher education integrate these topics more broadly into their curricula. The anticipated result is greater support for education in this important issue area across different stakeholders in academia, as well as increased engagement with these critical issues among a more diverse population of young people.  相似文献   

The threat of terrorist use of weapons of mass destruction remains a daunting concern. Governments have undertaken several initiatives at the national and international level to prevent such illicit use, yet challenges remain. Notable is the absence of a single collaborative international forum of experts dedicated solely to bioterrorism prevention. The establishment of a Bioterrorism Prevention Initiative could be a possible solution to address this gap. This article explores possibilities for such an initiative and the ways in which it could strengthen the existing bio-nonproliferation regime.  相似文献   

Malawi's political transition from single-party rule to multiparty democracy in June 1994 raised expectations for sustainable peace in the country by, among others, passing a new legal framework that provided for conflict resolution mechanisms and good governance. However, political conflicts that have posed challenges to the foundations of peace and political stability have been a characteristic of the multiparty dispensation, leading to interventions by indigenous institutions whose aim is to build peace. This paper, which is based on field research, analyses the major political conflicts that have occurred on Malawi's political scene since the 1990s. Using the Public Affairs Committee as a case study, the paper illustrates the challenges facing the indigenous conflict resolution mechanisms. It also shows that despite the political transition, the socio-political environment still exhibits political behaviour and norms formed during the 30 years of single-party rule. There is a need for capacity-building and deliberate policy to enhance the indigenous-based mechanisms in order to promote sustainable peace in the country.  相似文献   
武警院校在处突维稳、抢险救灾等应急任务中发挥着重要作用,但在实践中存在着后勤应急保障能力不足问题.分析武警院校应急保障社会化方式运用的必要性,提出具体运用对策和应注意的问题,以利于武警院校抓好应急保障能力建设,推动应急任务高质量完成.  相似文献   
当前我国社会消防安全教育主要存在观念较为陈旧、机制不够完善、内容不够全面、方法缺乏创新、教育力量薄弱等突出问题。在分析影响我国社会消防安全教育效果诸因素的基础上,提出树立科学观念、充实教育内容、探索方法手段创新、完善教育机制、健全教育队伍的对策,以逐步提升社会消防安全教育水平。  相似文献   
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