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为研究更符合实际战场环境的飞机作战生存力,以降雨这一自然环境为典型,建立了雨杂波干扰下雷达对飞机的探测概率模型以及飞机生存力模型。认为飞机的RCS是Swerling起伏目标,通过确定综合信干比和最小可检测信噪比,采用蒙特卡罗法,利用MATLAB仿真了在雨杂波干扰和杂波抑制综合作用下飞机的生存力与距离的关系,并重点讨论了雷达波长和降雨状况对飞机生存力的影响。结论认为:在S波段内,降雨使飞机的生存力有一定程度的提高,且随着降雨量的增大和敌方雷达波长的减小,飞机生存力的提高更为明显;考虑降雨状况的影响,对于飞机生存力的研究是具有一定实际意义的。  相似文献   
精确地计算武器系统对目标的毁歼概率是重要的。在对几种数值积分方案比较的基础上,证明了Gaus-Hermit数值积分方案可以最少的积分点达到最高的精度,并以此方案计算了各个参数对毁歼概率的影响  相似文献   
针对钢质油罐底板腐蚀,首先分析了油罐底板腐蚀工程检测数据的特点和腐蚀试验数据统计分析理论;然后针对工程检测信息不完全的特性,以最大腐蚀深度的预测估计为目标,建立了以轻微腐蚀面积估计来实现腐蚀概率修正估计的模型;最后利用广州等地27个罐约900条检测数据估计了油罐底板的最大腐蚀深度。其最大相对误差小于45%,约80%的相对误差优于30%。  相似文献   
针对基于网络中心与平台中心的声纳浮标组网探测问题,在分析声纳浮标瞥概率模型的基础上,建立了两种方式下声纳浮标网的发现概率计算模型,给出了评价声纳浮标网探测效能指标.最后以声纳浮标拦截阵探测为例,对基于网络中心和基于平台中心的声纳浮标网探测效能进行分析,仿真了声纳浮标布设数量与布设间距对探测效能的影响.结果表明:当声纳浮标布设数量超过一定值时,继续增加并不能使网络中心的探测效能显著增加;与平台中心探测相比,声纳浮标瞥概率为Fermi模型时,网络中心探测的优势并不显著.  相似文献   
为合理有效地评估雷达在战场上的生存能力,选取截获概率作为定量评估指标,分析了侦察截获的判断条件,根据截获条件对雷达对抗侦察系统进行功能仿真,建立了基于HLA的评估系统.通过仿真得到了对应时间的截获概率,并以此作为评估雷达生存能力的定量指标.仿真结果表明,采用这种方法得到的截获概率合理,对提高雷达生存能力有一定参考意义.  相似文献   
针对直升机载制导火箭弹特点,根据命中精度概念,分析出直升机载制导火箭命中精度的合理表示方法;考虑研制成本、试验条件等因素,提出研制阶段基于点估计和区间估计的制导火箭命中精度评定方案,并通过试验数据验证其正确性。鉴于产品批量生产交付阶段抽检质量时实弹难以统计弹着点和用弹数量有限的困难,提出了CEP评定转换为命中率考核,采用截尾序贯法,并进行优化的评定方案。  相似文献   
近十几年来,人们对机动目标的跟踪问题进行了大量研究。问题的核心是如何建立机动目标运动的数学模型。本文主要对现有的空中机动目标的数学模型进行评述和比较研究。  相似文献   
In the re-entry phase of a ballistic missile, decoys can be deployed as a mean to overburden enemy defenses. This results in a single track being split into multiple track-lets. Tracking of these track-lets is a critical task as any miss in the tracking procedure can become a cause of a major threat. The tracking process becomes more complicated in the presence of clutter. The low detection rate is one of the factors that may contribute to increasing the difficulty level in terms of tracking in the cluttered environment. This work introduces a new algorithm for the split event detection and target tracking under the framework of the joint integrated probabilistic data association (JIPDA) algorithm. The proposed algorithm is termed as split event-JIPDA (SE-JIPDA). This work establishes the mathematical foundation for the split target detection and tracking mechanism. The performance analysis is made under different simulation conditions to provide a clear insight into the merits of the proposed algorithm. The performance parameters in these simulations are the root mean square error (RMSE), confirmed true track rate (CTTR) and confirmed split true track rate (CSTTR).  相似文献   
This paper is mainly on the problem of radiation interception risk control in sensor network for target tracking. Firstly, the sensor radiation interception risk is defined as the product of the interception probability and the cost caused by the interception. Secondly, the radiation interception probability model and cost model are established, based on which the calculation method of interception risk can be obtained. Thirdly, a sensor scheduling model of radiation risk control is established, taking the minimum interception risk as the objective function. Then the Hungarian algorithm is proposed to obtain sensor scheduling scheme. Finally, simulation experiments are mad to prove the effectiveness of the methods proposed in this paper, which shows that compared with the sensor radiation interception probability control method, the interception risk control method can keep the sensor scheduling scheme in low risk as well as protect sensors of importance in the sensor network.  相似文献   
基于地空导弹(红方)对空中编队(蓝方)的拦截过程中的薄弱环节以及蓝方对红方实施的电子战措施的分析,对蓝方实施的电子战对红方拦截行动的影响进行了定量评估,得出蓝方突防概率与电子战综合作战效能之间的函数关系。仿真结果表明,对地空导弹拦截的每一环节都可以有效地实施电子战,削弱地空导弹的拦截能力。  相似文献   
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