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Cyberspace is a new domain of operation, with its own characteristics. Cyber weapons differ qualitatively from kinetic ones: They generate effects by non-kinetic means through information, technology, and networks. Their properties, opportunities, and constraints are comparable to the qualitative difference between conventional and nuclear weapons. New weapons and their target sets in a new domain raise a series of unresolved policy challenges at the domestic, bilateral, and international levels about deterrence, attribution, and response. They also introduce new risks: uncertainty about unintended consequences, expectations of efficacy, and uncertainty about both the target’s and the international community’s response. Cyber operations offer considerable benefits for states to achieve strategic objectives both covertly and overtly. However, without a strategic framework to contain and possibly deter their use, make state and non-state behavior more predictable in the absence of reciprocal norms, and limit their impact, an environment where states face persistent attacks that nonetheless fall below the threshold of armed conflict presents a policy dilemma that reinforces collective insecurity.  相似文献   
The past decade has seen substantial shifts in Swedish security policy and major change in the domestic debate about NATO. For the first time, all of the right-of-centre “alliance parties” are calling for a full NATO membership, and popular support for NATO has increased. Yet public opinion contains ambiguities and paradoxes that complicate the picture. At the same time as support for NATO has increased, the public is overwhelmingly for continued military non-alignment. Drawing on previous research, longitudinal data from national surveys, and other sources on defence and security issues, this article aims to increase our understanding of the development and change in Swedish public opinion on NATO. A key argument is that Erving Goffman’s theatre metaphor, combined with neo-institutional decoupling theory, to a large degree can help understand the public opinion paradox.  相似文献   
A dynamic multi-stage decision-theoretic approach is introduced to establish the optimal offset and its incidence, the contract price arising from bargaining, and the scale of the acquisition. A new rationale is suggested for offsets in terms of their role as an insurance devise. Results are derived for the pricing of delivery contracts subject to offset claims and their national security implications. It is shown that the national security is strictly convex in the offset transaction. As to the incidence of the offset, the offset claim is shown to be capitalised in the delivery price. The bargaining price is shown to depend on the value of the product to be delivered for the national security, the relative negotiation power of the contracting partners and the social cost of public funds. The analysis highlights the expectation effects of offsets on the bargaining price and the scale of delivery. The results aid in explaining why offsets are widely used in procurement contracts for defence materiel. As they contribute to the national security, they should be allowed to survive and not be denied under competition laws.  相似文献   
Between 2014 and 2017, no less than 10 different non-governmental organizations (NGOs) conducted maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) operations off the coast of Libya. By rescuing over 100,000 migrants in three years, these NGOs became the largest provider of SAR in the Mediterranean. The theory of institutionalism suggests that organizations conducting similar activities are likely to converge in a process of mimetic isomorphism, deliberately imitating one another to increase their effectiveness and cope with uncertainty. These 10 SAR NGOs, however, developed two different rescue models: While some rescued migrants and disembarked them in Italian ports, others only simply assisted those in distress until the arrival of another ship transporting them to land. They also cooperated with Italian and European authorities to different degrees. Why did SAR NGOs imitated many elements of existing non-governmental rescue models, but discarded some others? This article argues that differences in material capabilities and organizational role conceptions are crucial to explain why newer SAR NGOs have imitated most but not all of their predecessors’ policies, engaging in a process of “selective emulation.”  相似文献   
刘楝  孟宪民  李阳 《国防科技》2020,41(3):76-79,85
5G作为当今先进的通信技术,其广泛应用将给整个社会生产生活带来全新变革,相关技术和应用的安全问题,事关社会公共安全和军事利益安全,应纳入总体国家安全观视角下重点考量。本文主要梳理5G关键技术可能带来的网络安全风险,以及相关应用可能给网络监管带来的挑战,并从牢牢把控核心知识产权、综合构建安全保障体系、紧跟推进行业法律规范以及着力完善高效应急措施这四方面探讨相关的应对措施。  相似文献   
边境安全作为国家安全或者国土安全的重要方面,越来越多地受到各种非传统安全因素的威胁和挑战,其中,非法移民问题就是一个不可忽视的因素。非法移民的界定涵盖了“偷运移民”和“贩运人口”两种犯罪形式,并分别从结构性维度和战略性维度分析了非法移民对输出国(或地区)、输入国(或地区)和途经国(或地区)边境安全稳定的影响。  相似文献   
警卫人员道德人格具有政治性、公共性、自觉性、示范性的显著特点,其道德人格养成路径选择的原则包括:理想教育与现实关怀融合,内在修养与外在教化统一,政治修养与道德修养共进,社会、单位、家庭三者和谐等;其道德人格养成路径选择的方法包括:氛困营造法、主体实践法、心理引导法等。  相似文献   
警卫工作与新闻媒体有着广泛的联系,新闻媒体对警卫工作具有重大影响,警卫部门要科学利用新闻媒体,充分发挥其积极作用。  相似文献   
社会保障制度作为“社会安全阀”,其与社会稳定之间存在正相关关系;但在实践中,由于我国社会保障制度不健全,保障调节功能弱化,又影响了社会稳定,其与社会稳定之间存在负相关关系。因此,必须尽快建立一套完整而切实可行的社会保障制度,以保证社会的稳定与发展。  相似文献   
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