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本文结合大、中型集贸市场的特点,分析了其火灾危险性,并提出了防火对策。  相似文献   
主要就IC卡技术在我军器材保障信息管理中的初步应用,阐述了基于IC卡技术的便携式器材保障信息系统的特点和系统组成方案,并介绍了实现这种系统方案的关键技术.  相似文献   
突出主体性原则 改革成人课堂教学管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着 2 1世纪的到来 ,提高成人教育教学质量已经成为社会所关注的焦点。而成人教学改革的最后落脚点必然是课堂教学。课堂教学管理活动要取得最佳效益必须突出主体性原则。管理者 (教师 )、被管理者(学生 )和教学环境是影响课堂管理效益的主要因素。突出成人课堂教学管理的主体性原则 ,就必须对教师的人性观及管理思想、成人学生的学习特点及影响其学习主动性的因素 ,课堂管理内外环境的互动对成人课堂教学的影响等问题做深入研究  相似文献   
装备物资供应链构建初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从供应链及供应链管理理论的思想角度出发 ,构建了装备物资供应链的结构模型 ,分析了其所具有的一些基本特征 ,为装备物资供应的胜利实施提供了一个新的思考方向  相似文献   
坚持从严治党,必须建设一支高标准的领导干部队伍,把好新任领导干部的选拔任用关.同时,要认真做好在职领导干部的管理监督工作,做到思想政治教育到位,强化党内监督到位,组织协调配合到位,制度建设落实到位.  相似文献   
消防部队基层干部面临个体需求与现实满足存在较大差距时出现的心理问题,受个体与周围环境因素的影响。面对心理问题,在重视部队传统教育的基础上,大胆借鉴现代企业管理经验和理念,充分利用压力的正效应,结合物质鼓励和精神激励,合理疏导,妥善处理。  相似文献   
沉浸式虚拟维修环境下,物体间发生穿越的碰撞问题可以分为3类:1点接触,2点接触和3点及3点以上接触。采用改变碰撞物体的运动方向和距离的方式来避免物体间穿越现象的发生。并以实例的方式对其有效性进行了验证。  相似文献   
装备管理信息化建设是国防信息化建设中的重要环节,我军要完成机械化和信息化建设的双重历史任务,实现现代化的跨越式发展,就必须加快装备管理信息化建设的步伐.为此,我们从信息化战争呼唤装备管理信息化、信息化建设对我军装备管理信息化的推进、我军装备管理信息化的现状及解决存在问题的对策等方面,进行了阐述和研究.  相似文献   
In this article, we explore when firms have an incentive to hide (or reveal) their capacity information. We consider two firms that aim to maximize profits over time and face limited capacity. One or both of the firms have private information on their own capacity levels, and they update their beliefs about their rival's capacity based on their observation of the other firm's output. We focus on credible revelation mechanisms—a firm may signal its capacity through overproduction, compared to its myopic production levels. We characterize conditions when high‐capacity firms may have the incentive and capability to signal their capacity levels by overproduction. We show that prior beliefs about capacity play a crucial, and surprisingly complex, role on whether the firm would prefer to reveal its capacity or not. A surprising result is that, despite the fact that it may be best for the high‐capacity firm to overproduce to reveal its capacity when capacity information is private, it may end up with more profits than if all capacity information were public knowledge in the first place. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2013  相似文献   
We consider a generalization of the well‐known generalized assignment problem (GAP) over discrete time periods encompassed within a finite planning horizon. The resulting model, MultiGAP, addresses the assignment of tasks to agents within each time period, with the attendant single‐period assignment costs and agent‐capacity constraint requirements, in conjunction with transition costs arising between any two consecutive periods in which a task is reassigned to a different agent. As is the case for its single‐period antecedent, MultiGAP offers a robust tool for modeling a wide range of capacity planning problems occurring within supply chain management. We provide two formulations for MultiGAP and establish that the second (alternative) formulation provides a tighter bound. We define a Lagrangian relaxation‐based heuristic as well as a branch‐and‐bound algorithm for MultiGAP. Computational experience with the heuristic and branch‐and‐bound algorithm on over 2500 test problems is reported. The Lagrangian heuristic consistently generates high‐quality and in many cases near‐optimal solutions. The branch‐and‐bound algorithm is also seen to constitute an effective means for solving to optimality MultiGAP problems of reasonable size. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   
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