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Motivated by the presence of loss‐averse decision making behavior in practice, this article considers a supply chain consisting of a firm and strategic consumers who possess an S‐shaped loss‐averse utility function. In the model, consumers decide the purchase timing and the firm chooses the inventory level. We find that the loss‐averse consumers' strategic purchasing behavior is determined by their perceived gain and loss from strategic purchase delay, and the given rationing risk. Thus, the firm that is cognizant of this property tailors its inventory stocking policy based on the consumers' loss‐averse behavior such as their perceived values of gain and loss, and their sensitivity to them. We also demonstrate that the firm's equilibrium inventory stocking policy reflects both the economic logic of the traditional newsvendor inventory model, and the loss‐averse behavior of consumers. The equilibrium order quantity is significantly different from those derived from models that assume that the consumers are risk neutral and homogeneous in their valuations. We show that the firm that ignores strategic consumer's loss‐aversion behavior tends to keep an unnecessarily high inventory level that leads to excessive leftovers. Our numerical experiments further reveal that in some extreme cases the firm that ignores strategic consumer's loss‐aversion behavior generates almost 92% more leftovers than the firm that possesses consumers’ loss‐aversion information and takes it into account when making managerial decisions. To mitigate the consumer's forward‐looking behavior, we propose the adoption of the practice of agile supply chain management, which possesses the following attributes: (i) procuring inventory after observing real‐time demand information, (ii) enhanced design (which maintains the current production mix but improves the product performance to a higher level), and (iii) customized design (which maintains the current performance level but increases the variety of the current production line to meet consumers’ specific demands). We show that such a practice can induce the consumer to make early purchases by increasing their rationing risk, increasing the product value, or diversifying the product line. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 435–453, 2015  相似文献   
介绍了舰用计算机局部网络通信协议的设计,重点描述了设计中为提高实时性和可靠性所采用的一些具体技术措施,其中包括:简化ISO/OSI—RM 参考模型,并与IEEE8024标准协议兼容,采用VLSI 技术设计网络接口卡。同时,对其中一些关键技术,如逻辑环的建立与维护、信息的优先级发送与实时响应、数据缓冲区的结构与管理都作了说明。  相似文献   
本文采用硅烷类和钛酸酯类偶联剂对固体推进剂中的硝酸铵填料进行表面改性。改性后的硝酸铵接触角增大,表面张力降低且具有明显的疏水性。并证实偶联剂可以增强填料与粘结体系之间的界面相互作用。  相似文献   
针对传统舰炮武器对岸射击最后准备人机交互操作复杂、时间长、操控要求高、难以满足作战快速性要求等缺点,建立了直接操控的人机交互模型应用于舰炮对岸射击准备。图形可视化仿真结果证明,直接操控的人机交互具有流程清晰易懂,操控简单、准确、高效的优点,能够大幅降低操控负荷,提高快速反应能力、战术使用灵活性和舰炮作战效能。  相似文献   
采用Osher Chakraverthy的TVD格式、Baldwin Lomax湍流模型和LU SSOR隐式方法求解了完全NS方程 ,数值模拟了三维高超音速绕流与横向喷流干扰流场。并在高超音速炮风洞中开展了喷流实验研究 ,对该喷流流场的数值计算结果进行实验验证  相似文献   
采用基于COM技术的软件设计方法 ,对数控系统软件进行模块化开发 ,模块间的通信问题是关键。应用COM技术中的“事件”和“事件槽”方式实现了客户组件模块与服务器之间、客户组件模块之间的通信。这为开放式数控系统软件设计中通信问题的解决提供了一种新的软件方法  相似文献   
不同增强体镁基复合材料的阻尼性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究了短切碳纤维、碳化硅晶须、硼酸铝晶须为增强体的镁基复合材料在外加载荷下的阻尼性能,测量了它们的力学性能与断口特性。研究表明:增强体不同的镁基复合材料,阻尼性能不同;在所研究的几种增强体复合材料中,以短切碳纤维增强镁基复合材料的阻尼效果最好;短切碳纤维增强铁基复合材料界面对内耗有明显的影响。  相似文献   
近年来,多点交互和多模态融合的力触觉再现系统由于能够进一步提高人机交互的真实感,已经成为该领域的研究热点.基于Leap Motion的多手指位置检测模块、振动触觉再现模块、NRF51822蓝牙通信模块、视觉再现模块和CHAI3D构建的虚拟环境等,设计实现了多点自然交互的、触觉和视觉相融合多模态触觉再现系统.为了验证系统...  相似文献   
蛋白质相互作用网络的几种聚类方法综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
蛋白质相互作用网络是后基因组时代系统生物学研究的重要内容.针对蛋白质相互作用网络中的聚类问题,介绍了几种代表性的聚类分析方法,初步分析了这些方法的特点,指出了当前研究工作的困难与挑战,并对今后的研究方向作了展望.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种新的底部带姿控发动机的飞行器气动力计算方法。该方法将S.C.Ward的工程方法与作者近年来发展起来的底部带横向喷流的超音速强干扰流场的轴对称数值模拟方法有机地结合在一起,能给出喷流产生的包括直接、间接两部分在内的总推力和附加的俯仰力矩系数和偏航力矩系数。与无喷射的情形相比,底部阻力系数C_D减小了。  相似文献   
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