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长期以来,中国经济理论界绝大多数人受传统政治经济学教科书束缚,对剩余价值范畴存在错误认识。笔者以马克思的有关经典论述为依据,结合经济生活的实际,对传统剩余价值范畴进行深入思考,在此基础上重新探讨剩余价值的科学范畴,以澄清人们的模糊认识。  相似文献   
研究了一种基于神经网络训练修改权值的加权M距离法用于雷达信号的识别,通过仿真试验验证了此法的正确性和有效性,并对试验结果进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   
针对有限数量机载雷达目标覆盖价值问题,建立了机载雷达载机待选轨道中心点(COCP)概念;分析了COCP和目标点之间的关系,给出了有限数量机载雷达目标覆盖价值问题的数学模型。通过分析有限规模COCP集合的方法,建立了多个机载雷达部署约束条件的数学模型。通过对COCP集合和目标点集合进行约束排除和聚类,简化了研究问题。总结出了有限数量机载雷达目标覆盖价值数学模型的最优解和启发式次优解,实例仿真结果表明该模型和算法的有效性。  相似文献   
公安边防部队院校学员核心价值观的培育是一项长远的任务,通过政治教育打牢思想理论基础,通过两个"经常性工作"不断加强日常养成,通过反复的实践活动检验和升华学员的核心价值观,为学员全面发展和将来更好地履行使命提供强大的精神力量。  相似文献   
地面防空混编群中的骨干型火力单位具有作战空域大、具备同时攻击多个目标的能力,是混编群作战体系的主体,担负着对重要目标的抗击任务。其配置将直接影响作战任务,而对其地域选择是火力单位配置的关键环节。首先分析了影响骨干型火力单位地域选择的因素,其次针对其不确定性及权重难以确定的问题,基于改进的MADM算法建立了地面防空兵混编群骨干型火力单位配置地域优选模型,最后给出该算法的实例分析。  相似文献   
MacGregor and Harris (J Quality Technol 25 (1993) 106–118) proposed the exponentially weighted mean squared deviation (EWMS) and the exponentially weighted moving variance (EWMV) charts as ways of monitoring process variability. These two charts are particularly useful for individual observations where no estimate of variability is available from replicates. However, the control charts derived by using the approximate distributions of the EWMS and EWMV statistics are difficult to interpret in terms of the average run length (ARL). Furthermore, both control charting schemes are biased procedures. In this article, we propose two new control charts by applying a normal approximation to the distributions of the logarithms of the weighted sum of chi squared random variables, which are respectively functions of the EWMS and EWMV statistics. These new control charts are easy to interpret in terms of the ARL. On the basis of the simulation studies, we demonstrate that the proposed charts are superior to the EWMS and EWMV charts and they both are nearly unbiased for the commonly used smoothing constants. We also compare the performance of the proposed charts with that of the change point (CP) CUSUM chart of Acosta‐Mejia (1995). The design of the proposed control charts is discussed. An example is also given to illustrate the applicability of the proposed control charts. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2009  相似文献   
信息化战场反装甲目标层出不穷,指挥员决策难度增大。针对反装甲目标信息的复杂性,应用模糊多属性决策理论,提出坦克分队进攻战斗中敌反装甲目标战场价值评估的方法。并通过确定各决策因素指标值和计算加权值,构建价值评估多属性决策模型,快速有效地确定分队本级范畴内的敌反装甲目标的战场价值,有利于分队指挥员迅速果断地实现其作战指挥决策。  相似文献   
依据白噪声小波变换性态与信号奇异性相比具有显著不同的特点,在大尺度下设置阈值,去掉噪声信号而保留图像细节信号引起的模极大值点。在阈值设置问题上,采用自适应阈值的方法,克服单一阈值不能在每级尺度上将信号与噪声作最大分离的缺点。实验表明,与单一阈值去噪方法相比,该方法不仅可以保留图像边缘信息,而且能提高去噪后图像的峰值信噪比2~5 dB。  相似文献   
建立了评价优选部队编制方案的数据包络分析(DEA)模型,该模型测算了各备选编制方案的总体效率、技术效率、规模效率等状况,对非DEA有效的编制方案提出了使其达到DEA有效的途径,给出了各备选编制方案的初排序.在此基础上,通过比较各有效备选编制方案平均横切效率的大小,得到所有备选编制方案的终排序.并就部队编制方案制定.提出了若干建议供决策部门参考.  相似文献   
We consider the scheduling of large‐scale projects to maximize the project net present value given temporal and resource constraints. The net present value objective emphasizes the financial aspects of project management. Temporal constraints between the start times of activities make it possible to handle practical problem assumptions. Scarce resources are an expression of rising cost. Since optimization techniques are not expedient to solve such problems and most heuristic methods known from literature cannot deal with general temporal constraints, we propose a new bidirectional priority‐rule based method. Scheduling activities with positive cash flows as early and activities with negative cash flows as late as possible results in a method which is completed by unscheduling techniques to cope with scarce resources. In a computational experiment, we compare the well‐known serial generation scheme where all activities are scheduled as early as possible with the proposed bidirectional approach. On the basis of a comprehensive data set known from literature containing instances with up to 1002 activities, the efficiency of the new approach is demonstrated. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2003  相似文献   
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