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提高空军C3I系统指挥控制能力的关键手段之一是实现对大规模空中编队指挥引导的自动化。提出了实现智能指挥引导系统的总体结构,构建了规则库、模型库,分析了指挥引导规则的优化方法。在空军大规模仿真系统中的运行结果证明,该模型设计正确合理。  相似文献   
作为衡量教学成功与否的主要依据和手段,教学评估体系将评估考核的信息及时地反馈到教学的每个环节,对大学英语教学的实施具有很强的导向和质量监控作用。结合教学理论和实践,建立和完善科学合理的教学及评估体系,对大学英语教学质量进行有效监控,使评估更好地促进教学。  相似文献   
大气层内燃气动力与气动力复合控制方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对采用燃气动力(直接力)与气动力复合控制技术的控制方式、姿控发动机控制周期、点火逻辑及姿控发动机启控策略等进行了初步探讨。重点对采用燃气动力/气动力复合控制方式中舵系统的工作模式进行了探讨及仿真研究,对姿控发动机控制周期及控制回路工作周期对制导精度的影响进行了初步仿真研究。通过仿真研究表明:在末制导阶段,采用燃气动力/气动力复合控制方式可提高导弹的快速性,进而提高导弹的制导控制精度。  相似文献   
每一种文化都有其独特的价值体系,文化的各个层面都受到价值体系的内在制约,价值体系在文化中处于核心地位.当前我们以社会主义核心价值体系引领思想文化建设,体现了我们党在全面推进中国特色社会主义伟大事业进程中高度的文化自觉.社会主义核心价值体系建设增强了民族认同,提升了文化软实力,凸显了文化传承与创新,促进了文化整合.  相似文献   
水声环境对于吊放声纳搜潜效果影响很大,以往的水声环境对吊声探测影响建模尚未涉及吊声立体探测域,不能为吊声搜潜战术研究提供有效支撑。在对声传播损失、海洋环境噪声和混响进行深入分析和建模的基础上,根据吊声探测机理建立了主动探测概率模型,仿真分析了吊声主动探测概率的三维空间分布,并提出了吊声搜潜战术应以三维非连续探测域为基础,结合战法实验等新手段进行不确定性研究的建议。  相似文献   
本研究通过问卷调查了新疆地区252名中小学少数民族双语教师的组织承诺现状。研究结果显示,新疆少数民族中小学双语教师的组织承诺总体较高,其中感情承诺、规范承诺、理想承诺和民族认同承诺均高于一般水平,而经济承诺和机会承诺均低于一般水平。在人口变量上表现如下特点:(1)男性的经济承诺显著高于女性,其他维度及总分上男女无显著差异;(2)不同民族的双语教师的组织承诺总分及各维度均无显著差异;(3)中专学历的双语教师的理想承诺显著高于大专及本科学历的双语教师,组织承诺总分及其他维度上均无学历上的显著差异;(4)重点学校双语教师的民族认同承诺及组织承诺总分均显著高于一般学校的双语教师;其他维度上无显著差异。  相似文献   
动物营养与饲料学实验以设计性、综合性实验为主,注重学生综合技能的培养。试验内容涉及面广,步骤复杂,操作难度较大。针对少数民族学生在实践教学过程中存在的问题,我们在了解少数民族学生特点的基础上,通过运用实验前的充分准备、实验教学方法的改进以及整个实验过程的严格把控,提高实验教学质量。  相似文献   
From the late 1970s and until the end of the Cold War, the ‘High North’ constituted a central theatre for military forces. Extensive NATO preparations were made, a solid infrastructure developed in northern Norway, and frequent and large-scale exercises were carried out. These developments, from the late 1970s, were much discussed by scholars and strategists. However, the change of perception, laying the foundation for the military build-up, had actually occurred a decade earlier, in the late 1960s. This change has not yet been given its rightful attention, partly because the relevant documents have only recently become available. This essay takes the chronology of events back into the 1960s and to NATO's secret discussions between the national Ministers of Defence and Chiefs of Staff. The most significant turning-points were the Flexible Response strategy of 1967; SACLANT's concern over increased Soviet naval activity and his ‘Maritime Strategy’ studies of 1965 and 1967; NATO's awakening to the Soviet SSBN threat in 1967; and the concept of ‘External Reinforcement of the Flanks’ of 1968 – finally followed by the ‘Brosio Study’ (named after the then NATO Secretary-General) of 1969. As a consequence of these developments NATO's ‘tactical northern flank’ was set to become an independent strategic theatre.  相似文献   
The premise of most Western thinking on counterinsurgency is that success depends on establishing a perception of legitimacy among local populations. The path to legitimacy is often seen as the improvement of governance in the form of effective and efficient administration of government and public services. However, good governance is not the only basis for claims to legitimacy, especially in environments where ethnic or religious identities are politically salient. Some experience in Iraq suggests that in environments where such identities are contested, claims to legitimacy may rest primarily on the identity of who governs, rather than on how whoever governs, governs. This article outlines the intellectual foundations of existing policy and doctrine on counterinsurgency, and argues that development and analysis of counterinsurgency strategy would benefit from a greater focus on the role of ethnic and religious identity in irregular warfare.  相似文献   
<正>《林教头风雪山神庙》(见高中语文第四册)的“风雪”描写向来为人称道,其中关于“酒”的细节描写,却为人所忽视;至于“火”的描写,论者虽不少,但也只是在分析情节时一笔带过.笔者认为,“酒”、“火”同“风雪”一样,都是施耐庵苦心经营且独具匠心的象征物.本文试略作分析,以祈向同行请教.  相似文献   
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